Productivity has barely grown in the UK since the financial crisis and now lags 35% behind Germany and 30% behind the US
The shortfall in productivity compared with other developed economies has long been Britain’s economic achilles heel. It is a problem that Conservative and Labour chancellors have been grappling with for decades.
Productivity is a guide to how good a country is at delivering the goods and services that are bought and sold. Technically it is the rate of output per unit of input measured per worker or by the number of hours worked. In layman’s terms it is a measure of what goes in and what comes out.
AgeOfDissent 4d ago
What is productivity and why is the UK's so poor?
How can the UK's bosses expect high productivity from their employees when they pay as little as they can get away with. An old saying was 'a fair day's pay for a fair day's work' and it is still true.
Andrew Mwah AgeOfDissent 4d ago
and if you pay peanuts.....
rd232 AgeOfDissent 4d ago
There's a bit of that "we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us" possibly made worse by British management's famous short-termism which favours squeezing workers over investment.
JosefKK rd232 4d ago
"they pretend to pay us SO we pretend to work"
DT48 4d ago
I only have recent experience in retail and cleaning work. My experience is that the management was appalling.
In retail it was massively disorganised. Training consisted of 'stand there and watch them then copy them'. No technology worked properly (e.g. handheld terminals). Goods were not recorded properly or stored properly. Stock control was abysmal to non-existent. Stock losses through breakage and not even being put out on the shop floor were enormous. There was no diligence anywhere along the line. A useless manager would be shipped to another branch and another useless manager shipped in. Workers would be taken for granted or abused and expected to make themselves available 24/7/364 for a 12 hour a week contract. Any bonuses were funded by a cut elsewhere.
In cleaning don't even be expected to be given sufficient time or materials to do the job properly. Spent hours messing around getting broken non-maintained non-PAT tested machinery or removing dirt from hoover bags because you have no more hoover bags or removing rubbish from a bin by hand because you have no bin bags.
If other industries are like this I'm not surprised productivity is broken. If these were my businesses I would have gone ape about the way they are run but their priorities clearly lay elsewhere than providing a good service or safe environment for employees.
paddyd2009 DT48 4d ago
A very useful and insightful contribution!
wishawhillbill DT48 4d ago
Please accept the "Post of the Day"award. Excellent insight I see it every day.
blackglass DT48 4d ago
Other industries are like this and have been for all the decades I have been part of the workforce. There is a lack of investment in equipment and people. I have worked in companies that refused point blank to sanction ongoing training of staff during quiet periods. I have known workers to come in early and improve their skills in their own time to allow them to do a better job.
Meanwhile companies have employed less experienced or less able workers because they can pay less regardless of lower productivity and losses through errors. The only difference is among the executives where rewards continue to rise because "you've got to pay to get the best people".
There is a terrible short-termism in business in this country no future planning no contingency planning cut costs regardless of the quality of the product. Management have no interest in hearing about potential problems or suggestions for improving output - god forbid workers are represented on boards it's not as if they have any interest in companies improving
在这个国家,商业人士展现出可怕的鼠目寸光,没有针对未来的规划,没有削减成本的应急计划,更别提产品的质量了。 管理层没有兴趣真正聆听潜在的问题或改善产品的建议,大股东禁止工人代表在董事会发声,但这些肉食者并不像工人一样对于改进公司真的有兴趣。
Four companies I have worked for no longer exist because of this attitude and I am just one person.
failed 4d ago
weak trade unxs and greater availability of cheap labour from overseas mean that British bosses have it easy and don't need to bother about improving productivity
ClareM42 failed 4d ago
Trade unxs only cover public sector workers who do NOT work for productivity or profit
unxs do not exist for commercial workers!!! The issue of pay wouldn't be such a problem if they did!!!
工会不为商业工人服务! 如果是的话,工资问题不会是这样!
Glenn Middleton failed 4d ago
And if Trade unxs fought the introduction of technology people like you would have a point.
The Dockers unxs tried to stop containers being used in this country the result it happened away.
Steve Jones Glenn Middleton 4d ago
Because you can never halt the advance of technology and demanding unless you're in a protected employment area like the house of lords.
kristinezkochanski 4d ago
Poor productivity is nearly always a consequence of poor management. It is their job to invest in the people the skills the technology & the processes & if they don't do that then they can't expect productivity to match that of other organisations which do.
And the reason why management in Britain has such a poor record is because it is far too top down. Workers are simply not involved in decision making as they are in other countries such as Germany where productivity is far higher.
This is not rocket science.
foolisholdman kristinezkochanski 3d ago
No it's not rocket science but in my experience in Britain scientists of any sort are very seldom appointed to managerial position. The people who are appointed lack the training in any skill that would enable them to realise what their problem is. So of course they blame the workers. Or the unxs. Or both.
Shawshanks foolisholdman 2d ago
The culture of collaboration between management and workers in the British workplace is virtually non-existent.
ClareM42 4d ago
It's not just an issue of pay but also of abuse through insecure and unpredictable work contracts.
Employers now have maximum capability to cut down their workforce costs through the financially abusive zero hours contracts. New employees can be forced to accept them or be refused the employment offer. Week after week no confirmation ever given of any future income or length of contract none of the same employment rights as permanent staff. You can be finished 'in a click'.
Productivity is directly lixed to employee motivation. If the Tories really want to encourage motivation then eliminate ALL employment abuse.
chelsea55 ClareM42 4d ago
No sane employer would risk losing quality personnel. The solution for workers wanting secure employment is to make themselves sufficiently valuable ie it's down to them.
DT48 chelsea55 4d ago
I work very hard much harder than most people I work with and I do a better job. Not once has anyone offered me a pay rise or better conditions. In low paid work nobody has any value because we are easily replaced and nobody actually cares if their replacement doesn't do such a good job.
Bizarre but true.
risennorth DT48 4d ago
Leaving the EU will solve this problem.
pharos 4d ago
What is really depressing is that we are still repeating the nonsense that productivity is about "working hard ".
Productivity is about investing to enable the workforce to produce more for less. As long as our priority is to divert profits to shareholders rather than towards reinvestment we will remain behind.
I learned this in the British machine tool industry in the sixties and fuck all has changed in the intervening fifty years.
我从六十年的英国机械工具工业的工作生涯中得知这些。FUCK 所有的事情都已经发生了改变在这五十年里。
pharos pharos 4d ago
Apart that is from the inevitable disappearance of the British machine tool industry.
yup yup pharos 4d ago
nooo shit ... let's see what happened in the last fifty years:
CAD Digital tooling machines internet countless new materials ( today's planes and cars are about 30% lighter for the same design than those in seventies ) robots 3D printing ...
as you can see fuck all has changed in the last fifty years.
no. bad productivity boils down to bad management ...
pharos yup yup 3d ago
Sorry you misinterpreted my point. Technology has of course changed. Prioritising short term money for shareholders over long term investment sadly has not. That said I don't disagree British management is a significant factor. Arts degrees and MBAs have a lot to answer for.
Jonathan Lealand 4d ago
The simple explanation is that the Tories (and another party that gravitated towards Tory-style politics when it was in government) have created a low-wage low-skill country and decimated education and other public services. Low productivity is merely one of the repercussions.
If you are a worker there is no worse country to live in Western Europe. You are on average likely to be overworked for less money have less benefits less trade unx protection less worker's rights experience worse services.
That's Toryism.
SteveEU Jonathan Lealand 4d ago
Welcome to the UK of the 21s Century
PadraigSeamusBalling Jonathan Lealand 4d ago
Also the wilful stupidity and anti intellectualism of these islands.
JosefKK PadraigSeamusBalling 4d ago
C P Snow's 'Two Cultures' still rules supreme mainly in the England part of UK.
史诺(C.P Snow)的经典之作《两种文化》(Two Cultures)依旧主宰着英国的英格兰地区。
Try being introduced at a social party as an Engineer in Germany and England (sic).
Germany = 'Heir Doctor Engineer Josef KK pleased to meet you.
德国= 继承者医生机械师 约瑟夫kk 很高兴见到你
England = How quaint may I inspect your fingernails before I shake hands?
英格兰 = 哇,你的指甲多漂亮吖,在我握手之前能不能仔细端详一下?
Or perhaps you'd like to put on these white cotton gloves?
Ice_man87gt 4d ago
My Name is David Holt a British Citizen.
我的名字是David Holt 一个英国公民。
I am very proud to say this and it is as follows;
The United Kingdom is a shit-hole and at any opportunity anyone has to leave the country. Fucking take-it and do-it. The country is going downhill with a tory government.
英联邦是一堆屎坑 ,所有人都千方百计离开这个国家。去他妈做这做那。这个国家在保守主义的政府领导下在走下坡路。