唐纳德·特朗普的国防部长表示,华盛顿将参与日本和北京关于钓鱼岛冲突的日本防御, 对此, 中国指责美国将亚太安全置于危险之中。英国网友:才当了十天的总统,特朗普所做的决策就已经导致对也门境内基地组织据点展开的突袭行动中有一名海军海豹突击队员丧生,而现在他又派“疯狗”马蒂斯来挑起冲突。
China has accused the US of putting the stability of the Asia-Pacific at risk after Donald Trump’s defence secretary said Washington would come to Japan’s defence in the event of a conflict with Beijing over the disputed Senkaku islands.
唐纳德·特朗普的国防部长表示,华盛顿将参与日本和北京关于钓鱼岛冲突的日本防御, 对此, 中国指责美国将亚太安全置于危险之中。
James Mattis on a two-day visit to Japan said the islands which are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China fell within the scope of the Japan-US security treaty under which Washington is obliged to defend all areas under Japanese administrative control.
underbussen 2m ago
So basically just more of the same the US even under Obama has been right in China's face for years Trump and Mattis are merely doing what previous administrations did before them. This is nothing new.
Ahmad_Zakariah 4m ago
There won't be any conflict in the South China Sea if Beijing behaved itself and stopped reclaiming any reefs or sandbars as its own. Only a belligerent bully would subscribe to using force to enforce its so-called rights.
If China wants to assert its rights to the South China Sea then it is also right for Taiwan and Tibet to assert their right to be independent.
Mike Baker 4m ago
Another in the predictably pathetic image of the Republican chickenhawk. Nixon Reagan Bush the Second Cheney Romney McConnell ... and now impossibly someone worse than all of them put together. What is it about draft dodgers that they can wince at a self-inflicted shaving cut but not lose a moment's sleep over their own - usually young - countrymen getting limbs ripped off halfway around the world?
BTW and IMO the ideal war would feature One Percenters sh!tt!ng themselves out on the front lines. That'd be the war to end all wars but alas the way of the world is to send the underclasses off to the meat grinders.
When I see old loudmouth goofs like Trump I'm thinking poster boy for Depends. A yellow fink if ever there was one.
Cirilo77 5m ago
Yes china whatever whatever. Shame there are no comments these days on the real stories for example that juge blocking Trump's idiotic ruling hahahahahahaha dumbass his presidency is unraveling
中国要怎么就怎样咯,可耻啊这几天在 real stories上 都没有评论,比如关于川普的sb封锁判决,哈哈哈哈,他的总统位子药丸
Bearmuchly 5m ago
This posturing by the old and the rising superpower is sickening.
By fuelling nationalist sentiment appeasing domestic failures by
focussing attention on external matters appealing to base sentiments
such as fear and division and whipping up contrived threats "injustices"
and perceived slights to national egos we see the folly of history
repeating itself !
This is about hegemony and economics and the necessity of projecting
these globally to preserve domestic political power.
The various superpowers we have witnessed rising and falling over the last
few centuries have all engaged in such idiotic pursuits........it has always
ended in tears and usually for the poor bastards watching from the sidelines.
As Shakespeare wrote........a pox on both your houses.
Kaycee88 7m ago
Just about 10 days into his presidency his decision caused the death of one navy seal member in an insertion in an alqaeda strong hole in Yemen & now sending a mad dog to instigate a fight.
geofffrey 8m ago
After 4 years of Orange Man the World is definitely going to be different.
Heh heh heh.
sayitisntsojoe 10m ago
we should all thank god that nasty warmongering hillary didnt get elected
she was sure to start a war
once again the yanks show the world how clever they are
geofffrey 13m ago
There is certainly war tension in the air.
The last time I felt it was the Cuban Missile Crisis.
dylan37 geofffrey 5m ago
You can't have been paying attention then. This mini-stand off with China over these islands has been going on for years. It didn't just start with the inauguration of the new Wrestler-in-Chief. Obama has made many similar noises to China.
1746 15m ago
It has to be said that for too long China has been allowed to behave in inappropriate ways both in the China Sea the suppression of civil rights and it's trading methods.
geofffrey 1746 11m ago
And humiliating Taiwan.
If Trump recognized Taiwan as a state- now that I would applaud.
如果川普承认台湾是一个国家 - 我现在就鼓掌。
JN84 1746 7m ago
"It has to be said that for too long China has been allowed to behave in inappropriate ways"
That's true of all the most powerful states in the world and above all the US with it's continual war-mongering.
Peter Gunn 15m ago
“Any attack on the United States or our allies will be defeated
The US just elected a groping thief as president.It already has been defeated
GeorgeKWindsor 17m ago
Chinas definition of security is what China wants. Insecurity anything that provides an obstacle to China getting what it wants. And the Guardian faithfully provides the anti-Trump headline.
ChrisD58 18m ago
Trump in charge means China will have to start treading A LOT more carefully.
He is an unstable unpredictable 'toys out of the cot' bully who WON'T back down too often.
God help not just China but all of us if they push too hard.