The Chinese flotilla arrived at the start of August more than 300 fishing boats escorted by 15 vast coastguard ships some of them armed. They circled theSenkaku Islands for a week drifting into and out of Japanese territorial waters as Tokyo’s own coastguard played cat and mouse with the intruders.
Then they were gone but the message they left behind was clear. China had upped the stakes again in a simmering territorial dispute that has made the southern tip of Japan’s island archipelago one of the most dangerous places in the region.
Ishigaki Island does not look like a frontline. Japan’s own tropical idyll, it is a sleepy place of pineapple fields and mango orchards, where thousands of tourists potter along white sand beaches and scuba dive in crystal clear seas. Yet this tiny dot on the edge of the Pacific is the closest Japanese town to the uninhabited but fiercely disputed Senkaku Islands, once inhospitable home to a tuna processing factory, now abandoned but key to lucrative fishing grounds, oil and gas fields and a strategic shipping route.
Under other circumstances the rocky outcrops – their name means sharp pavilions – would have only a unique species of mole as their sole claim for international attention. But their location and competing claims of ownership from China Japan and Taiwan have made them a potential flashpoint for war and focus of extreme anxiety from Tokyo to Washington.
bebilzebub 49m ago
The fact this is represented as regional issue is a distortion. This is about the US trying to contain China. Check out where the US have military bases e.g. Japan and South Korea. They have effectively encircled China. Of course China will try and respond in kind with its own far more limited militarisation. Wherever you see the word 'Japan' subsitute that for 'US'. That is not to downplay the historic animosity and the fact both China and Japan manipulate nationalist feeling against each other to bolster the positions of their governments. But these countries would be better able to come to a mutually beneficial understanding if the US wasn't lurking in the background playing divide and rule. And allegedly carrying out mass surveillance in Japan I might add.
Pugnamus_Amo_Leo 1h ago
Imperial Japan 1937. Totalitarian China 2017. Two sides of the same coin
jacknbox Pugnamus_Amo_Leo 45m ago
You can say that after devastating Chinese nuclear attacks killed 30 million Japanese but not before that. For now it is just the musing of a quarter-witted chicken little.
Gordomania 2h ago
China has a lot of disagreements with other countries. Shame on them for not letting China have its own way.
Oskar Jaeger 4h ago
Call it what you like what we are witnessing today is China's creeping invasion of its smaller and weaker neighbouring countries. Gone is the idealism of immediately after WW2 when the UN was established.
Every day this century is looking more and more like the 19th one.
James Lohe 6h ago
The Taiwanese are just as vociferous about the sovereignty of what they call the Diaoyu Islands. Anyway Japan is quite a hypocrite. Pot kettle black.
batson 7h ago
In the Cairo Declaration of 1943 China and its allies agreed the return of Taiwan to China as a war obxtive. Japan formally renounced its claim to sovereignty over Taiwan in 1952.
China’s Ming Dynasty controlled the islands. The Qing placed them under the jurisdiction of Taiwan. In defeat China ceded Taiwan together with the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands to Japan in May 1895. The Cairo and Potsdam Declaration called for the return of the islands. “All the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese... shall be restored to the Republic of China.” The fact that the US failed to do so was a mistake. Washington’s about face was the result of the communist victory on the mainland in 1949.
As one of the allied nations in World War Two the position of both the PRC and the ROC has merit. The allied declarations at Cairo and Potsdam are the basis for deciding this issue. Japan should have handed over the islands as it vacated Taiwan in 1945.
中国的明朝控制了这些岛屿,清朝将这些岛屿置于台湾管辖之下。但在1895年5月因为失利,中国将钓鱼岛和台湾割让给了日本。开罗宣言和波茨坦公告宣布这些岛屿理应回归中国。“日本所窃之所有岛屿。。。。都应归还中华民国。”美国没有这么做是个失误,T·G 1949年在大陆的胜利导致美国态度发生转变
Gordomania batson 2h ago
Number of years under Communist rule for Taiwan: 0. There's your fact.
shuyangli9 Gordomania 2h ago
Folk logic look up 'sovereignty' in a dictionary pls.
Gordomania shuyangli9 2h ago
oh... there it is... next to: different political system customs leaders culture press freedominternet freedommilitary and political relationships with other countries passport central bank national day and anthem. Silly me.
奥。。。查到了。。。。挨着:不同的政治系统、风俗、领导人、文化、新闻出版、自由互联网、军事自主、与其他国家的政治关系、护照、央行 、国庆和国歌。我真傻。
FTDMail 15h ago
Bannon has baldly stated his thinks war with China is inevitable and China hold 10% of the US public debt which if withdrawn could collapse the US economy. High stakes stuff and with neither side wanting to lose face internationally war is definitely in the pipes. Question is. Are we just going to go along with it like Iraq or finally say we are not willing to go to war for what are principally your interests not ours.
relgin FTDMail 15h ago
I would guess this hinges upon the desire of the powers that be to settle things in a business-like manner instead of spilling blood.
If they really want they can cut a deal with nothing lost.
Jim Baker FTDMail 14h ago
Global Britain has no interest in east Asia?
PullingTheStrings 16h ago
Why won't the Asian countries realize they are getting played by the US only for its own gains and no one elses.
relgin PullingTheStrings 15h ago
Very funny; as if only the US is playing a game.
I suppose you never thought about the actions of the PRC in all this – the chief instigator and supporter of all disputes in the region.
SallyWa 16h ago
China is way stronger than Japan. Plus Chinese hate Japanese for the things they did with them during WWII. I don't think Japan has many chances.
Jim Baker SallyWa 13h ago
Except that Japan has America as a longstanding ally.