经济学人:年轻人与言论自由 [英国媒体]


Daily chart


Young people and free speech


Young people are tolerant of other people, except others’ intolerance


YOUNG people have always been more idealistic than their elders, and more liberal too. In the 1960sbaby-boomers spearheaded the social revolution that liberalised values across Western countries. What were then fringe issues, such as equality for women andracial minorities, are now social norms in most rich countries. And even inplaces where they are not, young people espouse such values. However, as a new survey reveals, there is one area where young people’s views are not soprogressive: free speech.


Overall, the poll conducted by Populus, a research firm, on behalf of the Varkey Foundation, aneducational charity, shows that among young people there is broad support for expanding rights to historically marginalised minority groups. In all of the 18countries surveyed, a majority of 18- to 21-year-olds agreed that there shouldbe equality between the sexes and rights for transgender people. In the United States, three-quarters of respondents are in favour of transgender rights. Theyoung are similarly supportive in India, which introduced a law recognising rights for a “third gender” in 2014.

博普鲁是一家依托于教育慈善领域的瓦尔吉基金会的研究机构.根据博普鲁的调查显示,总的来说, 年轻人广泛支持增加历史上被边缘化的少数群体的权利.在所有18国的调查中,18-21岁的被调查者大多数都同意应该男女平等,并认可变性人(跨性别者)的权利.在美国,有75%的受访者都赞同变性人的权利.印度的年轻人同样认可这一点,印度曾于2014年引入了一项承认“第三性别”的法律.

Even when equal treatmentis not enshrined in law, young people tend to support it. More than half of youngsters in 15 countries want safe and legal abortion—even in places where the procedure is currently illegal, such as South Korea. Similarly, respondents in most countries are in favour of same-sexmarriage. This pattern includes India, where homosexuality is a crime.


However, there is one right that young people are less keen on extending to others: the right to saywhat you want. Overall, fewer than half of those polled agreed that people should be allowed to express non-violent opinions even if they offendminorities. In Britain and Germany, for instance, only 46% and 48% did.


The right to free speech is not absolute, as anyone who shouts “fire” in a crowded theatre will soon discover. At the same time,the recent polling data bolster the view that today′s youth are embracing a right not to be offended, which threatens tosquelch necessary debate. Time will tell whether this group startsto dedicate itself to winning arguments rather than to preventing them from occurring.
