科尔宾:我会去北京阻止中国倾销钢铁 [英国媒体]

杰里米·科尔宾曾表示, 如果有需要继续游说中国不要以低于成本价的价格来抛售钢铁,那么他愿意去北京,他在作此表态之后,还去参观了斯肯索普地区的一家工厂,这家工厂于上周宣布裁员900人。

Jeremy Corbyn: I'd go to Beijing to stop China dumping steel


Labour leader attacks government’s approach on visit to ailing Scunthorpeplant and calls for WTO to intervene


Jeremy Corbyn visits the Tata steel plant in Scunthorpe.Photograph: Anna Gowthorpe/PA

杰里米·科尔宾访问斯肯索普的塔塔钢铁工厂。照片: AnnaGowthorpe / PA

Jeremy Corbyn has said he would be willing to go to Beijing if necessary to continue lobbying China not to dump steel at under cost price,following a visit to a plant in Scunthorpewhere 900 job losses were announced last week.

杰里米·科尔宾曾表示, 如果有需要继续游说中国不要以低于成本价的价格来抛售钢铁,那么他愿意去北京,他在作此表态之后,还去参观了斯肯索普地区的一家工厂,这家工厂于上周宣布裁员900人。

The Labour leader accused the government of being in thrall to “the idea of aglobal market economy” and called on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) tointervene after he toured the Tata steelworks on Thursday.


“Steel is the basis of all manufacturing industries. It’s the basis ofeverything that we make in this country,” Corbyn said.


He also attacked the government’s economic approach: “They have a philosophywhich says basically that anybody can produce anything, anywhere and send itanywhere around the world. So we have dumped Chinese steel being sold under theprice of production, which is of course ruinous to our industries. It requiresintervention from the government and political pressure on the Chinese. It alsorequires the WTO to do something about it. Otherwise we all lose.”


Corbyn said the steel crisis undermined the personal mission of the chancellor,George Osborne to rebalance England’seconomy away from Londonand the south-east. “The whole northern powerhouse idea, as I understood it,was that there would be economic generation across the north of England, thecreation of a powerhouse that would be a combination of local government,economic industry and training. And if you destroy a crucial part of thatthree-legged stool, namely the manufacturing industry, then you don’t have anorthern powerhouse,” he said.

科尔宾说钢铁危机削弱了大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne) 的个人使命,而他的使命就是让英格兰的经济远离伦敦和东南部地区,实现再平衡发展。“这一整个北方强国理念,就按照我的理解而言,就是英国北部的确会迎来经济时代,而强国的建立也就是当地政府、经济产业和培训相结合的产物。如果你摧毁了这三者中任意一个至关重要的部分,也就是制造业中的任意一部分,那你就不会拥有北方强国了,”他说道。

Angela Eagle, the shadow business secretary, accompanied Corbyn on his visit.She said the northern powerhouse would be “very floppy” without British steel,and that Conservatives did not care about steel because so few of their MPsrepresent industrial areas.


“If there were steel works in Witney then David Cameron would have acted bynow,” Eagle said, referring to the prime minister’s Oxfordshire constituency.

“如果威特尼地区有钢铁厂,那么戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)可能就已经采取行动了,”伊格尔说道,她所指的是这位首相的牛津郡选区。

She said ministers were too ashamed of their inaction to come to Scunthorpe and meet the workers at risk of redundancy. “Ijust think they don’t want to look the people in the eye whose jobs theirneglect is putting at risk,” she said, accusing her government counterpart,Sajid Javid, of being philosophically opposed to the government intervening inanything.


In his speech to the Conservative party conference in October, Osborneannounced the creation of an infrastructure commission to invest in largebuilding projects of national importance, headed by the former Labour peer LordAdonis.


Eagle said the steelworks at Scunthorpe and Redcar,where 2,200 jobs will go when the plant closes, were strategic national assetsand should be protected.


“If we are to believe the government, we are just at the beginning of a hugeinvestment into our infrastructure. If you think about it, why on earth can’twe ensure that we keep these strategic assets in our country until thisdifficult time has passed, so that we can bring them back into use? It makes nosense,” she said.。


It would cost at least £600m for another operator to reopen the cokeovens at Scunthorpe once they are allowed to go cold, she added.


federalexpress panchozecat
31 Oct 2015 10:13
In the real world, higher wage costs translate into higherprices. Or what is being produced, stops being produced if those higher pricesaren't paid.
Will you be on the committee, determining what is 'fair'?


4Rises WhistlingNeil
31 Oct 2015 10:01
That's his problem, 33 years of talking bollocks now he's (intheory) got a following he should live by his word.


Gerald Bell federalexpress
31 Oct 2015 09:16
You already have that answer.


Linguistician Taptoe
31 Oct 2015 09:05
Oh my.
You don't think it's possible to glance at two posts (rightnext to each other!) and know they are identical? You don't have to read bothof them, you can see by looking.
Not too bright, are you?


Elinore whatsitallfor
31 Oct 2015 08:37
2 weeks- and I was there.


msTOmsTO Gerald Bell
31 Oct 2015 08:29
Last time I looked it was higher. Never the less, it has risenand fallen several times since 1979. Manufacturing has not been destroyed andhas not disappeared in the UK


David685 Voltran
31 Oct 2015 06:41
I should have said the people are poor and paid very low wages.Social services, welfare and healthcare are almost non-existant.
With 1.5 billion people Chinais 30 times as populous as the UK.


theredbear huzar30
31 Oct 2015 02:03
I'm bored with you now.... but I support British workersbecause I live in Britainand I'm a British worker....
if those facts don't fit in with your idiotic free market atall costs right-wing bullshit, then i pity you. I really do.... goodbyehuzar30.... happy trolling !


Taptoe Linguistician
31 Oct 2015 00:46
So you glanced at the post BUT didn't read it?
Oh my word...what a fibber.


whatsitallfor Elinore
31 Oct 2015 00:43
No, within a week.


31 Oct 2015 00:40
Are you all nuts? A low price on steel helps the economy! UK steel makersshould have adapted. This is the time to make more steel products andstructures. What would be the point of Corbyn going to China to whingeabout dumping? He should go to Chinafor UKto buy cheap steel for new industries and to sell our good steel products.


31 Oct 2015 00:01
And then go on a taxpayer tour of the great wall.


coyote43 Freeport
30 Oct 2015 23:52
Tory HQ, give them a sweet. Shame all the other papers thoughtit sounded callous whilst JC was trying to get an answer, and Cameron lookedslimy avoiding the question every time.


PabloObscura Batleymuslim
30 Oct 2015 21:58
Sad you should think that.. perhaps you also feel Cameron onlycares for the rich 1%

真遗憾你是那样想的。 。也许你还觉得卡梅隆只关心那1%的富人

PabloObscura Montreal4854
30 Oct 2015 21:57
The people who buy chinese goods pay import duty.. what I thinkhe means is increase the import duties..

购买中国产品的人支付进口税。 。我认为他的意思是要增加进口关税。

PabloObscura Pollik
30 Oct 2015 21:54
The solution is easy.. we use tax payer's money to support thefood industry (and wealthy land owners) but we do not support local industries(and wealthy investors).. perhaps we should protect both..

解决方案很简单. .我们用纳税人的钱来支持食品工业(和富有的土地所有者),但我们不支持当地工业(和富有的投资者). .也许我们应该两者都保护。 。

PabloObscura TheGreatRonRafferty
30 Oct 2015 21:48
It is simply that in terms of 'immidiate' cost buy cheap.. butin 'the long run' invest in our own infrastructure because , as we know,finances are just numbers in ether..

这就是简单的用“直接”成本购买廉价产品。 。但在长期对我们自己的基础设施的投资上而言……因为我们知道,财政其实就是进出两方的数字.

Johndab olines
30 Oct 2015 21:32
The WTO is being ignored by all countries....it's going to bewound up soon as it's never managed to negotiate a single trade treaty in itsentire 24 years of existence

