中国数学教科书将被翻译给英国学校使用 [英国媒体]



British students may soon study mathematics with Chinese textbooks after a “historic” deal between HarperCollins and a Shanghai publishing house in which books will be translated for use in UK schools.


China’s wealthy cities including Shanghai and Beijing produce some of the world’s top-performing maths pupils while British students rank far behind their counterparts in Asia.


HarperCollins’s education division signed an agreement to release a series of 36 maths books at the London Book Fair the state-run China Daily reported with Colin Hughes managing director of Collins Learning calling it “historic”.


“To my knowledge this has never happened in history before – that textbooks created for students in China will be translated exactly as they have been developed and sold for use in British schools” the China Daily quoted Hughes as saying.



Will we be getting maths teachers to hit and prod the slow students in front of the whole class at the white board while ordering them to quickly figure out the answers too? 


I would assume that the teachers using text books use the ones that show current methods. Editors produce new text books all the time to keep up with changes in methods and a lot of work must go into producing those books. However your colleague's problem raises important questions; not about the use of text books but about the use of computer based job assessments! Even if your colleague had never seen a text book in her life there is no guarantee that her teacher knew the latest methods! 



Alan French
Judging by the Maths ignorance shown by Brexiteers In this country the answer is yes. 


Following that logic the Germans would have to be far behind us because for them the number 327495 is "three hundred seven and twenty thousand four hundred five and ninety". It occasionally still causes me to stumble mentally even after deades of living here but not them: even fairly uneducated Germans seem to cope with it -- just as well as we in fact cope with "fifteen" and so on. (Don't you?) And what about the French with their "four twenties eleven" for 91? I think we have to look elsewhere for our problems. 



You know that 10000 hour rule?
When you are able to hit that by age 10 then yes you will be a master. 


Mike Travis
Yeah turned out pretty well with the educated youth torturing their own Professors during the Cultural Revolution. 



Knowing how to teach maths is a very different thing from knowing how to do maths. If all teachers follow the "you get or you don't" principle none of us would know any maths at all. 


They are not "thick" their brains are just wired to excell in other areas. 


It's not confidence. It's respect. There's no respect for academic study in this country and the more abstract and difficult the subject the less the respect. 


the textbook was a life saver. Specially for reading Your school had a textbook on reading? 



interestingly enough my 15 year old daughter helped me work through various maths for dummies books - a case of reverse genetics perhaps - she understood things immediately and never had to revise for exams (here in Germany by the way) 


Yes but this is a Chinese book so that will change everything. 


Isn't it all on YouTube ? 



Mike Travis
That's great but how do you become a well rounded Citizen if education is purely instrumental towards getting a good job. Where is the time to learn history philosophy arts if you are purely focusing on becoming or Engineer or Doctor. I'm reminded of when I worked in the Middle East the universities there churned out engineering graduates but nobody knew any history literature. Literally they never read or studied anything outside of their discipline unless it was the Koran. It makes for a generation of what Nietzsche calls inverse cripples impoverished by specialist. John Dewey wrote about how education was critical to sustain a democratic society. The democratic citizen is created through pedagogical institutions and that includes receiving a rounded education. With our post-truth politics and democracy creaking after Trump and Brexit it would be wise to understand this. 



Dorothy Granville
British children do not lag behind Chinese. In comparison tests all British children were included while only the top performing Chinese children from their top performing schools were included.
I taught in an international school and found Chinese pupils to be very quiet conscientious and hard working but they were unable to work cooperatively could not frx questions or participate in discussion. They had been taught by rote and drilling. While rote learning has its uses for example in learning times tables developing critical thinking the ability to debate and argue logically and how to apply knowledge are far more important. 



with all that rote learning they have do to the kids probably dont have time or the energy for it 


The UK government once again failed to understand the 'Chinese Maths' secret is not about the textbook it's about 2 to 3 levels higher and more advanced knowledge teachers will deliver based on their textbooks. 
