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"Nazis out!" daubed on a fence near the main gate of the Fürstenberg barracks inDonaueschingen Getty


The head of Germany’s armed forces has calledfor an inspection of all army barracks after investigators discovered Nazi-eramilitary memorabilia in a garrison, broadening a scandal about right-wingextremism among soldiers.


The discovery at a barracks in Donaueschingen,in southwest Germany,was made in an investigation that began after similar Nazi-era items were foundin the garrison of an army officer arrested on suspicion of planning a raciallymotivated attack.


As a result, general inspector VolkerWieker ordered a wider search of barracks.


“The generalinspector has instructed that all properties be inspected to see whether ruleson dealing with heritage with regard to the Wehrmacht and National Socialismare being observed,” a Defence Ministry spokesman said.


Defence Minister Ursula Von der Leyen saidthe military must root out right-wing extremism.


“We aretraining people with weapons. It is right that there are higher standards forus. A ‘carry on’ attitude is out of the question,” she told weekly newspaperBild am Sonntag.


Displaying Nazi items such as swastikas ispunishable under German law, although possession of regular Wehrmacht items isnot. However, von der Leyen said last week she would not tolerate theveneration of the Wehrmacht in today’s army, the Bundeswehr.


Ms Von der Leyen provoked criticism from asoldiers’ group last week when she criticised what she called “weak leadership”in the military after the officer’s arrest on suspicion of planning a racistattack.


On Thursday, she apologised for the tone of her criticism of the military overits handling of the racism case, as she sought to contain a divisive row in thebuild-up to national elections in September.


A preliminaryreport into the inspection of all barracks is due on Tuesday, with the finalresults on 16 May.


Tollpuddlemartyr   52 days ago
Sadly winningcasts a different light on the actions of an army - in Britain we revel in theglory of the 'thin red line', Tommy Atkins beating the 'Zulu and the Burman andChinese' who were mostly armed with spears and clubs, don't get me wrong I dobelieve in the 'just war' just not that all of ours have been.

遗憾的是,胜利铸就军事行动的荣光- 在英国我们陶醉于“细细的红线”的荣耀中,英国士兵击败了以长矛和棍棒为主要武装的“祖鲁人,缅甸人和中国人”,不要误会我,我相信“正义战争”,但不是我们所经历的那些战争。

Astar1    52 days ago
The Germans areat least tackling the problem head on unlike some countries.


Alt-knight     52 days ago
We must hunt downall thought criminals and burn their books and memorabilia.


Geigerbrubaker    52 days ago
Thats right Alt-knightstarting with the conservative party.


Mzodiaco    51 days ago
NazionalSocialism had devastated Europe and Germany. Good for them not totolerate any "revival" of this abhorrent ideology.

