二战零式战机飞越日本上空 [日本媒体]

二战中日本的零式战机曾经是令人生畏的.如今在龙琦市 一架被从巴布亚新几内亚丛林中发现的零式战机被重新修复并重返天空.日本网友:这样做不对,它身上的战争污点是无法掩盖的。这就好比说他开了一家集中营,然后说错误不在集中营本身一样。二战真的应该过去了。


RYUGASAKI——Salvaged from the Papua New Guinean jungle a restored World War II Japanese Zero fighter has taken to the skies over the land that gave birth to the once-feared warplane.

二战中日本的零式战机曾经是令人生畏的.如今在龙琦市  一架被从巴布亚新几内亚丛林中发现的零式战机被重新修复并重返天空.

The aircraft -- emblazoned with tell-tale rising sun symbols -- is one of just a few airworthy Zero fighters left in the world nearly eight decades after they struck fear into the hearts of Allied pilots.

将近80年前袭击盟军的零式战机曾经给盟军的飞行员们留下过心理阴影.  如今现存还可以飞行的零式战机只有有限的几架了. 这架就是其中的一架.

The plane flew near Tokyo this month watched by businessman and aviation buff Masahide Ishizuka who bought the plane for 350 million yen in 2008.

商人兼航空爱好者石冢政秀在2008年花了3.5亿日元买下了这架飞机  本月 这架飞机在他的见证下 于东京附近进行了飞行.


The badly damaged aircraft was originally found in the 1970s in dense jungle where it had crashed decades earlier. It later ended up in the United States -- Japan's chief World War II adversary.

这架飞机在数十年前坠毁在丛林中. 后来在20世纪70年代被发现时已经严重受损.随后它被运送到了美国--日本在二战中的最要敌人那里.

Developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Zero planes took part in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor while "kamikaze" suicide pilots crashed them into U.S. ships in the later stages of the war.

零式战机由于三菱重工研发 并参与了日本从偷袭珍珠港一直到战争后期神风特攻队的自杀式袭击--神风特攻队的飞行员驾驶零式战机直接撞击美国军舰.

"Since it was born in Japan 75 years ago this baby has been travelling around the world" Ishizuka told AFP after the recent flight. "I wanted to bring it back to its home country and keep it flying in the sky."



There are believed to be just four airworthy Zero fighters in the world today -- more than 10000 were made in all.


Kazuaki Yanagida the first Japanese pilot to fly the plane got a feeling for the wartime conditions in its cramped cockpit.

Kazuaki Yanagida,这位首批驾驶零式战机的日本飞行员(此刻)坐在狭窄的驾驶舱中,(仍能)感受到(当年)战斗时的情景。

"Sitting here I felt as if the souls of dead pilots are looking over me" he said.


Despite its fearsome reputation Yanagida and the jet's owner said they don't want the restored fighter to stir controversy.


"The sin doesn't rest with the Zero -- it was the people who fought each other" Yanagida said.


Tony AlexanderToday  07:23 am JST

sf2kToday  07:44 am JST
This isn't right. You can't remove the stain of war from it. Anymore than if he opened a concentration camp too because it wasn't the camp's fault either.
WWII really has to come to an end.


pacintToday  07:49 am JST

sensei258Today  07:59 am JST
"The sin doesn't rest with the Zero -- it was the people who fought each other"
Correction the sin rests with those whose ambition greed and dreams of conquest began a war that cost countless lives.



Harry_GattoToday  08:15 am JST
Despite its fearsome reputation Yanagida and the jet's owner...........
It is not a jet.


Alfie NoakesToday  08:16 am JST
This is a business run by Mr. Ishizuka who used to make top-quality sheepskin coats in New Zealand.
For ¥60000 you can become a support club member. T shirts are ¥2000 and there's a charming sextion of pin badges and stickers.

lucabrasiToday  08:18 am JST
Or maybe the sin rests with those who saw the potential rise of a nation whose population weren't of European stock and so adopted policies to thwart that rise which allowed militarism to flourish and led to inevitable conflict.
Damn the people. The important thing was to preserve the racial hierarchy.



GW Today  08:26 am JST
"The sin doesn't rest with the Zero -- it was the people who fought each other" Yanagida said.
WOW! That is some SPIN!! You have just blamed the countries that fought imperial Japan for WWII in the Pacific!!
This is a perfect example of Japan's whitewashing. I have zero( haha get it!) problem with flying this plane around but PLEASE stop the whitewashing & admit your history Japan THEN you can toss out these little quotes!

sensei258Today  08:36 am JST
On the money GW! I don't care how many downs you get

CrickyToday  08:47 am JST
Yes it was a fearsome plane when the war began that being the invasion of China latter Pearl Harbour and Singapore. Was soon obsolete and as the article states 10000 built only 4 remain. Certainly not a survivable aircraft. But if it's all you have to feel good about good luck to you.



Toasted HereticToday  08:57 am JST
Visited a museum near Kagoshima some years ago it had old aircraft there and was full of pictures and letters from the young men (some aged 17) before their final flights. Very moving and one had to admire their bravery doing what they thought was the right thing.
A testament to the futility of war and in no way a glorification.
"The sin doesn't rest with the Zero -- it was the people who fought each other" Yanagida said.
More the rulers and generals I'd say.


clamenzaToday  09:16 am JST
Toasted Heretic - the museum you visited was devoted to the Kamikaze pilots. And it totally misrepresents the reality; Young pilots had no choice in the matter. Cowardly officers put a paper in front of them to draw either an "0" accepting the mission or a "X" declining the mission. Those who declined suicide were thrust into constant combat missions sure to end in death at that stage in the war.
Those young pilots (16-18 years old) right out of training did not fly their planes at US warships shouting their devotion to the emperor. Most had to be held up in tears by ground crew just to get into the aircraft.
Once in the air they were actually escorted by other pilots to make sure they didn't abandon the mission.
A disgusting footnote to Japans shameful war

Hi Heretic -你参观的那家博物馆忠于神风特攻队飞行员。他们完全错误的呈现了事实:在这个历史事件中,年轻的飞行员根本没有选择。


lomaeToday  09:18 am JST
No different from a restored gun or any other weapon from the war in my opinion. It's a nice looking airplane.

Kobe White Bar OwnerToday  09:23 am JST
Was this not a copy of Howard Hughes H1? Either way a darn fine plane.

OssanAmericaToday  09:24 am JST
Indeed the zero was an amazing fighter in the opening years of WWII. Pretty much outmaneuvered and outclassed anything we had at the time. But the US aircraft industry quickly turned to building planes like flying tanks superior in every way. Still back in 1941 that a non-White country could create and build such aircraft blew our racially superior minds. In WWII Mitsubishi Zeros were dogfighting Lockheed P-38 Lightnings over the Pacific. Today Mitsubishi is building the Lockheed F-35s under license. Times change. The Zero is a cool plane glad some survived for history's sake.


-------------译者:cyber power-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

GoodlucktoyouToday  09:33 am JST
@ toasted and clam. i recommend anyone who visits japan to pop by chilan in Kagoshima. low cost flights are easy. you can take a local bus from Kagoshima and visit quant samurai houses and if you want the nationalistic suicide bomber museum. the charm is the people who live there. the history is back then children as young as 15 were given a cup of sake an unairworthy plane and a big dose of propaganda. this is why i respect article 9. never again.

toshikoToday  09:40 am JST
Mitsubishi may legally seize Zero.  What it made during War  it usually gets back.


 thepersoniamnowToday  09:44 am JST
The Victors of war write history.
They become the good guys and the others the villains.
Pretty funny to see some people so passionate about what they read in grade school and think is absolute fact.

