专家称:边笑边拍摄残疾人被淹死的青少年在法律上无义务去救身亡者 [英国媒体]

专家称:不救溺水残疾人但却在旁边拍摄录像的青少年在法律上确实没有义务去救身亡者。警察就这五位14至16岁的未成年人不向警察汇报jamiedunn身亡一事起诉五人行为不端罪。 其中五人的名字都未被公布。

Teenagers who filmed and laughed asdisabled man drowned had no legal duty to save him, experts say


Police chief and mayor say death of Jamel Dunn may prompt newlegislation

市长与警察局长表示Jamel Dunn的死可能会促进新的法规的诞生


Jamel Dunn’s body was recovered from the lake two days after hisfiance reported him missing GoFundMe

Jamel Dunn未婚夫报警两天后,Dunn的遗体在湖里被移出

Teenagerswho laughed while filming a disabled man as he drowned instead of rescuing himhad no legal obligation to help, according to experts.


Policeare pursuing misdemeanour charges against the five minors, aged between 14 and16, for failing to report the death of Jamie Dunn. None of the five have beennamed.

警察就这五位14至16岁的未成年人不向警察汇报jamiedunn身亡一事起诉五人行为不端罪。 其中五人的名字都未被公布

As the 31-year-old drowned in a Floridapond on 9 July, the five teenagers mocked, laughed at and recorded him dyingbefore posting the video online. They ignored Mr Dunn’s pleas for help.


But there is no general duty under lawto help someone in distress, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said in a2012 legal argument.

但最高法院大法官Anthony Kennedy在2012 的一份法律文件里说:人们没有义务去救遇难者

“Youdon’t have the duty to rescue someone if that person is in danger. The blindman is walking in front of a car and you do not have a duty to stop him absentsome relation between you …[or] Obamacare.”


At thetime, he was arguing against the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, knownas Obamacare.


Mr Kennedy acknowledged that there were“some severe moral criticisms of that rule,” but said “that’s generally therule”.


Whilelaws vary between states, there is no general duty to rescue across the US,according to David Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor who is now in privatepractice.

前联邦检控官如今已私人执业的David Weinstein表示虽然每个州的法规不一样,但是全美都没有法规规定必须救人

There aresome exceptions, however. For example: if you have put the person in danger inthe first place; if the incident is a car crash; if you already have a specialrelationship to others by being police officer, firefighter, teacher, busdriver, employer – or the victim’s spouse.  

Somestates, including Nebraska, also have laws requiring people to report suspectedchild abuse, Nebraska attorney Jeffrey Lapin told Associated Press. Failure todo so may result in misdemeanour charges.

内布拉斯加州的一位律师Jeffrey Lapin告诉美联社:部分的州,包括内布拉斯加有类似法律要求人们汇报涉嫌虐待儿童的信息,如果未汇报可能会被起诉行为不端罪

Mr Lapinalso noted the final episode of sitcom Seinfeld, in which an overweight man iscar-jacked. Instead of helping him, the four main characters joke about hisweight.


They aresubsequently convicted of violating a purported city ordinance for failing toassist, and the judge character says the four have “callous indifference andutter disregard” for a positive society. But most US states do not have such alaw.  


However,every US state does have a “Good Samaritan” law, to protect people who renderaid to someone in danger from being sued for anything they did in the course oftheir actions – although there are some exceptions.

但是,每个州都有 “好撒玛利亚人法”(Good Samaritan law),意为:救助者向被救助者提供善意合理帮助时,如意外造成损害,可以免于被追究责任。 但这仍然有例外

Countriesincluding Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy and Russia do have lawsrequiring witnesses to render aid, which can simply mean calling theauthorities.


Jamel Dunn (circled) moments before he drowned (SimoneScott/Facebook)

  Jamel Dunn(圆圈所指)溺死前的一刻

Mr Dunn’sbody was found severely decomposed and floating in the pond in Cocoa, Florida,five days after he drowned. After a family friend informed police of the video,officers identified and interviewed the five teenagers.

溺水事发五天后,Dunn的遗体在佛罗里达州的Cocoa的池塘被发现,遗体已开始腐烂并且浮在水面。 在dunn一位亲戚朋友向警察举报了那个视频后,警察开始调查问话五位青少年

They hadbeen smoking marijuana in the park, according to a Cocoa Police Departmentspokesperson. The group watched Mr Dunn, who used a cane, walk into thefenced-off pond.


In thevideo, one of the teenagers shouts: “Get out the water, you gonna die.” Anothersays: “Ain’t nobody fixing to help you, you dumb b***h.”


Anotherteen asked the group if they were “scared to see a dead person” as a scream isheard in the background. Then another announces “he just died”, before the resterupt in laughter. 


Initiallythe State Attorney and Cocoa Police concluded no crime had been committed. Buton Friday, Cocoa police chief Mike Cantaloupe said he will be pursuing chargesof failure to report a death. The State Attorney has not yet decided whether toprosecute the charges.


“When weinitially reviewed this case, it was determined there were no laws broken, asthe teens were not directly involved with the death,” Mr Cantaloupe said in astatement.


“Furtherresearch of the statutes and consultation with the State Attorney’s Officeyielded the decision to move forward with charges under this statute. It’s ourbelief that this law has never been enforced in a scenario like this, but wefeel it could be applicable. Pursuing criminal charges is a way to hold themaccountable for their own actions.”


Both MrCantaloupe and Cocoa’s Mayor, Henry Parrish III, said that Mr Dunn’s death maygive rise to new legislation.

Cocoa市长Henry Parrish III与Cantaloupe都认为Dunn的死亡可能会促进一条新法规的诞生

“I thinkwhat we look at is, the hope that what we do from here going forward, whetherit be this charge or some new legislation, that another family doesn’t have togo through this” Mr Cantaloupe told ABC.


“And that we work with our youth ... to instil these morals ... Iwould’ve never believed that somebody could watch somebody in distress and notdo anything about it. 


“Thereare no words to describe how utterly inhumane and cruel the actions of thesejuveniles were towards Mr Dunn.”

“没有语言可以表达 这些没有人性的年轻人残忍的所作所为”

CocoaMayor Henry Parrish III said he was dismayed on learning there was no legalobligation to render aid in Florida.


“In acase like this, we struggle to understand how anyone could be so cold andheartless, and then learn that there are no laws in Florida that obligatesomeone to render aid, or call for someone to render aid, for a person they seein distress,” he said.


“If thiscase can be used as an example to draft new legislation, then I am committed tomove forward to make that happen. More so, may this tragic incident, which hasshocked all of us, cause each of us to examine ourselves and our responsibilityto one another.”


“Iimplore the State Attorney’s Office to follow through and file the chargespresented by the Cocoa Police Department,” he added.


“Whilethis in no way will bring justice for what occurred, it is a start.”


Lovelycountry to grow up children. Countries including Argentina, Brazil, France,Germany, Italy and Russia do have laws requiring witnesses to render aid, whichcan simply mean calling the authorities. Nah those countries are not advancedlike US Gaaad bless amerrrika


Love theindignation.


How aboutthe families of Muslim suicide bombers who live with their relatives withoutreporting them?

那 未汇报穆斯林自杀式爆炸袭击者的人们呢?

Ever hear ofany of them being convicted?


No, Ithought not.


Easy to saysomething like "We had no idea xyz had extremist views" and"It's not my boy that I know" and get off scott free.


These are abunch of kids, who had they attempted a rescue, would have been advised not todue to their age.


However,they should have reported this idiot swimming in the lake.


How doteenagers smoking weed correlate with muslim suicide bombers, thats likeequating British soldiers raping Iraqi women ( Basra ) . You stupid man, get adegree ...


They havemade their families soo proud

他们真是让 他们家人为他们骄傲

They didn'twant to jump in and try to rescue - fine - perhaps they would have beenscared.  But not to call. To stand andlaugh as a human being died.  They aremonsters.  It isn't video games or filmsthat caused this.  Millions of peoplewatch films or play games who would not have done what they did.  It's a sense of entitlement.  A sense that they are somehow superior.  And a lack of empathy and morals that arehorrifying.

他们不想跳进湖里救人 -好吧- 或许是他们觉得害怕。但是不打电话求救,就站在那里放声大笑看着一条生命逝去。他们是禽兽。 这不是电视游戏或电影造成的,成千上万看过电影玩过游戏的人不会跟他们做同样的事。他们太过自我了。 让他们觉得自己比别人优越,以及吓人的是缺少道德品行和同情心



No legalduty, but the world still thinks them utter scum.


When onlythe force of law is enough to make people help one another, humanity is fooked.


There is nogeneral duty to assist in English law either.


Wow! Lawsare needed to force people to be decent human beings!


I hope thosewho were filming the drowning and laughing end up in a spot of botherthemselves and no one helps them.


It'ssad.  They didn't even make a phone callfor help, as if they needed 4 angles of someone dying.


A few monthsago I read an article about how the american authorities are really veryworried about a lack of empathy amongst their young of all backgrounds. Thishorror just seems to underline the point.


Could theybe influenced by the mindboggling violence they see all the time on media andgames? Some say no, but abused kids usually become abusing adults.


Oh America,what a sad and retarded nation you are. I am sure the NRA would have advocatedeuthenasia by assault rifle to stop him suffering.


L Stokes
What amorally bankrupt country.


They aren'tthe only ones to blame.  A culture whichencourages such inhuman behaviour stands accused as well. These teens reflectthe moral norms of their whole society. It's not just American, either.  When empathy and compassion are despised andgreed and selfishness are excused, this kind of thing is inevitable.


[email protected]
I must say Ifind most people I come across are kind and helpful.


Between thetwo of you lies the truth.


We areoverburdened with negative news - and everyone should ask why that is - and itdoesn't paint a full picture of life, exactly as you say. There are more goodpeople than bad, bot1, but the bad people get the coverage.

我们的每天都充斥着负能量新闻 – 所有人都应该问问这到底是为什么 – 但这不是我们社会的全部,正如你所说的。好人总是多过坏人的,但是,坏人们总是能被报道。

I agree,people are people no matter where you find them. Some are good, some areindifferent and a few are bad, it doesn't matter which country. No countryshould be judged by its worst we would all look bad.


Just publishtheir names and destroy their lives.


English lawis the same.  As a matter of fact, when Iwas studying law, almost exactly these set of circumstances were outlined by mytutor to illustrate how the law does not require anyone to act to save another.  The example he gave was of a man standing bya swimming pool who need only will reach down to grab the hand of a drowningchild. If he declines to do so, he may be despicable but he is not doinganything illegal.


In Franceyou have to help. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.


[email protected]
Same inGermany.


Should be man-slaughter:your actions may not have been intended to kill the person, but they did.
At the veryleast these people are socio-paths.
