WhyChina’s super-rich are now eager to invest in philanthropy
Whenproperty tycoon Fan Jianchuan decided to step down from most of his companiesand build museums, he wanted to do it on the same scale as he had with hisbusiness.
After adecade riding the wave of China’s fevered economic growth, he made it on to alist of the country’s 500 richest people. He then spent the next decadelavishing his energy and multimillion-dollar fortune on the small provincialtown of Anren. Now 20 museums form the “Jianchuan cluster” in this otherwiseunremarkable area of southern China – and he hopesthey will keep both his name and some of China’s history alive.
“Peopledie twice. Once physically, and a second time when they die from people’smemories,” Fan told the South China Morning Post. “My museumswill be here even after I die. When people talk about the Jianchuan museumcluster, they will mention me. In that sense, I gain immortality; I will neverdie.”
zsr668810h ago
“Everyone seems to have an idea toexplore."
Try tomake it your own idea and less of the stealing and copying. That would putChina on its rightful place the map.
quarrytone zsr6688 10h ago
Not likeyou to go in for a race based slur?
vangisa zsr6688 10h ago
Historically,China has been credited with many innovations, and I'm sure that once iteconomy reaches a developed stage it will again become a creator rather than acopier.
zsr6688 vangisa 9h ago
Historically- Yes.
Now -ly -No.
CCPcontrol and CCP education being largely to blame.
Thefundamental structural problem is that the role of the state and government inChina is still very strong.
Get ridof the CCP and you get rid of the Party culture. Then you get free-thinkers andgreat innovators emerging again.
China hasthem already. That's not the problem. The problem is the CCP.
ShuangshuangZhu11h ago
Perhapsvery few people interested in the idea of anonymous donations in China, like USbillionaire Warren Buffett, giving billions of dollars to a foundation namedafter someone else, but I don’t think “anonymous” must be good or high-profilemust be something bad. If they donate their fortunes, they can drivehigh-profile forms of philanthropy. That doesn’t hurt anyone. And I don’t thinkthat is the behavior of show-off, because they can choose their own way to showfortunes. Human beings find money can only satisfy them for a while, andeveryone also wants status and recognition from society.By theway, I support and admire self-made and rags-to-riches millionaires andbillionaires in China, but everyone regard the super-rich as the role modelsseem not to be a good thing.
magnoliaboulevard12h ago
Tens ofmillions of Chinese people still live on less than $1.25 a day, according toWorld Bank data, and in the cities up to 20% of the population are stuck inextreme poverty, with little chance of bettering themselves.
But theWorld Bank also said that, between 1981 and 2004, over 500 million people werepulled out of poverty, according to its poverty standard. According to thebank, “A fall in the number of poor of this magnitude over such a short periodis without historical precedent,” with China basically accounting for the totalpoverty reduction in the developing world during that period.
“Without China there would havebeen no decline in the numbers of poor in the developing world over the lasttwo decades of the 20th century,”.From theWall Street Journal of 9 April 2009
I haveseen extreme poverty in East Africa and on television in other places in Africaand in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, with entire villages of starving people,but never in China.
People inChina who are over 40 will remember food shortages and having to queue forhours for food and those over 60 will remember famine.Today it is very rare tosee people begging.
So howdoes the writer define "extreme poverty" and where is the evidence?
BritishBornChinese14h ago
And theChinese are gleefully splashing out hundreds of millions of dollars onpaintings whilst outside the auction room a massacre is taking place in Paris?How much more shameless and oblivious can they get?
GustavoB BritishBornChinese 14h ago
Oh yea,let's all stop doing whatever we are because of some terrorist attack.
chrissantos123 BritishBornChinese 13h ago
Do youfast when you hear about a murder? Or during the Iraq war were you selfflagellating everyday?
BritishBornChinese14h ago
Funny tospeak of philanthropy whilst using money generated from the exploitation ofhuman rights... a total farce.
SecularBeast14h ago
900 ofChina's 1000 richest citizens, are members of the CCP. I look forward to theirphilanthropy (but not holding my breathe).
The CCPhas only 88 million members - about 7.5% of China's 1.357 billion population.
okusenman SecularBeast 11h ago
wouldn'tsurprise me if they became members when they start gaining wealth so there'smore flexibilty in deals, heck, jackie chan could be a member by now.