“我的工作是清理环境。中国真的想这么做” [英国媒体]

詹姆斯·桑顿(James Thornton)的专长是代表他唯一的客户 - 地球 - 起诉政府和公司,他非常擅长。 在横跨三大洲四十年的法律实践中,他从未败诉。英国网友:深圳情况也差不多。问问我同伴她父母在农村的年租房费用就知道, 和她在深圳交的月房租一样多,在那里买房的价格和在深圳租房2年的租金总和是一样的。


James Thornton’s specialty is suing governments and corporations on behalf of his only client – the Earth – and he’s very good at it. In his four decades of legal practice across three continents he’s never lost a case.

詹姆斯·桑顿(James Thornton)的专长是代表他唯一的客户 - 地球 - 起诉政府和公司,他非常擅长。 在横跨三大洲四十年的法律实践中,他从未败诉。

Acknowledging this in 2009 the New Statesman named him one of the ten people likely to change the world; ClientEarth the public interest environmental law firm he started in London in 2007 now employs 106 people.

因此,《新政治家周刊》在2009年把他称为十个可能改变世界的人之一; 2007年,他在伦敦创办了环境公益律师事务所,ClientEarth,目前该事务所旗下拥有106名员工。

Thornton has been in Australia to talk about his work and his new book Client Earth which he co-wrote with his partner Martin Goodman. When I met them in Sydney Thornton was keen to discuss his unlikely adventure in China while Goodman usually a reserved Englishman enthused about the unexpected hope he found while writing Client Earth.

在澳大利亚时,桑顿一直谈论他的工作和他的新书,《Client Earth》,他与他的合伙人马丁·古德曼(Martin Goodman)合着。 当我在悉尼遇到他们时,桑顿热衷于讨论他在中国不可思议的冒险,而古德曼(通常表现为一名含蓄的英国人)则热衷于在撰写《Client Earth》时发现的意外之喜。


First invited to Beijing in 2014 to help implement China’s new law allowing NGOs to sue polluting companies for the first time Thornton has seen how serious the world’s biggest polluter is about addressing its environmental problems. He believes their concept of “ecological civilisation” is the best formulation he’s heard for the new environmental story we must tell.


“Facing the ruin of their environment the Chinese looked hard and amended their constitution. This core document now calls for the building of an ecological civilisation” he says. “We built an agricultural then an industrial and now must build an ecological civilisation.”


“I have no cynicism about whether they mean to do it. My job is to try and clean up the environment for future generations. The Chinese really want to do that.” This task apparently insurmountable for the west is made possible by China’s 2500-year tradition of centralised government.

“我不会对他们是否打算这么做冷嘲热讽,我的工作就是尽全力为后代们治理环境。中国人真的需要这么做“ 这项任务很明显对于西方而言难以达成,但对于有着2500年中央集权制传统的中国政府,它是可以达成的。


“They said we have a long-term vision we want to be here in another 2000 years and that will only happen if we clean up the environment. So we have determined that we’re going to deal with our environmental problems and we’re going to do so in a very thoroughgoing way.”


Thornton said it helps that most of the politburo are engineers rather than political scientists lawyers or economists as in the west. “So when they actually decide that there is a problem – and it takes actual evidence to get them there – they define the problem and then their next question is: what’s the solution? How can we afford it how quickly can we do it and how can we marshal all forces in society to get there?”

Thornton 说,在中国,大部分政治局成员是工程师,而非如西方一样的政治学家、律师或经济学家,这一点很重要。“因此当他们切实地认为问题存在,并且有真实的证据使他们做出判断,他们就明确问题,而随之而来的下一个问题是:解决方法是什么?我们能承担怎样的代价?我们能以多快的速度解决?以及我们如何整合社会各界力量以达成目的?”

At first Thornton thought this was rhetoric. “And then I realised it wasn’t rhetorical. So by the time we got deep into conversation and I first heard the notion of ecological civilisation I asked several very senior officials ‘Is this serious?’ And they said ‘Yes absolutely serious’. It’s been central policy now for some years.”



With a group of Chinese experts and five other westerners Thornton spent 18 months analysing how to create the legal structures for an ecological civilisation. They then gave recommendations for how to create the rule of law to deliver it. “That’s typical of what they’re doing. They’ve thrown hundreds of their best intellectuals at designing the theoretical frxwork for each of the pieces of the architecture of ecological civilisation.” These include economic industrial and agricultural policies for an ecological civilisation.


Thornton says that when he first went to China he’d only read the western media about it and had many of the same notions he’s often challenged with especially concerning democracy and human rights. “And I understand where they come from. But I also know that the western democracies that we prize so much aren’t doing very well with respect to the environment. We’ve elected somebody in the United States who seems really dedicated to the notion of contempt for the environment.”


In the west efforts to address environmental problems are fragmentary and not well funded. “Whereas in China” he says “suddenly you 
have this direction from the top on down asking all of these top people over the course of the next few decades: How does everything 
have to change to deliver this?”


Thornton is also a Zen Buddhist priest which appears to help him to see intractable environmental problems with a commanding clarity and precision and to approach them with admirable pragmatism patience tenacity and long-term strategy. “Law becomes about saving civilisation” he says. “Law is the answer to the question I’m often asked: what can I do about global problems?”



And sometimes a single optimist ( like this lawyer) can bring about change enough to make even a little difference.
Keep following the yellow brick road then.


Your ability to suss out my entire personality and outlook based on a single comment is impressive and can only be explained by remarkable powers of clairvoyance. Further you conclude that not only am I negative but I am actually to blame for environmental problems based on the logic of "if you're not part of the solution etc."(!) Your speculations on my psychological state and standard of living are the climax and neatly tie a bow on your argument in terms of the root causes of my miserabe condition.
If you are comfortable tackling big problems with a cliché- and slogan-based approach knock yourself out ? the world will love you. But remember that's what got Drumpf elected (well that and the Electoral College system).

您根据一个简单评论就能弄清楚我的个性和观点的能力是令人印象深刻的,只能说你有很卓越的洞察力。 此外,你认为不仅我是悲观的,而且我实际上我将环境问题归咎于一种“如果你不是解决方案的一部分”的逻辑。你对我的心理状态和生活水平的猜测是最精彩的, 严密地将您的论点和我的悲惨情况的根本原因联系在一起。
如果你挺满意这种陈词滥调和空喊口号的解决方法,那随便你? 世界会爱上你, 但请记住这是使Drumpf当选(和选举团体系)的原因。


Although doors are often open to shops in summer they're really good about keeping heat in during winter ? huge padded curtains across shop fronts. And also fridges in convenience stores mostly have doors in China.


Yes high rises in Shanghai make sense because the population of the city is huge. However we can't pretend that Shanghai is an environmentally friendly city. It's full of huge roads and they're getting more and more. Its buildings are built to a low quality and need to be demolished all the time. Historic and ecologically sustainable houses are being demolished and replaced with cheap high rises with large car parks. But the cities I'm really talking about are the ones in the West ? these cities are building more and more high rises often in the middle of fields (in areas where there is extreme scarcity of water). I'm not saying that Chinese individuals are harming the environment ? obviously individually they are far better than Europeans and Americans. My point is that the way that the government is designing China is modelled on the failed cities of the US Mid-West instead of the traditional high dense walking and cycling cities of East Asia.



I lived in a high rise apartment in a suburb of Shanghai for several years. There are plenty of local shops - I walked from the metro to the shops and then home or I walked from home to the grocers. I never owned a car. My cousin lives in lives in a high-rise in a smaller provincial city. She can afford a car but chooses not too because life is convenient enough. Although car-ownership is growing in China - there are still only 214 cars per 1000 people compared to 797 in the USA and 740 in Australia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_vehicles_per_capita

我在上海郊外的一个高层公寓中居住过几年时间。这里的商店很多,从地铁站走到商店,再到家或者从家里走到杂货店,这一路上都是。我自己没有一辆小汽车。我表妹她居住在一个小一点儿的省会城市,也住在高层公寓里面。她能够买得起小车但是没有买,因为她那里的生活交通很便利。 尽管在中国的汽车保有量一直在增长,但是相比于美国千人的汽车拥有量为797辆,澳洲为740辆,中国目前只有214辆。参考https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_vehicles_per_capita

True this is not the engineer generation.
Wrong not a single lawyer. 2 engineers (Xi JinPingYu Zhengsheng)
2 economists (Li Ke qiangZhang Gaoli )
1 Korean language (Zhang Dejiang)
1 History (Wang Qishan)
1 Teacher (Liu Yunshan) In any case this is probably anecdotic. We should research who are the guys behind them. I bet probably now laywers

2个经济专家:李总理 张高丽
1个韩语专家 张德江
1个历史学家 王岐山
1个教师 刘云山


We mock what we do not understand. ( same as Trump ).


U win the prize for most accurate response.


Yes. That was what I meant.


I agree fascinating fictional article with a dash of "premature optimism" ! . . . . Now back to reality.


Very interesting article thanks.


I suppose you prefer Christian zealots like Blair Bush or Trump?


Thornton said it helps that most of the politburo are engineers rather than political scientists lawyers or economists as in the west.
Then Thornton's book must be four years out of date. I am disappointed. It was Hu Jintao's politburo that was made up of engineers. Since 2013 Xi Jin Ping's politburo has been dominated by lawyers.

Thornton 说中国政府大多数的政治局委员是工程师而不是像西方政府大都是政治学家律师或者经济学家,这很有帮助。


Yes I remember the melamine scandal. Two were executed for it and a dozen or more are still doing time. Nothing to do with the Government.


Indeed. This explains how relocated farmers can get given free a modern sizable apartment hot water widescreen TV and WiFi. Though they then have to find a job or start a local business. I've been told some farmers don't actually earn anything profit wise being entirely subsistent and engaging for like for like bartering though if they can sell food the state now guarantees a fair price. Most get money sent home from migrant family members that is often missing from their statistics.

确实。这也解释了为什么重新安置的农民能够得到政府提供的一套配有热水器、宽屏电视和Wifi的现代公寓。尽管这些人得重新找份工作或在当地从头开始做生意。有些人告诉我一些农民实际上挣不到钱,他们仅能通过等价交换的方式来维持生计。政府也保证以一个公正的价格来收购他们的粮食,如果他们想卖的话。 另外大多数人会收到从他们在外务工的家人那里汇过来的钱,而这些从统计上看不到。

Shenzhen is similar. Just asked my partner what her parents pay per year in rural rent. It's the same as she pays each month in Shenzhen. Buying there is the same as 2 years apartment rent here.

深圳情况也差不多。问问我同伴她父母在农村的年租房费用就知道, 和她在深圳交的月房租一样多,在那里买房的价格和在深圳租房2年的租金总和是一样的。


Although there are over 200 big cities 48% of the people live in villages and small towns. I'm taking the lower average bandied about of the whole. The Beijing average is about 600 dollars. My Chinese colleagues on the front desk earn that yet live in nice comfortable modern apartments and can afford to travel and save. How they do it I have no idea but they do. I earn three to four times that and Beijing can be expensive as you say. However you could never live in London or New York for 600 dollars a month without state and federal handouts.


Fact of life Without a demand there will be no supply


Martin Doyle
Strange how in Australia the business community is in favour of renewable energy; yet our politicians are seen as dinosaurs who believe that coal in man's best friend. The problem is many politicians are driven by ideology and have no respect for scientists they believe God will look after Earth's environment by default without the people needing to lift a finger.



nearly right we must stop buying then China will stop making it.....


His client is dying it has been mutilated raped boiled and toxicated. How would you react if your mother has been subjected to these perversions? Wellin this case it is OUR Mother!!! Expect no mercy from the natural law of cause and effect!


Thank you i shall seek it out.


China's 'ecological civilisation' concept sounds wholly compatible with Australia's permaculture concept. Permaculture takes the best most effective aspects of human engineering and design and works in partnership with nature rather than seeing humanity as separate from and superior to nature. With support from for example the Indian and Chinese governments and private funding from Branson / Gates philanthropy things might not be as dire as the war mongers and market riggers would have us believe. The new Cannondale Drapac cycling team sponsors have spotted that the key to the future of humanity is in healthy education:

中国的“生态文明”理念完全符合澳大利亚的永续生活理念。 永续生活理念采用了人类工程和设计方面最有效的方面,与自然界合作,而不是将人类视为不同于并优越于自然。 例如,在印度和中国政府,布兰森/盖茨慈善事业的私人资金可能不会像战争者和市场装备人员所认为的那样可怕。 Cannondale Drapac自行车队的赞助人指出人类未来的关键是健康的教育:


5000 Ah! A good comrade at the Guardian? Colour me surprised.


I rememebr reading (or seeing - there was a documentary) about a Chinese project to bring vegetation and rain back to a desertified area somewhere in the north. I can't quite remember - this is some years ago - but it might be this:
http://time.com/4851013/china-greening-kubuqi-desert-land-restoration/ It would probably have been on the BBC - if anyone knows what I'm talking about I'd be grateful if they could remind me. Illustrations of cooperation in action.


I do believe the US is capable. But the us has never fought an enemy of the future. When ww2 broke out it took 2 years to be ready. Now they have to be ready but to avoid a war they can't win and they don't see for what since it is not in their faces. Maybe now with the hurricanes raging but generally It is too abstract for people to acknowledge somehow which is really frustrating. And in all reporting about these hurricanes not once you hear or read 'climate change'.



Jams O'Donnell
Probably the least helpful comment ever.


Jams O'Donnell
Good of you to point out the most unimportant point in the whole article just in case any of us missed it.


While I do what I can... and its more than many ... unless we drastically and immediately alter our behaviou and become a pist industrial world its just behaviour to make us feel psychologically better isnt it?


They prey on civilisation with the blessing of the courts.



A fascinating article on two fronts: China and Thornton. I've ben thinking for years that there's something most intriguing about China. Most of the world seems quite ignorant about China in its vast complexity. We read "oppression" and "they're all capitalists now" and not much more. Then there are hints as in this article about how it functions: in this case technical experts in charge of technical matters.
Conclusion: I'd really like to know more about China.
I remember saying this years ago : "Guardian can we have a long series of articles looking at how China works?" so I'm saying it again: "Guardian how about a focus on China?"
Fascinating. The other is Thornton: fascinating individual. I suppose Hollywood screenwriters are circling and a biopic can't be far off. Directed by and starring Mr. Expresso man I forget his name (honest too proud to look it up). So thanks - great sunday morning article. Fascinating. Oh and a welcome hint of optimism.这篇文章有二点很精彩:中国和Thornton。

