Guo Jing a young soldier among the massed ranks of Genghis Khan’s invading army and son of a murdered warrior may soon become as familiar a questing literary figure as Frodo Baggins from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings or Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. In fact this Chinese fighting hero is already part of phenomenon that can match both of those epics in size. For the books of Guo Jing’s creator the author known as Jin Yong have already sold more than 300m copies.
The world’s biggest kung fu fantasy writer Jin Yong enjoys huge popularity in the Chinese-speaking world. In the west however his name is barely known largely due to the complexity of the world he has created and the puzzle that has posed for translators.
Now for the first time the beginning of his extraordinarily popular series Legends of the Condor Heroes has been translated into English for a mainstream readership. It is a task that has already defeated several translators yet Anna Holmwood 32 from Edinburgh has managed it – or at least the first volume. Her British publisher MacLehose Press plans a 12-volume series with Holmwood’s first volume A Hero Born due out in February.
现在,他非常受欢迎的射雕三部曲的首部着作《射雕英雄传》,首次已经被翻译成英语呈现给主流读者。这是一项已经难倒了好几名翻译的任务,但来自爱丁堡的32岁的 Anna Holmwood(郝玉青)搞定了此事——或者说至少搞定了第一卷。她的英国出版商麦克莱霍斯出版社计划推出该书的12卷版,以Holmwood(郝玉青)今年2月出版的首卷——《英雄诞生》拉开帷幕。
Agent Peter Buckman who sold the rights to the series to the publisher came across the works almost by chance as he searched the internet for “bestselling authors”. “Jin Yong was in the top 10 though I’d never heard of him; nor did I read Chinese” he said this weekend.
Comparisons with Tolkien or George RR Martin might sound overblown but in China Hong Kong Vietnam and Taiwan Jin Yong’s works are classics loved like fairytales or national legends.
“These books are read by so many Chinese people when they are teenagers and the work really stays in their heads” Holmwood told the Observer. “So of course I felt a great weight of responsibility in translating them – and even more as publication draws near.”
Set in China in 1200 A Hero Born tells of an empire close to collapse. Under attack from the Jurchen Jin dynasty the future of the entire Chinese population rests in the hands of a few lone martial arts exponents. A novel in the wuxia or fighting hero tradition it was written under the pen name Jin Yong by Chinese journalist Louis Cha Leung-yung. A founding editor of the Hong Kong daily newspaper Ming Pao in the 1950s he put together a set of stories charting the progress of a young martial arts fighter during the Song dynasty and serialised them. The plots were fictional but the historical background was real.
They became the biggest Chinese publishing hit of the last century. Cha who is now 93 and lives in seclusion created a vast imaginary world over 15 novels which spawned films games comics and television shows.
Buckman bought the rights and sold them on to a British publisher after meeting Holmwood and discovering how little of the series was available in English. “Anna did a sample chapter of the first of the Condor Heroes books and I sent it out to various publishers. My old friend Christopher MacLehose who specialises in translated masterpieces had discovered from a Chinese friend how Jin Yong’s work was like Simenon’s is to the French or Tolstoy’s to the Russians – a part of the common culture with one generation of readers passing on their enthusiasm to the next” he said.
在与 Holmwood(郝玉青)会面并发现这个系列的英文译本甚少之后,Buckman购买了这些书的版权,并将其卖给了英国的一家出版商。Buckman说,“安娜试翻了下首版《射雕英雄传》里的一个章节,我把它发给了不同的出版商。我的老朋友克里斯托弗·麦理浩是专门从事名着翻译的,他从一位中国朋友中得知发现金庸的作品就像西默农的作品(比利时作家)之于法国人或是托尔斯泰的着作之于俄国人一样——已经成为了共同文化的一部分,随着读者对作品的热情代代传递着”。
Although there have been academic translations published over a decade ago including an edition of The Deer and the Cauldron translated by John Minford attempts to tackle the wider work have been abandoned. Holmwood who studied Chinese at Oxford University first discovered the book in Taipei and later moved to Hangzhou in east China while she worked on her translation.
尽管在十多年前,就有出版过(金庸一些作品)的学术翻译版本,其中包括约翰·闵福德翻译的《鹿鼎记》的译本,但却已然放弃了对更广泛(畅销)书籍译本的尝试。在牛津大学学习汉语的 Holmwood是在台北发现了这本书,随后她搬到了中国华东地区的杭州开始着手她的翻译工作。
Fellow translators are now being drafted in to help with the task but the challenge facing all of them is to faithfully represent the kung fu moves along with the Chinese philosophies and religions that are all woven through the plot. Even the fighting skill of the warrior in A Hero Born for instance which literally translate as “the 18 palm attacks to defeat dragons” is in fact derived from a Taoist classic ascribed to Lao Tzu dating from 2500 years ago and has a strong philosophical element in addition to movement.
“I am of the belief that a lot of readers like a bit of a challenge as they go along” said Holmwood who now lives in Malmö Sweden with her Taiwanese husband and son. That is why fans of Lord of the Rings try to learn Elvish. So I don’t explain everything although I have written a very short prologue to introduce some of the elements of the story.”
hugheswho 3d ago
“Agent Peter Buckman who sold the rights to the series to the publisher came across the works almost by chance as he searched the internet for “bestselling authors” :
A remarkable piece of research.
Mikko _ hugheswho 3d ago
I wonder how we managed before Google?
Bruce Harris hugheswho 3d ago
“A remarkable piece of research.”
I would say it was not the research that was remarkable but what he did with the data that was. many people must have know he was a bestseller but no one did anything about it.
luciddays 3d ago
Peter Jackson just announced plans to turn the books into a 126 film franchise
彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)表示要把那些书拍成126的系列电影。
TotallyBlunt luciddays 3d ago
I'd watch that.
TheGipkik luciddays 3d ago
Really? I'd read that Jackson was only going to turn Book 1 The Legends of the Condor Heroes into 126 films.
真的?我听说的是彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)只打算把《射雕英雄传》第一卷的内容拍成126部电影。
Joe King TheGipkik 3d ago
He’d probably just make one film that felt like 126 films not least because of the songs out of nowhere and atrocious mugging with a bit of drag.
nd1online TheGipkik 3d ago
And the book readers will still come out and say the films were too short and the books were better!
Ingill 3d ago
This sounds intriguing and I'll be checking it out.
"I am of the belief that a lot of readers like a bit of a challenge as they go along” said Holmwood . . . "That is why fans of Lord of the Rings try to learn Elvish."
On the other hand while I've loved and re-read The Lord of the Rings for 35 years now I've never tried to learn Elvish so this is a bit worrying.
WishesandHorses Ingill 3d ago
I read story of the stone just as a good if puzzling novel. And then I discovered that I had missed a whole additional layer of meaning. Even in translation. I missed out on the philosophical underpinnings of the story. I didn't need that to enjoy the book but it would have made it more interesting. This is all part of Chinese shared traditional knowledge. This way of writing is also connected with Chinese tradition.
JamesValencia 3d ago
This sounds good. Always on the lookout for good books and this historical tale with philosophies and religions woven through it looks great.
The comparison with Tolkien is odd though because that's mythology. No matter. Maybe the Tolkien mention is a marketing agent's angle to drum up interest and no harm in that either.
Tolstoy sounds like a more apt comparison even if he's referred to here as a national reference rather than for his novels.
Anyway : Jin Yong. Noted.
haavbline JamesValencia 3d ago
The genre of Wuxia novels are mythological although in somewhat different ways from Tolkien.
SamLee2016 3d ago
Comparing Jin Yong to Tolkien is like comparing Tolkien to JK Rowling. Yes I've read all of them many times. Well Harry Potter just once through when I was trying to keep up with the younger generation and that was quite a feat for me (having to force myself to finish reading the series knowing how much material it lifted from other more accomplished fantasy writers and how poor the writing is in comparison).
In fact it isn't at all like comparing Tolkien to JK Rowling because Jin Yong's writing is infused with history literature traditions/culture and subtle (but clearly discernible) political commentary. If you compare his writing with Game of Thrones/George RR Martin it would be like comparing the Encyclopaedia Britannica to A Short History of Nearly Everything (Bill Bryson). There are university academic disciplines and research units dedicated to Jin Yong's writing and the man himself.
These stories have been remade into all media genres from movies TV drama series to talk shows anime computer games etc. Derivatives and references are replete in all these genres. They have influenced generations of Chinese and other East/SouthEast Asian readers including political and economic leaders (yes you read about their love of these books and quotes or references to the stories/characters are made from time to time).
I applaud Vanessa Thorpe and The Guardian for giving this a try though. It's a step forward from the usual tripe we get whenever anything in The Guardian is written about the ethnically Chinese (although Jin Yong/Cha Leung-Yung would probably belong to the more acceptable group of ethnic Chinese in the eyes of The Guardian). The article however severely undersells Jin Yong. If you have even a rudimentary understanding of Jin Yong you will watch movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of Flying Daggers with new lightbulb moments (an apt comparison may be if you read Shakespeare and watch West Side Story).
我为凡妮莎·索普和《卫报》做出的尝试鼓掌喝彩。这是我们在《卫报》(Guardian)上写的关于华人(尽管金庸(Jin Yong/Cha leung - yung)在《卫报》(the Guardian)眼中可能属于更可接受的华人群体)的一种进步。然而,这篇文章严重低估了金庸。如果你对金庸有一个初步的了解,你就会去看电影《卧虎藏龙》和《十面埋伏》,这些电影会带给你的顿悟(与之相比就如同你读了莎士比亚的作品后去看《西区故事》)
PeasantsRevolt 3d ago
The point of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings was not to celebrate the martial mentality and "warriors" engaging in derring-do but to take the least regarded souls - Hobbits who were small quiet self-contained - and show how extraordinary feats of courage fortitude and comradeship can overcome the worst depravities man can conjure in the pursuit of power. If you fail to take that away from reading Tolkien you've learnt nothing.
originalabsence PeasantsRevolt 3d ago
So completely unrealistic Oxford don pipe dreaming in other words.
Depravity still runs amok and rarely gets put down. WWII was a rare exception.
PlantPhotonics 420 originalabsence 3d ago
So completely unrealistic Oxford don pipe dreaming in other words.
Tolkien served in WW1 including the Battle of the Somme so he would have seen how ordinary rural men and boys from the shires reacted under such mechanised and overwhelming destruction.
托尔金在一战中服役,包括索姆河之战(the Battle of the Somme),所以他亲眼见证过来自夏尔的普通农村男子和男孩在这种机械化和压倒性破坏之下的真实反应。
Tongluren2 3d ago
Cha was different from most of the wuxia genre writers. He is a scholar a cultured man the founder and chief editor or a major newspaper. His writing is respected as more than just titillation but rather something with deeper meaning worth rereading to learn more. Probably as well read as Chairman Mao. His novels are replete with historical cultural references real poems.
I started reading serialized version of the Condor Heroes when I was in grade school. Rented the 30 page volumes after school. Did not really understand the cultural references back then. Just enjoyed the action and the heroism (or nationalism 101?). Have read most of his works several times over the years.
Yes Mr. Cha is rather influential amongst Chinese who read.
MattJones49 2d ago
Almost everything by Jin Yong is a classic. I prefer Jin Yong works than his competitor Gu Long. Wuxia novels is a unique Chinese literary tradition. But remember these writers were born or spent their professional life in Hong Kong and this is Hong Kong's cultural works. I am sorry to say that their achievements are not a credit one should give to china. China has not produced any cultural work of any import since it became communist. It never allow enough Freedom of Speech for writers. One of Jin Yong's best known classic "The Smiling Proud Wanderer" was banned in China at one point because it was written as a political parody. All important cultural works in East Asia came either from Hong Kong Japan or Korea.
Haywardsward 3d ago
The true Chines classic in this vein is 水浒传 Shuǐ Hǔ Zhuàn Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by 施耐庵Shī Nài'ān
JavaZee Haywardsward 3d ago
But Western readers would be turned off by the heroic monk character who loves eating Dog chops.
SamLee2016 Haywardsward 3d ago
Water Margin and Journey to the West are very different type of writing (although similar genres) and they arguably lack the political dimensions of Jin Yong's writings. Yes they are classics of Chinese literature but you really don't have to put one down ("The 'true' Chinese classic") to exalt the other. They each stand on their own merits.
I'd also venture to say Jin Yong's writing is much more involved and much more enjoyable to read than Water Margin and Journey to the West. If one really wants to make a superficial comparison the latter two are more about the stories and characters whereas Jin Yong novels are literary works in themselves even without the stories and characters.