天文学家将在星际天体上探寻外星科技的痕迹 [英国媒体]


Astronomers to check interstellar body forsigns of alien technology


Green Bank telescope in West Virginia willlisten for radio signals from ‘Oumuamua, an object from another solar system


‘Oumuamua. Scientists will monitorthe asteroid to see if it is transmitting anything. Photograph: ESO/M.Kornmesser/PA


Astronomers are to use one of the world’slargest telescopes to check a mysteriousobject that is speeding through the solar system for signs of alientechnology.


The Green Bank telescope in West Virginiawill listen for radio signals being broadcast from a cigar-shapedbody which was first spotted in the solar system in October. The bodyarrived from interstellar space and reached a peak speed of 196,000 mph as itswept past the sun.


Scientists on the Breakthrough Listenproject, which searches for evidence of alien civilisations, said the GreenBank telescope would monitor the object, named ‘Oumuamua, from Wednesday. Thefirst phase of observations is expected to last 10 hours and will tune in tofour different radio transmission bands.


“Most likely it is of natural origin, butbecause it is so peculiar, we would like to check if it has any sign ofartificial origin, such as radio emissions,” said Avi Loeb, professor ofastronomy at Harvard University and an adviser to the Breakthrough Listenproject. “If we do detect a signal that appears artificial in origin, we’llknow immediately.”


The interstellar body, the first to be seenin the solar system, was initially spotted by researchers on the Pan-Starrstelescope, which the University of Hawaii uses to scan the heavens for killerasteroids. Named after the Hawaiian word for “messenger”, the body was pickedup as it swept past Earth at 85 times the distance to the moon.


While many astronomers believe the objectis an interstellar asteroid, its elongated shape is unlike anything seen in theasteroid belt in our own solar system. Early observations of ‘Oumuamua showthat it is about 400m long but only one tenth as wide. “It’s curious that thefirst object we see from outside the solar system looks like that,” said Loeb.


The body is now about twice as far fromEarth as the sun, but from that distance the Green Bank telescope can stilldetect transmissions as weak as those produced by a mobile phone. Loeb saidthat while he did not expect Green Bank to detect an alien transmission, it wasworth checking.


“The chances that we’ll hear something arevery small, but if we do, we will report it immediately and then try tointerpret it,” Loeb said. “It would be prudent just to check and look forsignals. Even if we find an artefact that was left over and there are no signsof life on it, that would be the greatest thrill I can imagine having in mylifetime. It’s really one of the fundamental questions in science, perhaps themost fundamental: are we alone?”


The BreakthroughListen projectwas launched at the Royal Society in London in 2015,when the Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking announced the effort to listenfor signs of life on planets that orbit the million stars closest to Earth. The$100m project is funded by the internet billionaire YuriMilner, and has secured time on telescopes in the US and Australia tosearch for alien civilisations.


Astronomers do not have good ideas abouthow such elongated objects could be created in asteroid belts. By studying‘Oumuamua more closely, they hope to learn how they might form and whetherthere are others in the solar system that have so far gone unnoticed. “If it’sof natural origin, there should be many more of them,” Loeb said.


Previous work on the body found it to beextremely dark red, absorbing about 96% of light that falls on it. The colouris associated with carbon-based molecules on comets and asteroids.


If, as expected, the telescope fails topick up any intelligent broadcasts from ‘Oumuamua, the observations are stillexpected to aid scientists in understanding the body. Other signals detected bythe Green Bank telescope could shed light on whether the object is shrouded ina comet-like cloud of gas, and reveal whether it is carrying water and icethrough the solar system.
