最新的新西兰净移民数据显示2017年离开新西兰的外国人比2016年提高了2个百分点。数据新西兰的数据经理Peter Dolan称净移民人数的下降是由于去年原先那些移民进新西兰又离开的人数不断上升。
More migrants leaving NZ, more UK and Philippines citizens want work visas
More migrants who once moved to New Zealand to live decided to leave the country for good last year.
The latest Statistics New Zealand net migration data shows almost 2 percent more foreigners left New Zealand in 2017 than they did in 2016.
Statistics New Zealand population statistics manager Peter Dolan said the cooling in net migration last year was a result of "the increase in those leaving the country after migrating here in the past".
最新的新西兰净移民数据显示2017年离开新西兰的外国人比2016年提高了2个百分点。数据新西兰的数据经理Peter Dolan称净移民人数的下降是由于去年原先那些移民进新西兰又离开的人数不断上升。
Bank of New Zealand senior economist Craig Ebert said the slight lift in departure rates was marginal, and the overall net migration numbers were still "exceptionally high".
新西兰银行的资深经济学家Craig Ebert说离开新西兰的人数略有上升,但总体来看净移民人数仍然格外高。
Net migration for the year dropped by 600, to 70,000 - first hit in 2016.
Net migration is the balance of the number of people arriving and leaving New Zealand.
Out of the 99,300 non-New Zealanders that arrived here last year, 28,000 left and 71,000 stayed.
Ebert said net migration had only shifted down one gear from record peaks in 2016.
If it did not drop any more, and quickly, economic and gross domestic product forecasts may have to be altered to meet population growth, he said.
Economists had forecast Government policy to halve immigration levels within 18 months, he said. If it did not, relief would not come to the housing market.
"We do question the extent to when that may happen."
The data shows more United Kingdom citizens are moving here to work.
The majority of foreigners migrating here were from Australia, the United Kingdom and China.
The number of migrants arriving with work visas rose 11 per cent. The growth was fuelled by migrants from the UK and the Philippines.
The number of Kiwis leaving the roost to live overseas just outweighed the number of expats returning home, with the country losing 1000 more New Zealanders than it gained.
The report says that the brain drain has reversed now.
And that 1,000 more New Zealanders left NZ than returned!
Is that part of the Jacinda effect?
I call them traitors.
We paid for their education etc and then they leave and pay taxes in another country (usually Australia.
People criticising immigrants and immigration in general forget that migrants also help to grow the economy by providing jobs through taxes both direct and indirect. Even students have to eat and pay rent and student fees. Those working migrants that come to pick fruit and do the work that unemployed kiwis won't do contribute through taxes GST etc. as well as saving the NZ taxpayer money by sending their hard earned cash home to support their families who would otherwise depend on aid as well as helping to send our produce to overseas markets. Look at the big picture and not just political rhetoric.
It's a sad indictment on New Zealand, and highlights EVERYTHING that's wrong with our country, when the level of bigotry and outright racism reaches the point where people are writing the mindless, baseless lies in some of the comments below.
New Zealand is better than that, or at least it used to be. Maybe we should hold tests so we can weed out the least tolerant and most racist, and deport them! THAT would make the country a better place!
People criticising immigrants and immigration in general forget that migrants also help to grow the economy by providing jobs through taxes both direct and indirect. Even students have to eat and pay rent and student fees. Those working migrants that come to pick fruit and do the work that unemployed kiwis won't do contribute through taxes GST etc. as well as saving the NZ taxpayer money by sending their hard earned cash home to support their families who would otherwise depend on aid as well as helping to send our produce to overseas markets. Look at the big picture and not just political rhetoric.
people are now looking at the big picture ,and with not enough housing and jobs for kiwi,s they need immigration and the sale of nz stopped, until it own people are okay, and the infrastructure sorted to cope with immigration. and to prevent civil unrest as is happening in other country's overseas, nothing to do with racism color etc just common sense
n.rolls there is enough housing and jobs for "kiwi;s" (sic).The problem is that many NZers are just plain unqualified or inexperienced for many of those jobs. Are you suggesting that we should NOT look to fill those vacancies from overseas even if there is noone suitable in the country already? THAT is a recipe for economic disaster.
My wife got a master degree with merit in IT from NZ uni and she's struggling finding a job in NZ for two years now. At the same time I see more and more IT testers arriving from India on a working visas. I can see many talented kiwi graduates around that can't find their first job. From another side, when you look at these "testers" IT companies they are practically monoethnic that indicates that they are hiring based on a race rather than on a candidate skills.
@robo7 "master degree with merit in IT" means what exactly? What's the actual qualification.
"IT" in tertiary institutes usually means infrastructure. So why do you mention software testers as though they're somehow competing for the same jobs as she is? Those are vastly different disciplines, and to be honest, if I'm hiring a tester and they have a Masters degree, I'm going to be wondering a) what their testing qualifications are (industry quals would be more relevant to testing skill than a degree of any sort) and b) what they're doing applying for a TESTING job in the first place.
The thing with testers, developers, etc that are brought in from the likes of India is that they're usually on a temporary working visa. Which means they're NOT competing for things like housing, and that they're in fact going to have a VERY positive overall effect on the economy - they're earning money here, so they're paying taxes. They're SPENDING money here so they're contributing to the economy, and again paying tax through GST. They're RENTING accomodation so they're again paying money into the economy and they're not competing with kiwis for property purchases.
I actually think it's the other way around, where the ones who aren't looking at the big picture are those focused on economic growth at the expense of all else.
The impact of immigration is more than increasing the pool of tax payers. The environment is suffering because we don't have the infrastructure to cope, healthcare and public services need more funding to cover increases in population. Housing needs to be addressed.
We need the infrastructure in place before we increase immigration.
People who judge the quality of NZ by the GDP alone are the short-sighted ones.
Dear Migrants,
Forgive the Englishmen in these forums, who hide their migrant roots under the word "Kiwi". For they do not know what they do.
We all know that the initial capital to set up infrastructure in New Zealand came from the British Empire's loot taken from Asian countries during the 400 year colonial rule. And we also know, that New Zealand was kept safe from Japanese and German occupation thanks to the thousands and thousands of colonial soldiers of "color" that died for the British Empire.
So true, but memory is short. EVERYONE in this country has roots from elsewhere, either directly or as descendants of migrants. Even the first inhabitants of this country came from elsewhere. Yet, everyone blames those coming afterwards.
And maybe prospective migrants start to see the real New Zealand for what it really is.
Actually, New Zealand was arguably kept safe from Japanese occupation (the Germans never really cared about the South Pacific) by the Australians and the US, along with a relatively small handful of New Zealanders. The "British" abandoned the south pacific to it's fate with the fall of Singapore. Only the Aussies pulling their troops back from Africa, and the US joining the war, prevented the Japanese from expanding all the way to NZ.
In fact, you could alsmost thank the Japanese themselves for preventing their own march to colonial conquest, for if they hadn't attacked Pearl Harbour in 1941, the US would likely have not joined the war for years, and even then it would likely have been focused on the European theatre primarily.