中国就核态势升级指责美国,谴责特朗普政府仍具“冷战思维” [英国媒体]


China condemns US over nuclear escalation, accusing Trump administration of 'Cold War mentality'


Beijing criticises Pentagon report, calling on Washington to 'earnestly shoulder its special and prior responsibility for its own nuclear disarmament'


China has criticised suggestions by the US government that it could be a potential nuclear adversary, accusing the Trump administration of peddling a “Cold War mentality”.


The US defence department said its nuclear program had been tailored to “prevent Beijing from mistakenly concluding” that it could gain advantage by using its nuclear weapons in Asia.


But a spokesperson from China’s defence ministry said its arsenal is the “minimum level” required for security and called on Washington to reduce the size of its own weapons programme.


It also pledged never to be the first to discharge any nuclear device “under any circumstances.”


“The Chinese side expresses firm opposition” to the report, said Chinese ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang.


“We hope the US will abandon a Cold War mentality and earnestly shoulder its special and prior responsibility for its own nuclear disarmament.”


The comments followed the publication of a US policy statement known as the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).


The document highlighted Russia as the US’s most dangerous nuclear opponent, along with North Korea and China.


The ruling Communist Party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army, has the world’s fifth-largest nuclear arsenal, with 300 warheads, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The US and Russia each have about 7,000 warheads, or about 20 times as many as Beijing.


Beijing has rattled Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian governments with increasingly assertive gestures and belligerent comments aimed at enforcing its claims to disputed islands and swathes of ocean.


In December, China sent bombers and fighter planes to fly around Taiwan, the self-ruled island the communist mainland claims as its territory. The warplanes flew near South Korean and Japanese air space, prompting Japan to dispatch fighter jets to intercept them.


Mr Trump responded to the report’s findings on Friday, saying it confirmed the US commitment to “nuclear non-proliferation”.


“Over the past decade, despite US efforts to reduce the roles and numbers of nuclear weapons, other nuclear nations grew their stockpiles, increased the prominence of nuclear weapons in their security strategies, and – in some cases -pursued the development of new nuclear capabilities to threaten other nations,” he said.


“The strategy develops capabilities aimed at making use of nuclear weapons less likely. It enhances deterrence of strategic attacks against our nation, and our allies and partners, that may not come in the form of nuclear weapons.


“And, importantly, it reaffirms our commitment to arms control and nuclear non-proliferation, maintains the moratorium on nuclear testing, and commits to improving efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to nuclear terrorism.”


Jonathan D
Trump's rhetoric is unhelpful but the real escalation has been caused by the US nuclear weapons modernization program. The program retrofits all submarine ballistic missiles with 'super-fuses' that increase the force's overall killing power by 300%. It will effectively give the US first-strike capability. Ironically, this was signed by Obama after he received the Nobel peace prize and promised to reduce nuclear tensions.


John Bull
We're watching as the US Empire loses its authority and control on the international stage, China is the New Global Leader and the US know it.  China will in the next 10-15 years invade Japan (because Japan is getting more and more militarily minded China will nip it in the bud and clean that country of its gangster yakuzas who govern so much of Japan today.  The US will not intervene as China's military alliance with Russia will be that much stronger by then and they won't want to be attacked themselves.  After Japan has been cleaned of its Gangster economy, then Europe and Asia will be ready to become Eurasia.  This is the future, all 102 Countries together under one flag, 103 if you include Vatican City.
P.S. the USA will be an inconsequential pipsqueak in comparison and will be in no position to make demands ever again.


Tom Sharp
Trump is trying to outdo another Republican senator. Senator Joe McCarthy (who died in 1957 during the cold war) who would frighten those who would believe him (and many did) when he would produce and wave a pocket book claiming to have 200 names of public figures who were card carrying communists! If people don’t believe that lie. Come up with a bigger lie and so on!


It was the US that was the first country to use nuclear weapons against another country, when it dropped atomic bombs in Japan during WWII.
In his book, General MacArthur wanted to use nuclear bombs in the Korean War.  He wrote: “The enemy’s air would first have been taken out. I would have dropped between 30 to 50 tactical atomic bombs on his air bases and other depots strung across the neck of Manchuria from just across the Yalu at Antung (northwest tip of Korea) to the neighborhood of Hunchun (northeast tip of Korea near the border of the USSR)."
No other country has taken such a proactive stance on the use of nuclear weapons, so it is hypocritical to accuse other countries of behaving so.


Someone needs to tell these fossilised fools in the US defence department that the cold war came to an end 27 years ago.


The problem is the Pentagon. It aims to achieve a Disarming First Strike Capability (see the books by missile engineer Bob Aldridge). GPS was made for Minuteman-3 and Trident-2 to be able to hit missile silos accurately. The US Navy can track and destroy all enemy submarines simultaneously according to missile engineer Bob Aldridge ( and ch.9 Nuclear Empire). Bob Aldridge on the 648 missiles in Poland and Romania and on 32 ships in the Mediterranean (the so-called European Phased Adaptive Approach): "Whether they are on ships or land, they are still a necessary component for an unanswerable first strike." The Russians will have no choice but Launch On Warning forced on them by the stupid, aggressive bloody fools in Pentagon/NATO. Suicidal Bloody Fools !

问题出在五角大楼。它在寻求解除首次打击能力(可以看看导弹工程师Bob Aldridge的书)。GPS的研制就是为了民兵3和三叉戟2能准确击中核弹发射井。弹工程师Bob Aldridge说,美国海军可以同时追踪和摧毁所有敌人的潜艇(详见 和核武帝国第9章)。波兰和罗马尼亚的648枚导弹,地中海上还有32艘船(所谓的欧洲分阶段适应方案)Bob Aldridge说“无论是在船上还是陆地上,他们都无可争辩的是一次首先打击的必要组成部分。”俄国人没办法只能见到警报就发射反击,就是五角大楼和北约这帮愚蠢、好斗的笨蛋逼的,一帮有自杀倾向的笨蛋!

Surrounded by US bases, many with nuclear capabilities, and a president hell bent on expanding that capability; wouldn't you want your own nuclear capability? Iran, N Korea sure do

