Argentina leader leaves controversiallegacy with Patagonia dams project
As the presidency of Argentina’s Cristina Fernández de Kirchner enters its final days, her greatest – and arguably most controversial – legacy project is just getting under way in the remote grasslands of Patagonia.
Here, amid herds of wild guanacos, condor nests and the occasional rhea, a Chinese-financed team of engineers will soon be dynamiting hillsides and pouring millions of tonnes of concrete for two giant hydroelectric dams that will flood an area the size of Buenos Aires.
EliasD 1d ago
The main problem with dams is the soilsalinity caused by lack of water in one side of river basin. This actually doesnot only lead to soil infertility but also is a reason for sand storms whichcauses a variety of diseases for people. Specially in semi-arid areas like manyplaces in middle east, constructing dams equals to both environmental andhealth diseases but unfortunately regarding that many dam constructingorganizations belong to the governments, there is no chance to stop thesedevastating projects, so the best solution to overcome similar barriers is tosupport the environmental researches who really care about the climate changeand its effects.
Estanislao Deloserrata EliasD 9h ago
You have obviously never even seen a dam ifyou are making nonsense comments like that.
atenom 1d ago
These dams will be built in the middle ofnowhere, in a dryland where you need 25 acres to feed a sheep and cows do notsurvive. The electricity will most surely be sent north to be connected to theargentine power grid. Strong winds are practically constant in the area andcrop production is nearly impossible without wind barriers or greenhouses. Upto now no mineral deposits of commercial value have been found in Santa Cruz,except oil and gas and low grade coal, so electricity demand will remain low,as very few people live there. By the way, oil royalties amounting to 600 M USDpaid to the Santa Cruz government seem to have vanished. Anyway, who owns theland near these dams? Are they old time owners?
Kieron McGlinchey atenom 14h ago
The question for me, as a student of EnergyPolicy, is (and which you have alluded to) how much electricity is lost intransportation to a destination 1900 miles away? Mankind loses something like30% of all electricity that is produced due to inefficiency (mostly in thetransportation process). Transportation over 1,900 miles would surely see ahigher percentage of electricity loss (of all the electricity generated by thedam). The economics of this project would be severely eroded by this. I'm notagainst hydroelectricity per se, but sensible policy choices are a must. Presumablyprovinces between the dam site and Buenos Aires (with major cities such asNequen, Comodoro Rivadavia, and San Carlos de Bariloche) will be powered by theproject?
fishguard 1d ago
why is every politician's aim to destroy asmuch as possible, by carpet-bombing humans if they have a rich country'sresources to command, by destroying their own country or people if that is allthey have within their power? I am convinced the will to power is incrediblydestructive, angry, lashing out kind mind
Budovski Ximples 1d ago
That's right, poor countries should not beable to invest in their own development and they should definitely not be ableto get money to fund it from anyone except the IMF.
This is all I gathered from this article.What a joke.
massachutenssis 1d ago
Peronistas always run out of other people'smoney.
calbuco 2d ago
They stopped the Patagonia dam project inChile. One up to them
SouthernMartin calbuco 1d ago
The chilean project was designed to beplaced in a FORESTED area, with high levels of biodiversity and, most importantof all, populated. Quite the same, yeah!
Voluntary ignorance at its best.
Tonycaluga SouthernMartin 1d ago
The chilean project wasn't in a forestedarea, there were trees but compared to other patagonia zones that could hardlybe called a forest. Bio diversity wise, well, how much bio diversity do youhave in the barren hills of patagonia?, and it was not in a populated area soyes, voluntary ignorance at best.
Rafael Amador 2d ago
For the environmental impact studies,Chines funded infrastructures are not better than those funded by the WorldBank.