中国退伍军人空手接11楼掉下女子 [英国媒体]


Formersoldier catches woman falling from 11-storey window with his BARE HANDS


A former soldier heroically stepped in tosave a woman falling from a 11-storey building in Enshi, central China, butended up in hospital himself.


Feng Ning, 23, was walking past thebuilding with friends when he heard screams for help and saw a woman danglingout of a window, according to People's Daily Online.


He tried to catch the woman as she fell butended up getting crushed by the force of her fall. Unfortunately the woman,could not be saved and died as a result of her injuries.


The hero will need surgery costing morethan 80,000 Yuan (£8,000).


Feng, who left the army after two years ofservice and is due to start his university education, is too poor to afford hisown fees.


However, thanks to his heroic act, manyteachers and fellow students have donated to his cause.


The reason why the woman fell out of thewindow is still under investigation.


Firstplacelast, london, United Kingdom, 1day ago
That was so brave of him. Such a shame hecouldn't save her but luckily he wasn't killed in the process.


americanblood, Duluth, United States, 1 dayago
To me this is man is the real deal, a TrueHero for attempting to save this person. He did not know whom it was, their sexor place in society, all he knew was they needed help from someone or theywould surely die. We have used the hero moniker in many situations but this oneis truly befitting of this man. I hope he is helped by donations and possiblyeven has little left over after its all said and done for helping him reach hisgoals in life. Our World could sure use many more like him.


LI-LO, LONDON, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
"I knew it was dangerous but Icouldn't stand by and do nothing." Class of your own Mr.Feng andincreasingly becoming a rarer type of person. Much respect to you.


Northallerton Bob, Northallerton, UnitedKingdom, 1 day ago
Such a brave unselfish man. He deserves apension for his care. I hope he recovers, good luck to you sir.


Joy, London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Good man, a hero. i hope he fully recoversand is donated all the money he needs for his expenses. RIP to the poor womanwho died.


Moonraker59, Blandford, United Kingdom, 1day ago
What a wonderful human being I hope herecovers fully.


Nuala, Mississauga, Canada, 1 day ago
What a decent young man. I lived in Chinafor over 5 years, sadly most people prefer to be spectators


Revolu, Rareo, Timor-Leste, 1 day ago
Get a crowd funding page set up for thelad! I'd happily donate to this wonderful soul.


Batman Crime Fighter, Gotham VillageNottingham GB, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Brave Bloke, definitely a super hero!


Bugs, London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
I'd chip in to help this brave selflesshero. DM if there is a link to support please add.


Catherine63, tyrone, United Kingdom, 1 dayago
For this unpretentious act of heroism Ithink the state (country) should pay !!


didisaythat, neverland, United States, 18hours ago
He acted by instinct, didn't get time tothink of consequences. But not everyone can do that!!!

