你能忍受么?中国游客在世界遗产洗脚的视频引发了争论 [英国媒体]


Can YOU bear it? Video showing Chinese tourists washing their feet in aUNESCO heritage site sparks debate


Footage showing dozens of visitors washing their feet ina famous Chinese lakehas ignited a heated discussion on whether or not the behaviour isacceptable.
In the video clips from last week, tourists young and oldare seen dipping their bare feet into the UNESCO-listed West Lake whilerelaxing on the embankment.
While some web users called the visitors 'rude' and'uncivilised'; others came to their defence, arguing that the lake is not asource of drinking water and those visitors were simply enjoying nature.


Visitors are seen putting their feet into West Lake in Hangzhou, east China,last week (left).
One eyewitness said there were about 20 to 30 touristssitting on the embankment (right)


The controversial videos were taken on the night ofJuly 7 along the Broken Bridge at the north side of the650-hectare lake, according to Zhejiang News.


West Lake, one of the 53 UNESCO World Heritage sitesin China, has always been regarded as a romantic scenic spot by the Chinesepublic, having inspired poets and painters for thousands of years.


Apparently, such phenomenon is not new.
Similar reports could be traced back to 2013, when thenews of 'thousands of tourists' putting their feet into the freshwater lakemade headlines on newspapers.  
It's said that at the time, security guards had to set uploudspeakers to blast out the message: 'Dear visitors, please do not put yourhands or feet into the lake. Please enjoy the lake in a civilised way.'

据说,当时保安人员不得不设置扩音器来播出信息:“亲爱的游客,请不要把手或脚放入湖中, 请以文明的方式享受西湖。”


Apparently, such behaviour happens every year. The above picture showstourists in 2013


In 2013 (pictured), loudspeakers were used to tell people not to puttheir feet into West Lake


After the latest videoswere shared on Chinese social media this week, web users have expresseddifferent point of views.


Some said the act spoiled the picturesque scenery andturned the celebrated lake into a 'public feet-washing basin'.


While others argued that the habit of washing or bathingin public had been observed for centuries, and it did not cause harm theenvironment.


A trending hashtag, called 'West Lake becomes afeet-washing basin', has gathered more than 960,000 views on Weibo, a Chineseequivalent of Twitter.
Some users considered the action 'obscene' and 'indecent'and compared it to graffiti vandalism.


One such commentator,who claimed to be a Hangzhou resident, stressed that West Lake is not a publicbathhouse, but a scenic spot.


Another user, clearly upset by the tourists, wrote: 'Thefish are going to die because of their smelly feet.'


On the other hand, there are also many people who did notsee it as a problem at all. They claimed that it was a normal way for people torelax at the tourist spot. One even said that he 'did it all the time' when hewas a child and was never caught.


'As long as they didn't fall into the lake, what's wrongwith putting their feet in the water?' A user called 'XibianrichuV' said.


Some web users said tourists should visit the lake in a civilised way,while other didn't see it as a problem at all. The foot-washing trend in WestLake can be traced back as far as 2013


Some emphasised thosetourists did not bring any harm to the environment or pollute the water,therefore it should be within their rights to do so.


'If this can easily pollute the lake, Mother Nature couldhave died long time ago,' wrote 'Linglingzifeng'.


Infact, chief officer Miao Qitao at West Lake Waters Management told People's DailythatWest Lake could purify the water itself.
'We started a programme to grow seaweed at the bottom ofthe lake in order to cleanse the water in 2011.


'The water quality isimproving year by year thanks to the 31-hectare seaweed planted under thewater.'


West Lake was listed asan UNESCO world heritage site in 2011.
The committee praised the area's beautiful scenery andthe inspiration it had provided to painters and poets.


Thelake, decorated with numerous temples, pagodas, and gardens, inspirespeople to 'project feelings onto the landscape', stated the UNESCO committee.


Titania__, Nowhere, Equatorial Guinea, 7 hoursago
They are notpoisoning the waters, and certainly not defiling it in any way. Why the drama?!


Crutch Cargo, Ipswich, United Kingdom, 10hours ago
Been there.It is a beautiful spot but like lots of places in China the sheer number ofpeople overwhelms the tranquility of the setting.


D-H-G, Singapore, Singapore, 13 hours ago
It is not anaquarium at the zoo.....


DWindsor, New Forest Southern England, UnitedKingdom, 17 hours ago
They're notwashing their feet, they're dipping their feet... they're not there scrubbingmuck off their feet into the water, just sitting with their feet in the waterenjoying the view! Nothing wrong with this in the slightest.


Novichok for you, DailyMailheadoffice, UnitedKingdom, 17 hours ago
White peopleare worse


njchick89, Burlington Nj, United States, 18hours ago
I'm notunderstanding the problem here..people swim in lakes so what's the issue?


Jim Donnelly, Doha, Qatar, 18 hours ago
So what?


Tdevinaspre, Boise, United States, 19 hoursago
Feet are notgoing to pollute the lake any more than fish feces or dead decaying plants oranimals.


Novichok for you, DailyMailheadoffice, UnitedKingdom, 19 hours ago
They are adisgusting species


rabbit38, london, 19 hours ago


Trot, Paxton, United States, 20 hours ago
Great SmokyMountains National Park is a UNESCO heritage site. Next time I visit it and seepeople putting their feet in the water, I'm going to call 911 and expressoutrage on social media.


Sofian, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20 hours ago
Pretty harshself critism over a lake. I expected more like what I see people washing theirhands and feet in the Trevi fountain.


Mzungu, Sodden-on-the-Water, United Kingdom,20 hours ago
Chinesetourists generally behave poorly abroad. They don't know any better. A largelybackward nation of peasants dragged kicking and screaming into the modern age.Too rapid economic development but human development hasn't kept up.


Druidor, Newbury, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago
Chinesetourists are generally a disgrace, no modicum of civility, be iturinating/defecating in a street, throwing rocks at zoo animals, defacingmonuments, ripping branches off cherry trees in Japan and just a general lackof manners.


Fruitbat, Chatham, United Kingdom, 24 hoursago
I couldn'tsee anyone washing their feet. Am I looking at the correct video?


John Smith II, Windsor, Canada, 24 hours ago
Maybe youwant listen to my Chinese colleague when once a week she is clipping her nailsin a very quiet office. A real pleasure.


Madone2849, Boston, United States, 1 day ago
What thehell is the point of a lake if you can't put your feet in the water?


bigdustup, Boulder, United States, 1 day ago
What kind ofnews is this? People Put Feet in Lake? Next it will be People Walk in Forest.or God forbid, People Sit on Grass in Park.


Ann, Northeast, United States, 1 day ago
Manytourists (of all nationalities) never think. What the UNESCO site needs to dois put up signs, alas, to tell people how to behave. Far too many touristsbehave like they're at home and do whatever the heck they want.


Peter62, london, 1 day ago
Of coursetheir uncivilised. Their Chinese for God sake! Probably trying to attract fishso they can eat them alive!


Expat2018, Somewhere, United Kingdom, 1 dayago
Some Chinesetourists behave in a far more offensive manner ..........


Pargolfer, Billericay, United Kingdom, 1 dayago
What did youexpect, it's water, not holy water.


Smw1403, Greater manchester, United Kingdom, 1day ago
The pollutionin China is the highest in the world and yet people are complaining about ahandful of people cooling their feet in a lake. Priorities


babemagnet, leamington spa, United Kingdom, 1day ago
At least forthe people , it is a useful heritage site , not like most heritage money pits .


Esoryung, Seoul, South Korea, 1 day ago
No idea howto behave, always.


herakles, GLASGOW, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Otherwiseknown as paddling...humans have always done this. Good for the feet and doingno harm since this is not a reservoir for drinking water.


greatbrit, back home, United Kingdom, 1 dayago


rayme, manchester, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
What isuncivilised about cooling your feet. As far as I can see no one is using soap.


Arty, Swindon, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Are thereany fish in this lake or other water creatures?, if there is then a few grubbyfeet will make no difference to the overall cleanliness of the water.


Hagbard, SAFFRON WALDEN, United Kingdom, 1 dayago
Anyone whohas experienced these tourists will confirm they are pigs. In Paris they had toput up signs asking for Chinese tourists not to spit in their restaurants.

