台湾和日本在这个月就慰安妇问题举行会谈 [日本媒体]

台北---- 台湾和日本预计将于一月展开对话,讨论长期存在的二战之前和期间被强迫在日本的战时军营妓院中“工作”的台湾妇女的问题。日本网友:我能理解许多日本人不接受慰安妇存在的事实。日本从来没有否认过慰安妇的存在。这个制度在当时又不是非法的。卖淫嫖娼在当时是合法的。日本只是否认韩国人关于这事的夸大其词。


TAIPEI —Taiwan and Japan are scheduled to hold talks in January on the long-standing issue of Taiwanese women forced to work in Japan’s wartime military brothels before and during World War II.

台北---- 台湾和日本预计将于一月展开对话,讨论长期存在的二战之前和期间被强迫在日本的战时军营妓院中“工作”的台湾妇女的问题。

Taiwanese Foreign Minister David Lin told reporters that Japan has “agreed in principle” to begin negotiations on the issue at the beginning of January.


“It will take time to see the final result, but we hope there will be some progress made in the near future,” he said.



OssanAmericaJAN. 03, 2016 - 08:09AM JST
Whatever is agreed it will be smoother than with South Korea because apart from those influenced by and working for China, most Taiwanese want to resolve the issue for good and continue to maintain good relations. Taiwan did not brainwash their young will anti-Japan education like South Korea.


ThePBotJAN. 03, 2016 - 08:16AM JST
Taiwan did not brainwash their young will anti-Japan education like South Korea.


...but, but, Taiwan is apparently brainwashing their kids with lies like the "comfort women too"! Why else would Taiwan even bring up the comfort women issues to begin with?!?!



CrazyJoeJAN. 03, 2016 - 08:27AM JST
It would be interesting to see how Japan and Abe react to the call from Taiwan to apologize and to reach accommodation on the comfort women issue with them too. Evenhanded dealings and offering an equivalent deal to the country and others that may have been affected by the comfort women issue (regardless of whether they accept it or not) would demonstrate true remorse on Japan's part and would go a long way to help Japan close this chapter with all its neighbors and not just Korea, and to move on. This would also demonstrate that this deal is not purely an interest driven political deal but a genuine step towards reconciliation and atonement.

疯乔·简 2016年1月3日 上午8点27分 


cruzian1JAN. 03, 2016 - 08:55AM JST
I can understand that many people in Japan do not want to accept that the comfort women system existed. However, PM Shinzo Abe and the entire Japanese government deserves a lot of credit for confronting the horrors of the past. I will not be surprise if the Japanese government makes amends to all of the surviving women impacted by the comfort system across the region. The goodwill being expressed by the international community to Japan is something that I think the Japanese people should be proud about. It is never easy to confront the past, but Japan is getting high marks from the international community for how it is dealing with this sensitive topic.



Cogito Ergo SumJAN. 03, 2016 - 09:13AM JST
It should be noted that Taiwan/Formosa was the first Japanese colony,and it appears like they really tried to act a bit better than the Western powers in the beginning. That's why many Taiwanese are not so livid about Japans past. This is not to say they had no issues because there were not less than 3 major revolts high- handedly suppressed by the colonialist. The past has come back and is biting Japan's rear. I wish they had the capacity to learn and refrain from their evil ways...and stop using its financial clout for ablution,and be GENUINELY sorry for the evil they did.


Danny BloomJAN. 03, 2016 - 09:21AM JST
@thepbot, the weianfu ianfu girls and women recruited from Taiwan under colonial Japan rule at that time were aboriginal females from Formosa's mOuntainous east coast aNd they had no idea where they were being shipped or for what purpose. Recruiters told them "good job in Japan army, like nurse, make money too. " two thousand, four alive. They don't seek money now, they and their supporters seek for Japan to admit the truth.



A.N. OtherJAN. 03, 2016 - 09:27AM JST
It should be noted that Taiwan/Formosa was the first Japanese colony,and it appears like they really tried to act a bit better than the Western powers in the beginning. That's why many Taiwanese are not so livid about Japans past.
Japan has a better relationship with Taiwan because the Taiwanese reached over and grabbed their ankles instead of fighting back. Instead, they let 16 year old boys like my old grandpa do it for them.


tinawatanabeJAN. 03, 2016 - 09:42AM JST
I can understand that many people in Japan do not want to accept that the comfort women system existed.
Japan never denied the comfort women system existed. It was nothing illegal about the system. The prostitution was not illegal at that time. Japan only denies the Korean's exaggeration.



Danny BloomJAN. 03, 2016 - 09:43AM JST
Even today, in economic and cultural ways, via advertisements on TV and Japanese singers and fashion, Taiwan is still a colony of Japan. I call it Taiwan Prefecture, taiwan-Ken. And TAiwanese love Japan and remember 1895-1945 period was nostalgia and enka.


RamwagJAN. 03, 2016 - 09:57AM JST
Everyone has been and there is so much grievances. But to Japan (or to Mr Abe) that is nothing but their national pride. How can we trust Japan's place among international community?


Danny BloomJAN. 03, 2016 - 10:17AM JST
@ramwag, good question.


Bob SneiderJAN. 03, 2016 - 11:02AM JST
Japan wants to sweep this under the rug as fast as possible, I wonder if the Taiwanese can see that.
