西方轰炸无法拯救叙利亚,而非西方的外交却有可能 [英国媒体]



The past week has seemed like a bad rerun. For the third time in 15 years western countries led by the United States have taken military action against a majority Muslim Middle Eastern country. Support for intervention is not limited to the hard right: that Syria should be bombed was the mainstream view of the American foreign policy establishment along with Britain and France.


Let us be clear that the use of chemical weapons is a horrific crime. But we do not know the full story of what happened in Douma; to say this is not to engage in conspiracy theories but merely to admit that it has still been only a few days since the reports emerged. Yet there seems to be little interest among pro-interventionists in asking even basic questions or in allowing the UN to lead an investigation. We have been here before with the lies that led to the Iraq war but that precedent does not seem to deter western leaders as they seek yet again to rush to claim the moral high ground.


But if it is astounding that after failure in Afghanistan Iraq and Libya the west has chosen military intervention again what is just as disappointing is that the rest of the world continues to turn a blind eye. It is time for non-western countries to recognise that by not getting proactively involved in international diplomatic efforts on these big issues they relegate themselves to second-tier players and allow western leaders to define what “appropriate” and “responsible” actions are.


There has been some progress. Long criticised for not living up to its global responsibilities as a major power in recent years China has expanded its foreign presence and soft power with the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank the Belt and Road Initiative and a greater presence in global peacekeeping forces. Or look at south-east Asia a region that has seen decades of interstate peace while being at least as ethnically and religiously diverse as the war-torn Middle East.



But while governments as well as individuals across Africa and Asia are frustrated and angered by self-serving western actions most remain silent. And without alternative initiatives and engagement from non-western actors the west ends up monopolising the discussion. It is time politicians and diplomats in other parts of the world seized the initiative and stopped accepting their second-class status in the affairs of the world.


Western nations may resist the erosion of their influence. Remember how the west dismissed the brokering initiative of the African unx in Libya and instead resorted to military intervention? It is a firmly held yet rarely spoken view in western political and diplomatic circles that the rest of the world is unqualified to play any role in such crises – even though when it comes to understanding the root causes of many geopolitical tensions diplomats from countries that have been colonised or otherwise interfered with by foreign powers are surely better equipped than the former colonial powers to find solutions


A high-level UN delegation not led by western diplomats but instead by others from Asia Africa and the Middle East working for the last few years with the Syrian government might well have found some solutions had President Assad been offered some form of guarantee that he would not meet the same fate as Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi.


After this latest strike by the west the rest of the world needs to say “enough is enough”. Large non-western countries or blocks such as India Japan China Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and others such as the African unx need to not just speak out against strikes as China already has but also work together to propose – and perhaps even implement – a different non-violent and diplomatic platform. Allowing the west to dictate terms is last century’s norm.



GutsandGlory 21h ago 
This war will only end when the Syrian armed forces win in the field there are no non-military solutions at this late stage in the war. Assad may be no angel but he's secular and far more desirable than a victory for Saudi/Qatari backed Jihadists.


Spillage93  GutsandGlory 20h ago 
It seems a bit perverse to describe a version of Ba'athism in which the Alawites rule unelected over a multi-faith nation as 'secular'.


Besides Syria isn't truly 'secular'. The constitution says that the President must be a Muslim for goodness' sake.


EternallyUnimpressed  Spillage93 20h ago 
Compared to most of the region's countries and in particular the rebels within Syria Ba'athism is secular.


BMullard 21h ago
Here's an idea... Stop arming and funding 'Rebels' to attempt to overthrow the Assad government! If we did that the problems in that country would be drastically improved.


HellHoundOnMyTrail  BMullard 21h ago
But 'rebels' is the euphemism for Jaish-al-Islam the head chopping heart eating Islamic fanatics which is more or less the same ideology which caused that piece of filth to blow himself up in Manchester murdering *our* people. *This* is who the UK government has lined itself up with. Not only is this policy counter-productive to ending the ongoing heartbreak for innocent Syrains(which is the most important factor)it's endangering *us* also as there's always blowback.


Blenheim  HellHoundOnMyTrail 20h ago
Absolutely. Not one 'journalist' here in the UK has bothered to ask the question .. who are these people we're prepared to go to war for .. 


We're again placed in the firing line by a reckless Tory US obsessed government based on zero proof and seemingly at the behest of al-qaeda affiliates.



CaptainGrey 21h ago
It has been made clear time and again that the air strike would in no way stopor even slow the civil war. It was a hit on the chemical weapons factory in order to deter the use of chemical weapons in the future.


By the way go ahead and try and find a non-west solution.


sokkynick  CaptainGrey 21h ago
...where firemen are wandering about with no protective clothing at all?


steemonkey  CaptainGrey 20h ago
When are we going to bomb the Saudis?


adognow  CaptainGrey 20h ago
"Chemical weapons factory" lol. Funny how all the Russian TV crews Syrian soldiers and all manner of people not wearing protective gear were walking around the ruins of the missile attakcs and yet nothing happened to them. No gas clouds no chemical residue no victims.


And how the "White Helemets" were merrily rinsing "chemical weapons victims" off without even wearing disposable gloves aprons boots or face masks. Nothing happened to them either. And the fact that the "White Helmets" (conveniently founded by James Le Mesurier a former mercenary commander and UK military officer - how convenient I don't see any former UK military officers creating White Helmets in Iraq or Yemen) reported that one of the medical signs the "victims" of the "chemical attacks" was pupillary constriction. Sarin causes pupillary dilation instead. Oops. It's almost like a bunch of illiterate Salafists masquerading as rescue workers can't read a simple article on the signs and symptoms of organophosphate agent poisoning and correctly recite its effects.


Oh and Novichok. It is "reported to be 5–8 times more lethal than VX nerve agent and effects are rapid usually within 30 seconds to 2 minutes". And oddly all it did was make some bald overweight Russian chap doze off for a couple weeks after being able to have a pint at the local pub a meal at a local restaurant a stroll through a park and a drive from home hours after being supposedly "exposed". A "military-grade" chemical weapon three people "affected" no deaths and no lasting injuries. And yet a little VX was enough to snuff out Kim's half-brother like a candle.


Sounds pretty convenient probably like Saddam's "active chemical weapons program". And before you ask yes I am Russian bot. Privet tovarishch! Putin not pay in ruble is of weak currency. He pay in fish instead.



JesusCakes 21h ago
You want China to get involved in the Middle East.




A country with no democratically accountable government.
A country which is currently ramping up economic exploitation in Africa.
A country which is illegally occupying Tibet.
A country which has banned Muslim men from wearing beards in Xinjiang.
A country which is currently building military bases on reclaimed land for the sole purpose of intimidating its weaker geopolitical rivals at the same time they claim a huge swathe of sea based on bogus "historical" associations.
A country which illegally kidnaps booksellers who are critical of the government.
A country which censored Winnie-the-Pooh because of a harmless joke.


There is no level of contempt I can have for this article. It cannot be expressed with words.


And how about the wealthy Arab states do something for a change?


sokkynick  JesusCakes 21h ago
You want the USA to get involved in Syria. Oh wait they are... illegally.


ArtfulDodger83 21h ago
The war will end when Assad Russia and Iran are allowed to do their job without our rabid attack dogs chippin in.


sokkynick 21h ago
Wasn't aware that bomb first and ask questions later is part of the UN charter.
May will get punished on 5th May. A good 78% (22% agreed) of the country disagree with her approach.


EduardStreltsovGhost  sokkynick 21h ago
It's not it's in direct violation of International Law. But I won't expect to see Trump May or Macron hauled up to the ICJ.


argotique  sokkynick 21h ago
This agrees with my own experience of listening to friends on both sides of the political debate - few people actually think bombing Syrian one day before UN inspectors were due to arrive was a 'good' solution to the problem. I wonder if this is why the Guardian has done an about-face on the issue and is now pretending it didn't support the strikes?



Steenkensan 21h ago
Wasn′t "Agent orange" also some kind of chemical weapon? Why didn′t the west bomb American chemical factories during the Vietnam war?


"Up to four million people in Vietnam were exposed to the defoliant. The government of Vietnam says as many as 3 million people have suffered illnesses because of Agent Orange The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems as a result of Agent Orange contamination."(Wikipedia)


EduardStreltsovGhost  Steenkensan 21h ago+46
Ssssshhhhh that's 'whataboutism'.


We don't want facts that point out our contradictions. We want to thump our chests and think we are doing the right thing.


Blenheim  Steenkensan 21h ago
The Yanks sold the gas to Saddam ... that he used with abandon against Iran. 
Hypocrites and liars of the first order .. and this one a vicars daughter?..


Vin Diacola 21h ago
" But if it is astounding that after failure in Afghanistan Iraq and Libya the west has chosen military intervention again what is just as disappointing is that the rest of the world continues to turn a blind eye. "


The West has a choice. Either bomb Assad and risk the wrath of Iran and Russia or sit by and watch while Assad gasses his own population.


That's it. No other options.


Diplomacy has failed. 
International condemnation has failed. 
Telling Assad that he's no longer on our Xmas card list has failed.


I can understand why so many people are against the bombing campaign but they need to realise the alternative is watching as Syria grinds to a long unpleasant bloody conclusion in which many more innocent civilians will die.


EduardStreltsovGhost  Vin Diacola 21h ago
Hardly. Assad is nearing victory in the years-long civil war and that is fundamentally what Western countries dislike.

