春节攻势:饥饿的中国和被愚弄的美国人(下) [联合国媒体]


Tet Offensives, Hungry China and Dumbed Down Americans




denk says:
February 15, 2018 at 2:47 pm GMT • 300 Words
Linh invokes the horrors of Chinese imperial court to scare the dumped down murkkans but…..thats how long ago, one thousand, two thousands ?
China has marched into the 21c, warts and all.
Its still work in progress, but China is improving with each passing day.
OTOH, why’s the ‘world’s oldest democracy’ still giving the Mongols a good run for their money…..isnt this supposedly the era of civilisation ?
‘Meanwhile, back at Falluja, unarmed men were slaughtered; children mutilated and murdered. Some women “spontaneously aborted babies due to the terrible shock and pressure of carpet bombing”. (Go to We Hold These Truths – and click on ‘Kill on Sight’).
At Falluja hospital, according to the notes of a Turkish doctor, Hakim Mirzoev there was “an endless stream of wounded children, women, and elders. Not dozens – hundreds! On the third day the medicines started to come to the end. Especially anaesthetics and antibiotics”. Then the Americans stormed the wards, strip searched the doctors, smashed the last bottle of Iodine, dragged away the half dead male patients, as family visitors wailed and watched in horror. A process that was repeated over several days.
As reports such as these circulate among the dwindling number of Westerners curious about our war crimes, there have been half baked apologias. “Look, a torture room”, intones the voice, as the camera pans a squalid interior. We are supposed to be thankful for the flattening Falluja; instead, we are reminded of the majestic horrors at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
Meanwhile, the use of torture by the US is gradually being legitimised by the White House and the Courts. On this point we a spot a difference between the two Great Invaders. The Mongols did not torture, mutilate or maim, even though their enemies did.
Another difference: while both invasions led to the destruction of museums and libraries, the Mongols at least had a reason – their troops needed the leather of the bindings to make shoes.




augusto says: • Website
February 15, 2018 at 3:55 pm GMT • 200 Words
Yes, you think the Chinese rule won′t be so complete – but your forget one thing: the asians will offer greedy and spineless yankees what they like most: the appearance of easy money.
You cannot deny that the moral fibers of the american sheeple are close to rotten fractures. Just compare a russian or korean soldiear to an american… And just see what chinese and russians do with a mere 10 percent fraction of US investment in weaponry! What the US does keep and glories on is the title of world ′s most criminal state.
The state that recognizes Mohamedu shahila innocence, tortures him three more years and in the end has the supreme cowardice of sending him home in a plane hand cuffed, tied to a plane chair and with blinded eyes… this state is simply far more racaille than Genghis Khan at his heyday. No less.
The US are a worlwide shame and what keeps you alive is a monstrous MSM propaganda machine.
And so far in 8000 years of History all empires who morally decaying plunged into a rapid destruction. And their enemies were far less powerful than Beijing will be in 15 years.
England should not have won without american support.,



Anon • Disclaimer says:
February 15, 2018 at 6:33 pm GMT • 200 Words
@Linh Dinh
Linh, these happens to whole world even those very developed one, just differ in prence and magnitude. It happens in my country too.
In China, such things also always been reported including Dr get beaten up. Vietnam is still full of poverty people with no chance to get educated on moral values after all these wars. It will take another generation like China to change.
May be one day you should just go up to China and travel around to understand your big neighbour better, and get direct feel of their people. The world is moving forward, Chinese are very pragmatic now.
Also research from wider sources about Vietnam and China entangling issues, past war history, particular SCS spratly islands historical facts. Perhaps one day you can have better conclusion and able to help make the two neighbors to live cordially without been manipulated by US and Vietcon corrupted politicians to make your country as canon fodder like mine.
At least we could see through US evil intention, and trying to resist our government msm propaganda to drive the country to joint the US evil axis confrontation with China.


Daniel Chieh says:
February 15, 2018 at 8:15 pm GMT • 200 Words
Because they invaded China and lost their culture. The Manchu are ethnically and genetically far more extant than they are culturally, something that they recognized themselves even in rulership of the Qing.
The essential point is that invading China is typically suicidal; something which even the Japanese in their invasion of China were acutely aware of, and wrote quite a bit at the time of(their effort in Taiwan, in that sense, was a kind of model that they might be able to export the Imperial Rising Sun culture). It should be noted that to this day, there are ultraright gangs of Japan consider themselves to be the true inheritors of ancient Chinese civilization which modern Chinese have debased and without going too deeply into it, the Japanese arguably did indeed have genuinely adherents in China for their Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, though their atrocities rapidly destroyed any goodwill. At any rate, had they prevailed in China, they would likely used such arguments which would potentially put them in the same position as the Manchu.
So, had Japan completed her conquest of China, and in a few hundred years, ceased to be Japan but a province of greater China, I would also hardly consider that be a “Chinese colonization.” Just another invasion went wrong.
As with many others here, its clear that you have an agenda and am far more interested in preaching it than following actual history(which is pretty public). Since this has been pretty extensively discussed at this point, I don’t see a reason to extend it further.



22pp22 says:
February 15, 2018 at 8:31 pm GMT • 100 Words
I lived in Japan for seven years, speak Japanese and know hundreds of Japanese. The only people who think like that are members of the Aikokuto and they are a tiny minority. I have never met anyone who wants to annex Taiwan.
Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea and the Mongol Invasions are ancient history. Modern Japanese give them very little thought unless they have to pass a high school history exam.
It is the Chinese who have an enormous chip on their shoulder, not the Japanese. The Chinese still obsess about the Opium Wars. The Japanese have moved on from that kind of thinking.
You clearly have little experience of the Japanese. I would happily have nothing to do with the Chinese, but so many of them have moved here they are hard to avoid.


Anon • Disclaimer says:
February 16, 2018 at 8:59 am GMT • 200 Words
They care about the Kuriles and the Senkaku Islands, but beyond that they couldn’t care less what you or I think. If the entire population of China died tomorrow, it might just make page three of the Asahi Shinbun.
So they need to conduct many military provocation by gifting various weapons to Vietnam & Philippines, collaborate with US, Australia & India military to contain China, actively instigate Aseans in SCS crisis, sabotaging China Obor rail projects everywhere in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Africa, India,… developing new aircraft/copter carrier, missles, submarines for a Coastal Defense Force that is one of world largest most advanced military, all for that little Kuriles and Diaoyu island concern?
Then quarrel with SKorea demanding their xxx island..make artificial island ontop faraway outcrop corals to illegally claim EEZ….that they really care less. Reinterpret & rewriting constitution that enabled the nation to wage war that they care less.
You got to try harder with your Jap Samurai sword is for sushi propaganda.
If entire China population died, Japan will has to clean their ass with bare hand and Asahi Shinbun ceased to print. But entire Anglos disappearance has little impact to everyone life, as many better Europeans, Jews, Asians… can replace them quickly. Asahi Shinbun probably won’t notice, except the world has finally relieve from the greatest war mongering ethnic in last few centuries. Most wars will cease itself.



denk says:
February 17, 2018 at 2:58 am GMT • 300 Words
Didn’t PM May juz beg Xi in Beijing for some food money, but use it to pump fuel for new air/c when 10% people go hungry?
Thats the trouble with this five eyes gang, all god damned hypocrites,
murkka MNC want Chinese market, meanwhile Washington wanna detach some pieces from China. They even concocted a funny word for it, congagement.
meaning to contain and engage at the same time,
this is just whiteys double speak for ‘I want your monies , but I wanna screw your all the same’ !
Ditto that ‘lucky country’, Oz, it depends on the Chinese market yet it has been ramping up the ‘yellow peril’ B.S. to hysterical pitch.
Thats the trouble with being a murkkan poodle, ‘ally’, when uncle sham barks ‘jump’, the Aussies could only woof ‘how high my lord’. !
The troll with the idiotic moniker 22p says he doesnt wanna see Oz to become an economic appendage to China, as if being a ‘deputy sheriff’ to the ‘world cop’, the west’s most wanted outlaw, is anything to crow about !
Notice how Canberra is getting hysterical on the China gate all cuz some senator’ cozy relation with a Chinese tycoon !
FUKUS M.O. is typically
Your money or your life,
Those who open itself wide for uncle sham would be left alone or become uncle’s concubine, like India/
With China, its
Your money AND your life !
Chinese have damn good reasons to fukus,
But why so much hostility from whiteys, they have no god damned business hating Chinese …..
They’r the ones dissing it out ever since the Opium war ???

22pp22 says:
February 17, 2018 at 6:45 am GMT • 100 Words
We can make our own cars and our own electronic goods. Your imported the technology from us, not the other way round. I am quite happy for the West and China to separate. We were prosperous while you literally starved under your hero Mao.
It was the treasonous greed of our own elites that hollowed out our industries and transferred them to China.
And if you think there’s widespread hunger in the English-speaking world, then you have never been there.
Obesity is the problem in poor areas, not hunger.
China can retreat back behind the bamboo curtain. I would not care if I never saw another Chinese person ever again.
We were happier without you. You have made it plain you would be happier without us.
Japan, by far and away East Asia’s premier civilization, shows us that we don’t need immigration either.
Screw globalism.


TT says:
February 17, 2018 at 3:36 pm GMT • 600 Words
Ditto that ‘lucky country’, Oz, it depends on the Chinese market yet it has been ramping up the ‘yellow peril’ B.S. to hysterical pitch.
Thats the trouble with being a murkkan poodle, ‘ally’, when uncle sham barks ‘jump’, the Aussies could only woof ‘how high my lord’. !
Lol. NZ will be next. One Swedish told me they don’t bother election, as all candidates are dictate by US.
US might be controlling every countries leaders thru its 5eyes holding them ransom with threats & secret exposure. As you had mentioned before, these leaders aren’t stupid to chain their own country to the war machine of Uncle Scam to fight against their bread basket.
Oz had history of PM got remove by US CIA after going against US atrocity Vietnam war. Recently many Oz politicians got squeezed out with double citizenship nonsense, deputy PM too, may be for not obey Sinophobe playbook.
Spore PM LHL was strongly against Philippine Aquino & Vietnam PM clowns to drag Asean into their SCS disputes. He even proclaimed Russia is an indispensable leader for all global issues. But immediately after Oboma Hussein summon him to WH, he vehemently lies on SCS against China and became ultra anti-China since.
Oboma muz had whispered into pinky ear some obscene secret to frighten him like SKorea exPres Park. May be he got stripped search to take nude pics…? I think Msia, Cambodia, Thai, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka are resisting US anti-China playbook now, will see more circus shows.
Perhaps only after China can prove it is capable to protect its allies from US aggression, such sinophobe Horriblewood plays will keep repeating. Russian has started to do it in Syria war after failing to protect its allies Yugoslavia, Iraq & Libya previously.
When Philippine Pres Dutert rebel against US, ISIS was sent in to take down one of its city. Who can believe, a rag tag terrorists could overnight moved in enmass with heavy weapons to win a country regular army, courtesy of Uncle Scam special force & fantastic logistic powess. China help to kick out FUKUS terrorists by sending in its special force & snipers. So Uncle Scam change tactics, its Human Rights now.
Popular Brazil ex-Pres was brought down by staged corruption trial. Msia Najib is under tremendous Facebook smearing, organized color revolution and M1D scandal since he closed up with China. Pakistan PM was down by legal system. Mongolia politician contest on anti-China ground was elected when 80% of its trade is with China. All China neighbors leaders are under attacked, except Abe got continuous landslide win.
Now Mauritius Pres is under FUKUSIsInd besieged after signing FTA with China(a Supreme court judge can rule as his like over elected gov), with FukusIsIn broadcasting fake news Mauritius people begging India to send in troops to help. Everyone know all South Asians hate Indian evil claws stretching all over SAsia. China juz issued warning to India not to send in troops interfer else China will take action.
But why so much hostility from whiteys, they have no god damned business hating Chinese …..
They’r the ones dissing it out ever since the Opium war ???
Bcos China refuse to turn over let Fukusisin gang rape ‘em. They still have fond memory of the tasty loots from Opium wars. Same story for Russia, what a delightful free looting sprees after Soviet collapse.



TT says:
February 18, 2018 at 2:39 am GMT • 200 Words
China has inflicted two clear military defeats on America, now they are trying for economic victory, aided by US economists.
China will be doomed if they trust US economists crap like Russian. They have the world best think tank as Lee Kuang Yew reckoned, China knew our country better than ourselves, they tell you what you truly need and they can give/take for a win win partnership hard to resist.
That’s they magical inroads to many countries the west are sorely losing with gunboat approach. Tillerson is beating chest and warning its backyards, don’t get skim by china to fill your stomach and build your roads that can be seen, come to Uncle Scam for another free old good rape you have forgotten.
China is charting a grand plan for true sustainable globalization starting from Obor & petrol yuan, albeit Chinese version. West believe in hunting like Mongols to get rich, Chinese long knew herding is the true way. But they don’t talk much to leak, unlike big mouth US elites compete to show off their ass to get funded. So everyone knew, Pentagon plot to destroyed 5 countries well before 911 false flag.


