中国人满为患的人才市场让外国员工和海归的日子愈发艰难 [联合国媒体]


With the Chinese economy slowing, concern has increased amongChinese policymakers about the outlook for employment, since ensuring asufficient number of new jobs is seen as a necessary ingredient in maintainingsocial stability. Employment was the top priority set by the the Politburo lastJuly when it shifted its economic policy focus to stabilising growth, and thisin turn lead the government to enact a series of policies to counter risingjoblessness. This series explores the employment challenges faced by differentsegments of the Chinese economy, and this second instalment examines the issuesfaced by Chinese students returning from studying overseas, as well as foreignworkers.


As the clock struck 11pm on a Wednesdaynight in late January, Peter Chen finally left his office in northwest Beijing.He had been researching the perception technology used in self-driving carssince 10am that morning.


Haigui is the Chinese term to describepeople who return to China having studied abroad. It sounds like the Chineseword for sea turtle – and like their migrating namesake, these returnees haveoften travelled great distances to come home.


The term used to be synonymous withChina’s elites. Forty years ago, when he started China’s opening-up process, paramountleader Deng Xiaoping made a strategic decision to send Chinese students andscholars overseas to learn new technologies and management skills.


In a separate survey by the recruitmentwebsite released in January, 80 per cent of returnees in 2018expected an annual salary above 200,000 yuan (US$29,652).


In reality, more than half ofrespondents were earning less than 100,000 yuan, a sign that returnees havelost their edge over domestic graduates.


“A couple of years ago I would have saidthe returnees were better employees,” said Aurelien Rigard, the co-founder ofShanghai-based technology company IT Consultis.


Despite his illustrious education, Feistruggled to find work with a Chinese firm, which was his preference, and hewas forced to broaden the search and found work with a multinational commoditytrader, working as a strategic investment associate.


“The word haigui has lost its historicalsignificance,” he said, adding that Chinese firms are now more keen to hirefrom top local universities.


With a slowdown in the Chinese economy,this is becoming even more pronounced – especially in the fields of finance andproperty – according to a study by the consultancy firm PreTalent.


When job hunting from the United Stateslast year, Fei did not see any Chinese real estate companies recruiting oncampus.


The fiercely competitive labour marketis also creating challenges for foreigners in China – for both companies andemployees.


A report released by LinkedIn and Bain& Company in December last year found that 40 per cent of business leaderswho began a new job at a local company in the past five years transitionedthere from a multinational company.


“Local companies are winning more talentfrom multinational corporations,” said Stephen Shih, a partner at Bain.


Companies in China, both foreign andChinese, are actively “localising” the workforce, again due to the availabilityof highly-skilled Chinese talent.


“In conversations on the topic, membersdo mention a growing preference among companies for recruiting local talentwith international education, rather than junior expat profiles that may leavethe country one day,” said a spokeswoman for the European Union Chamber ofCommerce in Beijing.


Those with very specific technicalskills are valued and are often found in the upper echelons of companies, andthere are more opportunities available outside the saturated hubs of Beijing, Shanghaiand Shenzhen.


“There’s now a different category ofentrepreneur,” he said. “People used to come to Chinese soil for visa purposes,lots of them started a business in China without researching it. This is notthe case any more – you must have experience.”


The technology space in which heoperates, having launched e-commerce channels and platforms for mainlyinternational retail clients who wish to sell in China, has become fiercelycompetitive.


Chen, who rejectedovertures from European car companies, is one of them.


“Chinese companiesmight already be ahead of their Western peers in some areas of autonomousdriving,” he said. “And in a Chinese company, I can have a strong influenceover research and development.”
