Leonardo DiCaprio predicts China willbecome a 'climate change hero' as he praises Beijing's environmental recordwhile promoting The Revenant
Leonardo DiCaprio praised China's work tocombat climate change, and said he believes the world's largest emitter ofgreenhouse gases could be 'the hero of the environmental movement.'
The 41-year-old actor and environmentalist, who called for action to combatclimate change during his Oscar acceptance speech last month, praised China'sshift toward renewable forms of energy to lower carbon emissions.
'As we all know, the United States and China are the two biggest contributors,and I think that China has made radical movements forward as far as alternativeenergy and ways to be sustainable,' he said during a trip to Beijing.
'I really think that China can be the heroof the environmental movement, they can be the hero of the climate changemovement,' he said.
A Gentleman Poster, Kansas, United States,22 hours ago
Wow Leo, you're even stupider than Ithought. I'm wondering how much the communist regime paid you to say this...
Hugh G. Hampton, Sandy Balls Hampshire,United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
He's completely deluded.
HHE, Libertyville, United States, 13 hoursago
His pro-communist "Wolf of WallStreet" movie should have been clue.
Lovestosew, Here and There, United States,22 hours ago
China is nearing a level of terminalenvironmental pollution, they aren't going to be heroes of anything.
Sally Upstate NY, Harington, United States,15 hours ago
China pollution and coal burning reachesand is destroying air quality in California. What an idiot he is.
Paulm69, Wakefield, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
I don't get that Sally..Corporate Americagives job prospects for Americans the middle finger and move their operationsto China interested only in money, they ship all the goods to the states(cheaptoo for lots of reasons)..and they destroy Cali air quality...Umm..8 lanehighways wheel to wheel with, some of the most inefficient petrol burningengines in the world? General motors almost went down the tubes because theywere designing cars that were terrible for air quality....
EnlightenMe, LA, United States, 22 hoursago
Stick to acting dude.
Elmo Freen, Miami, United States, 22 hoursago
Does he really care or is he acting? I'dsay the latter, with the footprint of all his toys
Hugh G. Hampton, Sandy Balls Hampshire,United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
Don't stick to acting Dude, The Revenantwas terrible. Get a job stacking shelves or flipping burgers.
soylentgreen, houston, United States, 22hours ago
Another expert actor telling us regularfolk how the world should be run if only they were in charge.
Owen Glyndwr, Wales, United Kingdom, 22hours ago
Says the man who flew on a private planesix times in less than a week.
Cluster Duck, Referendum of Phoney Fear,United Kingdom, 22 hours ago
Somehow I don't think Hollywood star poweris going to persuade China to stop destroying the world.
Sal, Liverpool, 15 hours ago
Everyone in Hollywood is a communist.
TonyofDevon, Plymouth, 22 hours ago
Remind me, just how many COAL FIRED powerstations have they opened in the last couple of years?
SoldierA, Thetford, United Kingdom, 15hours ago
Don't worry about the German powerstations. They will just fiddle the emissions figures. They have had plenty ofpractice.
Kelly, Sydney, Australia, 21 hours ago
As he chokes on the pollution thick in theair.He is just so full of it.
Hugh G. Hampton, Sandy Balls Hampshire,United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
Have you ever been to Beijing? Thought not.
brooklynnyc, brooklyn, 20 hours ago
Did he take his private jet there orcharter yet another massive yacht? His carbon footprint spans the globe. Totalhypocrite.
Freda, Brighton, 20 hours ago
He blasts the corporate greed of the energyindustry but what about the corporate greed of the entertainment industry? Howabout fixing that? Oh, hang on - how much do you get paid per film? $20million? $30 million?
evjesstate, parker, United States, 20 hoursago
what do you think all those years of yousmoking did to the environment? What about your private planes? Biggesthypocrite. Why don't you start treating women with respect instead of using andabusing them.
Elle, London, 20 hours ago
Not to mention the endless holidaying onyachts
Concerned citizenUK, London, UnitedKingdom, 21 hours ago
'praises Beijing's environmental record'???The place is a mess
Hugh G. Hampton, Sandy Balls Hampshire,United Kingdom, 14 hours ago
Beijing is immaculately clean. It suffersthe odd bout of smog but so too did London not so long ago.
Evan, Cleveland, United States, 20 hoursago
Predicting that China will become a climatechange hero is like predicting ISIS will become a human rights hero.