在3月31日从德国电视上读到一首“诗”之前,一位机智得不像话的讽刺作家扬·博姆曼解释说,他想澄清言论自由的法律界限。然后,他朗诵了一系列明显虚构的段落(用诗歌押韵的形式) 描绘了土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安全神贯注在一系列与农场动物竞赛般的性活动挑战中。等到该媒体在一天后将视频从网站删除时,它已经引发了一场德国土耳其之间的外交争吵。
Germansridicule Turkey’s president
There once was a prickly sultan
Whom Germans were fond of insultin’
BEFORE reading a“poem” on German television on March 31st, Jan Böhmermann, a satirist ofquestionable tact, explained that he wanted to clarify the boundaries offree-speech law. He then declaimed a series of obviously fictional passages (inrhyming verse) depicting Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey,engrossed in a series of athletically challenging sexual activities withbarnyard animals. By the time the broadcaster took the video off its website aday later, it had caused a diplomatic fracas between Turkey and Germany.
在3月31日从德国电视上读到一首“诗”之前,一位机智得不像话的讽刺作家扬·博姆曼解释说,他想澄清言论自由的法律界限。然后,他朗诵了一系列明显虚构的段落(用诗歌押韵的形式) 描绘了土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安全神贯注在一系列与农场动物竞赛般的性活动挑战中。等到该媒体在一天后将视频从网站删除时,它已经引发了一场德国土耳其之间的外交争吵。
The tension hadbeen a long time brewing. In 2007 the chancellor, Angela Merkel, snubbed MrErdogan by opposing Turkish membership of the European Union. As Mr Erdogan’srule became increasingly autocratic, Mrs Merkel often chided him for nobblingdissidents and the press. But in 2015 refugees started streaming into the EUvia Turkey. Suddenly Mrs Merkel needed Mr Erdogan’s help.
The result is thedeal that the EU, at Mrs Merkel’s prodding, made with Turkey last month. Inreturn for taking back migrants from Greece and cracking down onpeople-smugglers, Turkey gets billions in aid and new talks about joining theEU. Its citizens will also be allowed to travel visa-free in Europe. Mrs Merkelis now reluctant to criticise Mr Erdogan.
Basking in its newimportance, Turkey has summoned the German ambassador for a dressing-down threetimes in recent weeks. One complaint was over a mildly satirical song about MrErdogan aired on German television on March 17th. At that point Mrs Merkeldeclared press freedom sacrosanct—prompting Mr Böhmermann to up the ante.
On April 10thAnkara dispatched a formal diplomatic note, invoking an antiquated German lawagainst insulting foreign heads of state. In theory Mr Böhmermann could go toprison for three years, if the German government decides to prosecute. Amidhowls of outrage in Germany, Mrs Merkel has yet to rule this out. Mr Erdoganhas also filed a personal complaint on the same charges.
Mrs Merkel willneed all her diplomatic skill to contain this spat. The stakes are greater thanMr Erdogan’s fragile ego: freedom of speech, the refugee crisis and Syrianpolicy are all in the mix. Meanwhile, another blow-up is on the horizon. Thisspring the German Bundestag is set to vote on whether the mass killings ofArmenians by Turks a century ago constituted genocide. Expect Turkish tempersto fray.
guest-noimeen Apr 14th, 02:19
As a Turk myself, Iam appalled at the German government even thinking about suspending theirfreedom of speech and allowing a thug/tyrant/dictator wannabe who passeshimself as the leader of a NATO member. This guy and his thin skin has been amenace to Turkey and its neighbors, His recent visit to US didn't get him theattention he sought and he has been demeaning America and American people eversince. Now he has turned his attention to Germany and Europe.
It is time Germans and other told him to go fuck himself.
It is time for TURKS living under this regime to tell him to get lost and doeverything and anything by all means necessary remove him from office.
EVERYONE will be better off for it.
Recommend 106
Wormcast in replyto jfcarli Apr 13th, 18:47
Q: "why doesan idiot from Germany have to make such poor taste jokes about a head of stateof another country?"
A: Because he'd bethrown in prison or killed if he were from Turkey.
Recommend 98
Zoltán KoskovicsApr 13th, 18:57
Mr. Erdogan isquite ridiculous by nature, why he would want to make himself look even moreridiculous by picking a fight with a comic is quite beyond me. How full ofhimself must a politician be to think that he can salvage any of his dignity byengaging a comedian?
Problem is, that heis also dangerous. And Merkel does business with him. That makes her naive.Makes following her lead dangerous.
Recommend 78
emmafinney. Apr13th, 18:02
Usually onlydictatorships have laws against insulting leaders.
Maybe Germanyshould join the club of democratic nations and abolish this law.
Recommend 70
u39b Apr 13th,19:00
Böhmermann hasproduced some excellent satire. "Read Kant, cunt!" (in English)
Böhmermann'sErdogen-critical poetry is also available online (in German):
Context: this isthe original "moderate" satire (from Extra3) against Erdogan (mockingErdogan's repression of Turkish journalism among other things), which for whichErdogan twice summoned the German ambassador to demand deletion & punitiverepressive action (with English subtitles):
The gist of it:after ridiculing Erdogan's diplomatic and legal action against satire,Böhmermann then stresses - press freedom, media free and satire are completelyfree in Europe, and above all legal restriction - defended in Germany byarticle 5 of the constitution. (Many other comic references.) Böhmermann thenstresses the caveat - smearing/ defamation is not permitted in Germany (and canbe countered in civil courts, with the possibility of obligation to pay damagesand withdraw the initial publication).
So... Böhmermanngoes on to read a poem called "defamation", to outline precisely whatisn't legal (in a civil sense) in Germany. The point of this: even currentdefamation laws cannot be a plausible restriction on satire (for they cannotretroactively remove content from online circulation, and nor can they imposepunitive consequences upon any individual). This is a declaration of freedomfrom Erdogan's media repression.
The text itselfthen, deliberately provocative and defamatory to prove this point of freedom,could be approximately translated thus:
Dense, cowardly andstunted stiff,
Erdogan is thepresident,
His thing smellsbadly of Döner,
Even a swine fartsmells better,
He is a man thatbeats little girls,
And wearsprotective clothing while doing so.
More than anythingelse, he loves to fuck goats and repress minorities,
to kick Kurds andbeat up Christians,
and watch childpornography while doing so.
and even eveningsdon't mean sleep - they mean fellatio with a hundred sheep.
Yes, Erdogan is thefull monty: the president with a tiny penis.
Every Turk has gotthe message,
The dumb hog hasshrivelled balls,
From Ankara toIstanbul,
Everyone knows theman is gay,
Perverted, lousyand sexually aroused by animals
His head as emptyas his testes,
The star in everygangbang party,
Until the penisburns while pissing,
This is Erdogan,the Turkish president.
(note the Turkishsubtitles)
A fittingdeclaration of freedom. Erdogan: your despotic repression will hold no sway in Europe.
Recommend 66
grammaskidney.inreply to CHBlackman Apr 13th, 19:52
You do realizethere is a difference between TE and the state?
If TE bans yourcomment, you can still open your own website for comments,
If the state bansyour words, you can't.
Recommend 56
Sean Citizen Apr14th, 10:56
There's an oldsaying that the cure for people who are offended too easily is that they shouldbe offended more often.
Recommend 50
Garaboncias Apr14th, 17:54
It is not trueabout Erdogan raping that goat. It was concensual sex. The goat wanted it,too...
Recommend 46
GSuhr Apr 13th,17:55
Germany has a lotto recommend it, excellent cars, beer, etc., but it does not have a mellifluouslanguage. The argument can be made that anyone attempting poetry in Germanshould be locked up.
Even if the requestcomes from a poorly endowed zoophile like Erdogan.
Recommend 42
u39b in reply to bampbsApr 13th, 18:03
Erdogan castratedthem. The Turkish police are better armed than the Turkish military - theTurkish police is manned by Erdogan sycophants, and it keeps an intrusivelyclose supervision of senior army officers (and journalists, etc). The Turkishmilitary have been reduced to singing the high notes in Erdogan's despoticchoir.
The institutions ofstate have been utterly corrupted - the courts were among the last hold outs.Now, the only thing that can bring down Erdogan is people power: (A) anoverwhelming electoral shift away from him (despite his control of media,locking up opponents and manipulation of events) or (B) massive street protestsand passive resistance to bring down Erdogan's state.
(B) won't occurunless Erdogan goes completely off the rails (e.g. a ban on alcohol orunilateral unconstitutional changes to the constitution). (A) almost happenedlast Summer - but Erdogan started a war against Turkey's Kurdish population inorder to cultivate fear and opportunistic manipulation of public sentiments.
Recommend 40
RemoKernizi Apr13th, 21:06
What is comedy inEurope is a tragedy in Turkey. Turkish jails (the only booming sector) are at200% of their capacity. The man thrives on publicity-good or bad.
Obscurity istantamount to death. The longest stretch of him shutting up has been 3-days andturks thought he must be dead!
If there is no war,mayhem anywhere, he will invent one. War on Kurds, Assad, Libyans, Armenians,Russians, the Opposition, the press, judiciary, Parallel state (an imaginaryenemy-in absence of real ones)...release refugees on to the EU...
He employs an armyof media scrutineers tasked with collecting articles that mention his name andfor laying charges for defamation (1870 outstanding cases in turkey alone).
He recentlydeclared his intention to jail every opposition member of parliament when theirlegal immunity from prosecution is removed (AKP-the ruling party- has just putsuch a proposition to the Parliament).
I wonder how manytimes he threatened this magazine for unfavourable articles? Only TE Editorscan tell I guess.
Recommend 39
Bampbs Apr 13th,17:05
Isn't it long pasttime for the Turkish army to stage a coup?
Recommend 39
guest-noiaiew inreply to jfcarli Apr 13th, 18:57
No, this is notwhat happened with the cartoons about muslim religion. What happened is thatcartoonists exercised their right of free speech and muslim extremists killedthem for that. Those extremists take themselves and their ideas very seriousand think they were untouchable. But in our society ideas are not untouchableand no one is allowed to enforce their absolute ideas on others. That's whatthose cartoonists fought for. They did not want those people to enforce anymade-up untouchable religious thoughts onto other. Also I do not think thatthey feel untouchable - they knowingly take a very high risk, they don't do anyphysical harm, but risk their own lives.
Recommend 36
LiberalWorld Apr14th, 09:01
Its this sameTurkey that wants to join the EU so it can bully us all while the rest of theEU subsidizes them. Can we not simply build a wall between Turkey and EU?Turkey's behaviour suits the Middle East, they belong to that group ofwonderful nations.
Recommend 27