[ 以色列 国土报 ] 中国水灾将影响美国 [以色列媒体]


Climate Change-driven Flooding in China Will Hurt the U.S., Study Warns


The U.S. depends heavily on Chinesemanufacturing and trade, but those are likely to suffer if Chinese floodingincreases by 80% in the next 20 years, as is now predicted
By  Ruth Schuster May 28, 2018


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They say a butterfly flapping its wings inChina can cause a hurricane in the U.S. weeks later. That's a tenet of chaostheory. What that pretty image means is that a very small change in initialconditions can create an enormously different outcome. Now a new studypublished in NatureClimate Change warns that intensifying river flooding in China causedby climate change is likely to have serious effects on the American economy.


That's just one example of how a localcatastrophe can have a global ripple effect in today's interconnected world,and global warming is expected to bring more and more local catastrophes.


Butterfly REUTERS
There is consensus thatanthropogenic climate change is happening. There is no consensus on how bad itwill get. Nor can we predict, given the vast number of parameters, what theEarth will be like in 100 years, or how climate change will influence humanlife and civilization.  But before butterflies go extinct because ofheat passing survivable levels, if it does, some effects are already happeningand some can be predicted. One is intensifying weather extremes, hamperingregional production.


In general, flooding in the superpowerswon't just hurt local manufacturers but the whole global network of trade andsupply chains. In the case of China, a particular casualty of the predicted 80%increase in river flooding over the next  20 years  is expected to bethe United States, predict Sven N. Willner and colleagues of the PotsdamInstitute for Climate Impact Research.

一般来说,一个大国发生水灾不仅会损害当地制造商,还将损害全球贸易与供应链。据波茨坦气候影响研究所, Sven N.Willner与同事共同预测,就中国而言,预计未来20年,中国水灾将增长80%,其中一个特殊受害者就是美国。

Why? Because despite U.S. President DonaldTrump's threats of a trade war with China, and the U.S. is (still) running atremendous trade deficit with the Asian giant. It depends on Chinesemega-factories and goods and cannot just supply its needs for the same pricesfrom other sources. China in turns depends on its rivers for transport.


Even the Chinese themselves have, afteryears of denial, admitted that climate change isn't a hoax by the west tryingto dishearten the tigers of the east (funny, Trump thought it was a Chinesehoax), theEconomistreported in a recent review.


Not only has Beijing vowed to crack down onclimate changing emissions. It's even contemplating taking the world lead insaving the planet, as the U.S. reverses into denial and even Germany's greenfades, as attested by the imminentcollapse of wind farms as 20-year subsidies expire.


Meanwhile, until Chinese or other effortsbear fruit, Willner and colleagues warn that America is specifically vulnerableto flooding in China due to their unbalanced trade relationship. They suggestTrump might consider forgoing his dream of tariff sanctions and a more balancedtrade relationship with the Dragon, not for some gauzy general good but tomitigate American economic losses.


Fluvial flooding in China is expected tohit the rest of world through impacting trade. Bloomberg


"Climate change will increase floodrisks already in the next two decades - and this is not only a problem formillions of people but also for economies worldwide," said Anders Levermann,project leader from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research inGermany and Columbia University.


Worldwide, they calculate that unlessclimate change is curbed, which hasn’t been happening yet, economic losses worldwidedue to river flooding will increase by more than 15 percent to more than $600billion within the next 20 years.


The paper combines two new lines of work:global risk assessment for natural hazards and network theory, to describe howlocal shocks can propagate in time and space, explains World Bank economistStéphane Hallegatte (who was not involved in the study). In this world, riskmanagement is more than each country's responsibility, Hallegatte stresses:"It has become a global public good."

这篇论文总结了两项新成果,既全球自然灾害风险评估以及关联(影响)理论,局部损害如何在时空中进行传播,世界银行(World Bank)经济学家斯泰法内·哈勒加特(stéphane Halleatte)说道(他非研究参与者)。全球风险管理超出了每个国家的能力,哈勒加特强调:“它已经成为一种全球公共产物。”

China was singled out in the study becauseit is expected to suffer the biggest direct economic losses from riverflooding: the economists calculate losses passing $380 billion in the next 20years, about half of which is expected to arise from "normal" flooding- unrelated to global warming. That is a cool 5 percent of Chinese annualeconomic output. And that doesn't factor in economic losses from other horrorsof the weather, such as heat waves, cold snaps and hailstones the size of gooseeggs. Both the U.S. and European Union will suffer if Chinese exports collapse,but the researchers point out that the EU and China have an even trade balance,for the time being.


As an ironic aside, rapidly developingIndia is expected to be the worst source of climate-changing emissions in thefuture. But it could pick up business opportunities from water-soaked China.And for a final note, again, all these scenarios are based on emissions so far.But emissions are expected to increase yet more, explains Christian Otto. "Ourstudy rather underestimates than overestimates the production losses,"co-author Christian Otto from the Potsdam Institute and Columbia University,adding: "Things could eventually turn out to be worse."

讽刺的是,快速发展的印度将成为影响未来气候最糟糕的排放源。但它可能会在处于水灾中的中国获得商机。最后,强调的一点是,所有这些情景都是基于目前排放情况的推测。但预计排放情况还会进一步增长。“我们仅研究减产损失下限,而无法推测上限损失”联合作者克里斯蒂安·奥托(Christian Otto)解释到。波茨坦学院和哥伦比亚大学补充道:“情况最终可能会变得更糟。

RuthSchusterHaaretz Correspondent

以色列《国土报》记者鲁思·舒斯特(Ruth Schuster)
