杜特蒂声称参议院安东尼奥特里兰尼斯四世在与中国官员就 中国对“西菲律宾海”的过分要求秘密谈判中犯有叛国罪,他重申某些人必须为将黄岩岛丢给中国给个说法。菲律宾网友:很显然那不是什么意想不到的问题,因为那仅仅是从一个白痴嘴里常常能够听到的愚蠢的咆哮。
Duterte asks Aquino,Trillanes: How did PH lose Scarborough Shoal?
DAVAO CITY —Presumptive President-elect Rodrigo Duterte said Senator Antonio Trillanes IVcould have committed treason in his backchannel talks with Chinese officialsover the West Philippine sea claims, as he reiterated someone should answer forthe loss of the Scarborough Shoal to the Chinese.
杜特蒂声称参议院安东尼奥特里兰尼斯四世在与中国官员就 中国对“西菲律宾海”的过分要求秘密谈判中犯有叛国罪,他重申某些人必须为将黄岩岛丢给中国给个说法。
He said he was asking the Aquino government, which he referred to as the“past,” how it happened too.
“I would like to know from anybody in the executive department of the pastadministration why we lost the Scarborough Shoal,” Duterte said in a pressbriefing Monday, “I can take all the insults, the muck and garbage that is partof the territory of politics, but itong ganitong nawalan tayo ng lupa (but tolose our land), or whatever is under the water is lupa (land), I can’t takeit,” Duterte said.
He maintained that the contested territory “belongs to our exclusive economiczone (EEC).”
“Why is it now that we can no longer operate (there)?” Duterte, who had metforeign diplomats, including the Chinese Ambassador, at the Matina Enclaveshere Monday, said.
“为什么我们不能在那里作业了?,都有谁会见了包括中国大使在内的外国大使,”杜特蒂周一在Matina Enclaves俱乐部说。
Duterte recalled that Trillanes initiated secret, “back-channel” talks with theChinese government that could have only put in jeopardy the Philippine interestover the shoal.
“Trillanes went (to China) there 16 times,” Duterte said, “After the 16thvisit, we have lost the Scarborough Shoal,” he added. “To me, it’s treason,” hesaid. “Somebody has to answer for that, it means livelihood for thePhilippines, for the Filipinos, our fishermen will be deprived,” he said.
On May 6, Duterte’s partymates filed treason and espionage charges againstPresident Aquino and Trillanes for conducting “back-channel talks” with Chinathat allegedly “only advanced (the) interest of our Asian neighbor.”
The filing was announced two days later by Martin Diño, a member of Duterte’sparty, PDP-Laban, who said the charges were filed at the Ombudsman.
Martin Diño,杜特蒂的政党成员,在公布了这个起诉两天后,说这个起诉已经在申诉专员那里完成登记。
“Senator Trillanesmet with the Chinese 16 times, and he requested that the meeting (be) secret.In those meetings, Trillanes (mentioned) that the Philippines cannot enforcecoastal protection. And that made the Chinese take an aggressive [stance] andtake over our areas like Scarborough Shoal and Spratly Islands. That aloneconstitutes treason,” former sectoral Representative Ronald Adamat,who signed as one of the complainants, said.
“参议员安东尼奥·特里兰尼斯与中国人见了16次面,他要求秘密会见。在这些会面中,特里兰尼斯提到菲律宾不会动用海岸防卫队。这使得中国人采取侵略性的姿态,占据了我们的黄岩岛和南沙群岛。只这一点就构成了叛国罪。”前任部门代表Ronald Adamat说,他也是在原告文件上签名的人之一。
Duterte’s camp said they had basis for filing the charges as China committedaggression by occupying the country’s territories, an act tantamount to waginga war.
As for the charge of espionage, China allegedly had been “emboldened” by theinformation “gathered from” Trillanes.
“We include the President (Aquino) because Trillanes could not have done thiswithout the order of the President. They breached international policy. Theydid it without coursing their efforts through the foreign affairs department,”Adamat said in a press briefing after the filing of the charges.
“我们在指控中包括了阿基诺总统是因为没有总统的命令特里兰尼斯不可能做这件事。” Adamat在起诉登记后的新闻发布会上说。
MANGLUCIO • 8 days ago
My goodness me. Getyour facts right Mr incoming President before you open your mouth again on thissubject. We have not lost Scarborough Shoals yet. It's still in The Hague forjudgement. And most likely we will win and if that happens, show your machomacho image and send all our navy ships to protect the Shoals from the Chinese.Pag nagawa mo iyon, believe na kami sa iyo.
COCO MANGLUCIO • 8 days ago
our fishermen cant fish there anymore! are you crazy?
Mang-Que Po COCO • 8 days ago
Do you think that the jetski master can open up thescarborough shoal for our fishermen?!?! Or, do you have a better suggestionthan filing a case at UN?!?! Let us wait and see...
COCO Mang-Que Po • 8 days ago
in point the topic here is why under penoys admin didthe chinese claimed the shoal!
Mang-Que Po COCO • 8 days ago
What?!?! Are you kidding me? Pinanganak ka lang baduring the term of Pnoy?!?!
tadasolo MANGLUCIO • 8 hours ago
Well the reality the Chinese one day in the past drewa 9 dash line which includes the Scarborugh and said this is Chinese territory.However if we win in the international court it would be hard for the Chineseto ignore it when they would be using the international convention to protecttheir interest in the future.
Unggoy MANGLUCIO • 8 days ago
thats even worse, they already have infrastructuresthere and its not yet theirs. Dude as if the PH have the military power toscrub cheeks with China, we always rely on USA and their eternal patrol in thedisputed area, not making unnecessary move that will cause a war.
tikbalang MANGLUCIO • 8 days ago
.oras na para malaman ng publiko ang pinagkasunduanni trililing/pnot at china para makapaghanda na si duterte sa susunod nahakbang
nakakapagtaka lang kahit sa senado nag walkout si trililing
ben MANGLUCIO • 8 days ago
If the Philippines win the case but China ignore it,What will you do? Go to war with China?
Catrina "Tiriring" ben • 8 days ago
Dudede's solution (from his previous statements): Iwill go there on my own with a jetski, bringing along with me a flag and a poleand once I disembark, I will plant the flag on the runway and tell the Chineseauthorities, ‘Kill me,'”
Hi-hi-hi....funny talaga, pero kumita yan sa takilya.
Mang-Que Po ben • 8 days ago
You answer your question... Oh, how about riding ajetski and plant the Philippines flag at scarborough shoal... Idiot!!!
farero • 8 days ago
i hope peoplerealize that President -elect Duterte just conceded that we lost ScarboroughShoal, He has not even began bilateral negotiation with the Chinese side and heis already giving up Philippine territory. What he should be asking is for theChinese to get out of our sovereign waters and go get a jetski to plant thePhilippine flag.
我希望人们意识到,他甚至还没有和中国开始双边谈判,我们的当选总统杜特蒂就承认我们失去了黄岩岛, 他已经放弃了菲律宾的领土。他应该让中国滚出我们的海域,并且骑上摩托艇去插菲律宾的国旗。
Xie Jin farero • 8 days ago
for your information he already talked to chineseofficials its in the news and the summary of talks is good with china helpphilipine will prosper
Blow TheBomb farero • 8 days ago
Lmao you took the jetski thing literally? you have ashallow mind dude
TheVi11ain Blow TheBomb • 8 days ago
Lol. You took the last sentence seriously? It seemsto me you're the one who has a shallow mind here.
RHumabon • 8 days ago
“His(President-elect Rodrigo Duterte's) statement is very dangerous because it willweaken our claim. What is important here is we stand firm that we have a claimthere. Physically we have not lost it, the records will bear me out. Seniordefense officials have been placed on record declaring that we have not lost Scarborough.Do not take it from me, do not take my word for it but take the word of allsecurity officials of the country,” Senator Antonio Trillanes IV said.
(Source:http://wwwDOTphilstarDOTcom/headlines/2016/05/17/1584026/duterte-may-face-impeachment-over-scarborough-claim.. . Updated May 17, 2016 12 AM )
Suggestion:National Security Officials, with the approval of President Benigno S. AquinoIII, to hold a briefing for President-elect Rodrigo Duterte and Vice PresidentLeni Robredo on the status of the Philippine Claim to Islands in the WestPhilippine Sea.
“他的声明是非常危险的,因为那将弱化我们的声明。关键是我们要站稳我们的立场。事实上我们没有失去黄岩岛,记录将会支持我的观点。高级国防官员的记录表明我们没有失去黄岩岛。不相信我的话,不相信我的担保,但是要相信这个国家所有国防官员的保证。” 参议员安东尼奥·特里兰尼斯四世说。
建议:阿基诺三世任命的国家安全官员去举行一个对当选总统杜特蒂和副总统Leni Robredo关于西菲律宾海岛屿菲律宾声明的辩护会。
betchay1 • 8 days ago
Statement of Sen.Antonio "Sonny" Trillanes IV RE: treason charge of Duterte inrelation to the Scarborough Shoal:
"It isprimarily a misdirection. Duterte knows that my message struck him at the heartof his fraudulent image so he is trying to smear my name as the messenger. Italso showed his gross ignorance about the issue. Scarborough or Panatag Shoalis different from the Spratlys or Kalayaan Island Group. They are hundreds ofmiles apart. I have been appointed by PNoy as a backchannel negotiator todeescalate the tense situation in Panatag back in 2012. I was able toaccomplish my mission, within the authority given to me by the President andwithout compromising our territorial claim, which is now the main subject ofour Arbitration case. Just to inform Mayor Duterte, there is no reclamation inPanatag and I have our National Security officials on record during two Senatehearings that we have not lost Panatag contrary to some unfounded mediareports. Moreover, I don't have anything to do with the reclamation by China ofsome islands in the Spratlys because it came long after I have finished my jobin the Scarborough standoff. On the contrary, I have been at the forefront ofthe AFP modernization and the immediate implementation of the EDCA so we couldfind some balance in the security situation in the West Philippine Sea."
I dont care egay_d_tagay • 8 days ago
Wow, a LOSER is in the house.
raindrops egay_d_tagay • 8 days ago
Pinoy will be the 3rd president to live in jail.Trillanes will get life sentence.
Joseph egay_d_tagay • 8 days ago
After 16 times negotiations and failure why notsingle coast guard or navy challenge china??? Who is then to blame???
China Warrior Joseph • 8 days ago
Challenge with what? A canoe against a warship?
tagahuron China Warrior • 8 days ago
I dont care China Warrior • 8 days ago
With Chinese junks
Apathy China Warrior • 8 days ago
Stop belittling canoes as you Chinese people lovedcanoes as well.
Apathy voltaire • 8 days ago
I am not against fighting for our right. I am onlyagainst fighting for the sheer heck of fighting, especially when there areother options available that have higher chances of succeeding than suicide.
If that suicide is guaranteed to succeed, go ahead.Do it.
If not, what's the point?
Apathy voltaire • 8 days ago
That principle youhold dearly only applies when you have nothing to lose and more to gain.Fighting without a clear strategy, fighting even though that outcome will leadto a Philippines without military defenses that can be used as support in timesof calamity.
Besides, you talkas if military confrontation is the only kind of fight there is. Our people arebravely fighting for us at the international tribunal. That's a fight we mustall pray for and be supportive of.
voltaire Apathy • 8 days ago
ok pray till youdrop dead.
Apathy voltaire • 8 days ago
I don't actuallycare what people call me, even if they call me not deserving to be a Filipinoif it saves the country more than armed confrontation could.
Again, armedconfrontation is not the only way to fight.
voltaire Apathy • 8 days ago
see you justexposed who and what you are. i am sure you dont even sing as well ourphilippines national anthem "sa manlulupig di ka pasisiil....ang mamatayng dahil sa yo" you are not a filipino.
Apathy voltaire • 8 days ago
Going through yourroute would ensure the destruction of the Philippine Economy as well as ourSovereignty.
voltaire Apathy • 8 days ago
and going throughyour root will ensure loss of our sovereignity and makes us filipino extinct.
Apathy voltaire • 8 days ago
Going through myroute ensures minimal to zero loss of lives, and a higher chance atgaining/retaining our territory as well as the respect of the internationalcommunity.
voltaire Apathy • 8 days ago
the end result ofyour mentality....disaster!
gusm • 8 days ago
Nobody knows exactlywhat went on with the exchanges between Trillianes and China but China did notneed Trillianes to know that this country has no capability to defend herinterests within her EEZ. That much is obvious to any country in the world.
Atahualpa gusm • 7 days ago
That's obvious! only idiots will think this"intel" about Poor coastal protection "given by Trillanes"encouraged the Chinese to take over the shoal, that's absolutely Stupid!!
tintin Kalbolaryo • 8 days ago
correct and Arroyo will be given "Pardon"under Duterte's government.
Simple_Comment • 8 days ago
Unexpected questionfrom Duterte being the incoming commander-in-chief. Why Filipinos lose theisland from the Chinese? Simple answer, China took it by force. BesidesPhilippines hasn't give up hope getting back the island and still fighting tothe last recourse, UNCLOS, etc.. It will be a great accomplishment for Duterteif he can ask China to return it to the Philippines in exchange ofmutual-relationship. If he can do it then he is the man.
Martee Simple_Comment • 8 days ago
China never took it by force? At no point where anyofficial representative of the Philippines on the island. No AFP or Navy or anyPhilippines Coast Guard present. If they were present, China would have turnedaround immediately and leave. Shame on Aquino administration for not protectingour Nation. And then Shame on Aquino and Trillanes for purpose of mediadistraction away from China problem, by creating a 2 year long Senate Binayhearing.
wag_anga Martee • 8 days ago
how do you expect to protect those islands without aship? blame the past administrations for not upgrading the navy. When Pnoybought second hand ships it's already too late.
Jego Silang Simple_Comment • 8 days ago
you are trying to be polite, but clearly is not anunexpected question, as it is just the usual idiotic growls from idiot30.
RobRoyston • 8 days ago
duterte isconditioning the minds of the philippinos that theyve already lost scarborough,that the fight has already been lost. this is to set up the next stage of hisplan to sell out the west philippine sea for the cheap price of a couple ofrailway systems.
people have beenblindsided by their fanatic loyalty to duterte whos been exploiting their angeragainst aquino.
i feel so sorry forthe philippines, there was soo much promise. now all that optimism is fastdissipating. good luck to your future as a chinese puppet state. say hello toyour new masters in that manilla district called binondo.
cogito728sum • 8 days ago
Just a briefreminder to Digong. You haven't been proclaimed yet so take it easy. You woulddo well to be reminded of what Sen. Horace Maynard told Lincoln: "BewareMr. (in your case still presumptive) President and do not go too fast. There isdanger ahead." You might trip and we'll sorely miss the thrill of yourBANG! BANG! BANG! and KILL, KILL, KILL, presidency, the much anticipated newform of entertainment courtesy of the dutertards. Merci!
仅仅是个简报,还没有正式的公告,别紧张。你还记得Sen Horace Maynard对林肯说了什么吗:“注意总统先生,别跑的太快,小心危险就在前方。”你可能会跌倒,我们会怀念你喊打喊杀的日子,可以预计,杜特蒂你将会为我们提供很多新的娱乐形式,谢谢!
Allen Douglas cogito728sum • 8 days ago
He knows the THREAT for his life is there. And thisTHREAT naturally comes from BIG TIME DRUG SYNDICATES and from your THIEVINGuncle POLITICIANS who are at risk of going straight to JAIL because of theirinvolvement in various scams like the DAP/PDAF SCAM.
Yon na kanyang pananghalian at pang-almusal when hewas still mayor. Ngayon ba sya matatakot?
Francisco C. de Asis • 8 days ago
Be careful Dutertewith that case against Aquino. That case may not prosper, but don't besurprised, if there's revenge much later on. There maybe smiles for now andbeing deferential in public, but your crazy fans, Duterte, better sober up.There's already a list ready for the first time Duterte exceeds his authority.
tintin Francisco C. de Asis • 8 days ago
indeed Duterte should not be complacent in His Powerit may backfires,He should remember He is a Minority President.He was mandatedby the People to serve the People not the people will serve Him.