金融时报影评《此房是我造》-拉斯·冯·提尔重回人类心灵的黑暗角落 [英国媒体]

电影放映厅里有很多地方可以躲藏。畏缩在座椅下,将你的脸埋在你伴侣的肩膀上,甚至逃到洗手间。所有这一切都会在你看的时候发生,或者尽量不要试 - 拉斯·冯·提尔对《此房是我造的》评语。

Matt Dillon gives the performance of his life as a serial killer in this brutal film

马特·狄龙 在这部残酷电影中扮演连环杀手的角色

Uma Thurman and Matt Dillon


There are lots of places to hide in a movie auditorium. Crouch under the seat. Bury your face in your partner’s shoulder. Even escape to the loo. All this will occur to you as you watch — or try not to — Lars von Trier’s The House that Jack Built.

电影放映厅里有很多地方可以躲藏。畏缩在座椅下,将你的脸埋在你伴侣的肩膀上,甚至逃到洗手间。所有这一切都会在你看的时候发生,或者尽量不要试 - 拉斯·冯·提尔对《此房是我造的》评语。

It’s an appalling film, but please don’t put that on the poster. Or the anti-poster. I don’t mean it that way. This gruesome, horrific, sadism-obsessed work of cinema (showing in the UK from December 12) may be the creation of a troubled or disturbed mind, but so are many things. (See Blake and Goya, even Glenn Gould, all referenced here.) Matt Dillon, in the performance of his life, plays a serial killer for whom murder is a form of sustenance and regeneration. A tyre jack in Uma Thurman’s face; a stranger throttled in her own house; a mother and two kids hunted with a rifle. Worse, far worse, to come.

这是一部令人震惊的电影,但请不要将心思放在海报上,或者一看海报就不感冒。我不是那个意思。这部毛骨悚然、可怕、虐待狂的电影作品(12月12日起在英国上映)可能是一种困扰或不安的思想创造,但许多事情也是如此的。(见布莱克和戈雅,甚至是格连·古尔德的画作都应用到电影中) 马特·狄龙在他的人生中扮演一个连环杀手,谋杀是一种寄托和再生的形式。乌玛·瑟曼脸上的轮胎千斤顶,一个陌生人在她家中被掐死,一位母亲和两个孩子用步枪猎杀,更糟的是,差远了些,还有比那更坏的。

We know the easy, reflex response to von Trier’s film. At Cannes, Jack was greeted as the Great Dane’s insolent comeback to a festival that had banned him — for alleged Hitler-sympathising comments in the year of Melancholia (2011) — and now look. He is at it again. Blood, power, fascism of the imagination. And the exotic, even erotic, relishing of cruelty.


Trier’s artist-architect hero enjoys cruelty perhaps in the name of some totalitarian payday, by men against newly ascendant women. There’s a whole Dillon speech about that. Perhaps also because sadism is in his veins and genes. Perhaps also because death, rot and putrefaction (another speech) can be mulch to great art. Cue the montage of putrefying grape bunches, illustrating the “noble rot” of sophisticated viniculture.

提尔的艺术建筑师英雄也许喜欢以极权主义的尊荣日享受残忍,由男性来反对新时代的女性 (译注: 这里是对提尔的电影多有仇女情节的隐喻)。关于这点是有一则狄龙的完整演讲。也许因为虐待狂早已植入红色基因中,也许还因为死亡,腐烂和腐败可以覆盖到伟大的艺术。暗示腐烂葡萄串的蒙太奇,给"高贵腐烂"构成一幅美酒酿造学的图景。(译注: 这句是对片中将人体分解做成艺术品的委婉说法)

The character is even called “Mr Sophistication”. He is played with an articulate, controlled, dandyish madness by Dillon, who can also fly into cosmic, screaming rages and pop-eyed apoplexies. There isn’t a second when you don’t believe this man could exist. It’s a brilliant performance.


Matt Dillon plays serial killer Jack


If the movie was made by demons, those inside Von Trier, perhaps they give it its eerie power. Demons — see above — create a lot of art. The House that Jack Built’s horrors are built into a narrative quite literally disjointed, like those dreams or nightmares that make sense more as teasing, troubling poetry than waking logic.


Late in the film we move to another dimension, in a boldness of story and structure almost jaw-dropping. Jack hooks up with a philosophising European sage (Bruno Ganz), with whom he has had soundtrack-only duologues throughout the film. Give a movie protagonist a medi-looking red hood and his companion the name “Virge” and where are we? You got it. The Inferno.


Except that we have been there throughout. This film starts in Hell; turns the heat up slowly through two hours and a half; bravely bears all the insults we will hurl at this artist for prurience and torture porn; and ends up making a movie we shall never forget. For its honesty, agony and unfearing impudence, its calm, rage and vertiginous invention.

除了我们一直在哪里。这部电影就从地狱开始,将热度缓慢闷烧两个半小时 (译注: 应是指连续出现的杀人影像);因为冯·提尔的坦率、苦闷和大无畏的冒失、以及平静、激烈和令人眩晕的影像手法。勇敢地承担我们将向这位艺术家针对视觉冲击和肉体恐惧的所有骂声。

Mr. Lorem Ipsum (pseudonym)
von Trier is a genius film maker. Mat Dillon is a great actor. This is looks like a great movie, can’t wait to see it.


Morel Filho
A hellish analysis


Devastatingly awesome. Perfectly inscribed within the current cultural zeitgeist, populated by unbound sadism, cynicism, hysteria, schizophrenia, skepticism and fatal nihilism.


Appalling film worthy of 5*? Looks more like Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the 21st Century! Why so much admiration for blood letting?


@Torontonian Von Trier a good film director. Nigel Andrews an excellent reviewer, so worth a view.

(回楼上) 冯·提尔是一名很好的电影导演。奈杰尔·安德鲁斯是一位出色的影评家,所以值得一看。

@WendellMurray Thank You. I will see this or any other of Von Trier films when I get the opportunity.

(回楼上) 谢谢你。有机会我会看这部或其他冯·提尔的电影。

@Torontonian @WendellMurray Well, probably skip Anti-Christ. That movie is terrible.

(回多伦多人、温德尔·默里) 跳过《反基督者》。那部电影坏得可怕。

Derek Smalls
Sounds fun.
