在一个阳光明媚的早晨,石先生朝着中国的“幸福之河”出发。当他从北京开车向北来检视这条具有诗意名字的运河时,24岁的环境主义者承认道:"现在它的状态并不让人乐观" 。英国网友:在中国和印度(污染治理)是一个大工程。 如果那里的人崇拜金钱仍然超过尊重自然,那仍然不会有任何改变。
One sunny morning Shi Dianshou sets off for China’s River of Happiness.
“It’s not very happy right now” the 24-year-old environmentalist admits as he drives north from Beijing to inspect the poetically named waterway.
Forty two kilometres out of town Shi’s car pulls up beside a putrid rubbish-strewn creek. A black sofa pokes up from its murky waters; a landfill decorates its western bank; and beside another heap of refuse a stray bra hangs lazily from the branch of a tree lending a comic touch to the bleak scene.
“I’ve seen this kind of river so many times” complains Shi pacing along the sewage-scented canal to uate the grime. “It makes me feel bad. I’m not happy about it.”
Shi is one of hundreds of Chinese citizens fanning out across the country in search of what the government has labelled “black and smelly rivers”.
As part of the “hei chou he” (“black and smelly river”) initiative China’s environment ministry is asking members of the public to help it hunt down severely polluted waterways that can then be catalogued and hopefully cleaned up.
Volunteers can post the locations and images of such waterways on a publicWeChat account operated by the ministry.
Since the project started in February citizens have used smartphones to identify and log more than 1300 locations. They have been added to a pre-existing blacklist of more than 1850 polluted waterways says Shi who works at the Beijing NGO Environmentalists in Action.
SyndicateSniper 11m ago
Behold the price of 'progress'
An 1 42m ago
Pollution comes in several types for instance the scourge of the plastic bag or the obvious particulate air or smelly brown effullent in a river; both of these types are important to clean up But the third type is perhaps the most challenging and difficult namely the unseen contamination of the soil by heavy metals PX contaminants etc. Mankind′s greed and trial by error along with the consumer society take a heavy tool on both the planet and its residents.
nedniggler 2h ago
The challenge should be to find a clean river.
brandon_s nedniggler 28m ago
Please keep the clean river a secret.
BobHosk 2h ago
The Chinese way is to very publicly identify 1 or 2 rivers to clean it up but totally ignore all the others.
I live in a Chinese city were the pm2.5 pollution levels are regularly above 500 (in Britain people get scared and stay indoors when it's above 50!). Absolutely nothing is done about it as it's not a high profile city. They make a huge fuss about how they are cleaning up the Beijing pollution as that's the one that makes the news both domestically and internationally. But the hundreds of other cities are totally neglected. It's in fact getting worse as the factories that can no longer operate in Beijing simply move to somewhere else with less restrictions.
This river campaign has all the hallmarks of a standard ccp campaign. Lot's of noise and attention but in the end very little result.
quarrytone BobHosk 1h ago
We have a client who is an environmental engineering professor she says the state funding for a clean up is huge her field has never been so busy. In fact so busy Lancaster University (the UK's top EE campus) has many partnerships now with Chinese universities opening campuses. They all do extensive field work helping with the clean up.
In China change can be phenomenal. The pollution was phenomenal and so to might the clean up be.
ShanghaiGuy quarrytone 10m ago
The pollution was phenomenal? Was?
When did it become past tense QT?
canbeanybody 2h ago
"A 'black and smelly' job: the search for China's most polluted rivers"
There are "black and smelly rivers in the lofty American sphere too.
It is not too late for China to sort out those polluted rivers.
对中国而言 现在去清理那些被污染的河流还为时不晚。
Magali Luna canbeanybody 54m ago
It didn't take long for you to add your fifty cents.
Gordomania Magali Luna 40m ago
Mentioning America apropos of nothing nice
Failure to mention Foreign running dogs Imperialist scoundrels or China's 5000 years of history? Try harder canbeanybody.
你那套像外国走狗赞美帝国主义渣滓或者中国5000年历史的宣传策略不奏效了吗? 加油啊 小伙子。
brandon_s canbeanybody 36m ago
Here's your 50 cents. Shill hard today.
kasho 2h ago
Huge tasks in China and India. Until the environment is respected more than money nothing will change.
在中国和印度(污染治理)是一个大工程。 如果那里的人崇拜金钱仍然超过尊重自然,那仍然不会有任何改变。
unclestinky kasho 1h ago
That's humanity boned then.
MrWangincanada 2h ago
Food safety air and water quality education are the top three concerns for Chinese middle class.
They are also among the top causes of emigration of elite Chinese working forces.
brandon_s MrWangincanada 34m ago
No money is the top concern. That's how everything else got so bad.
Peter Clark 2h ago
Put the environmentalists in jail in the normal Chinese way. Presto no problem! Shi better watch out or he will be part of the solution.
将环境保护者投进监狱——通常的中国做法。很快就没问题啦!Shi 得小心点,不然他会成为“解决问题“的一部分。””
martinRmartin Peter Clark 2h ago
You don't need to be so flippant and dismissive of the Chinese government. Yes a long way from perfect but a little investigation on Wikipedia about the environmental improvement underway in China might balance your view a little and lead to more thoughtful comments.
Having said that Mr Shi is certainly brave and the country needs a lot of people like him to drive the improvements and keep them at the top of the government agenda