4个日本人因向中国游客非法出售药品被逮捕 [日本媒体]

东京— 警方星期五称,包括药品批发公司负责人在内的四人因非法销售处方药给中国游客,已遭到逮捕。日本网友:哈哈,药的价值有点被低估了。谁关心一个医生会赚几千美元啊?有28000的药物放在一个地方应该可以叫药库了吧!


TOKYO —Four men including the head of a pharmaceutical wholesaler have been arrested over the illegal sale of medicines to Chinese tourists without prescxtions police said Friday.

东京— 警方星期五称,包括药品批发公司负责人在内的四人因非法销售处方药给中国游客,已遭到逮捕。

Hidenobu Zaima the 49-year-old president of the Tokyo-based company Atsushi Takayama a 47-year-old doctor Hiroyuki Chikama a 41-year-old adviser to the company and Kazuo Takahashi 66 were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of violating a law requiring pharmacies to dispense medicines based on prescxtions.

49岁的公司老总Hidenobu Zaima,47岁的医生Atsushi Takayama,41岁的公司顾问Hiroyuki Chikama以及Kazuo Takahashi 四人于周三因涉嫌违反法律而遭到逮捕,这项法律要求药店必须根据处方给客人配药。

The police are investigating the possibility that the four were diverting prescxtion drugs to a Chinese broker to sell them to Chinese tourists. They say the 28-year-old broker who was arrested in May and has since been convicted of violating the same law had sold medicines to Chinese tourists through a Chinese social networking service.



The police confiscated about 28000 medical products from his home.


Japanese medicines have become popular among Chinese tourists not just because of their perceived quality and safety but because of tax exemptions on them for foreign visitors since October 2014.


Difficulties in obtaining prescxtions from Japanese doctors have apparently created demand for such diverted drugs among Chinese people according to the police



commanteerAUG. 27 2016 - 08:10AM JST
Difficulties in obtaining prescxtions from Japanese doctors have apparently created demand for such diverted drugs among Chinese people according to the police.
Well then there's the problem. Why on earth should the Japanese police care if Chinese people are getting drugs they need in Japan?


some14someAUG. 27 2016 - 08:20AM JST
Well then there's the problem. Why on earth should the Japanese police care if Chinese people are getting drugs they need in Japan?
if so company name should be published and given wide publicity across the globe :(



Swami VasAUG. 27 2016 - 12:21PM JST
SWAMI'S THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT: Illegal sale of prescxtion drugs to unassuming tourists is a serious offence which should be stopped at any cost as it could have adverse impact on tourism industry apart from endangering the lives of visitors!


Jonathan PrinAUG. 28 2016 - 02:24PM JST
Lol drugs'value a bit underestimated. Who would care if a doctor of a few thousand dollars ? And 28000 drugs in one's place can be called a drug depot!


smithinjapanAUG. 28 2016 - 09:25PM JST
commanteer: "Why on earth should the Japanese police care if Chinese people are getting drugs they need in Japan?"


Probably some angle in which the government here loses money which is the main reason. Safety is probably the guise.

