杜特尔特:菲律宾对中俄军演持开放态度 [卡塔尔媒体]



President Rodrigo Duterte has said the Philippines is willing to hold joint military exercises with China and Russia while reiterating that he will no longer allow war games with longtime ally the United States.


Duterte made the remarks in a TV interview broadcast on Monday ahead of a four-day visit to Beijing aimed at improving ties that soured over competing claims in the resource-rich South China Sea.


Asked if he would consider joint military drills with China or Russia Duterte told with Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television: "Yes I will. I have given enough time for the Americans to play with the Filipino soldiers."


Duterte also repeated he would no longer allow joint exercises with the US the Philippines' main defence ally and supplier of military hardware.



Tim Reynolds
Duterte will ride his wave of popularity to amend the Phlippines Constituion to allow a constituitional dictatorship...and like most all dictators he will then use his absolute power to enrich himself and his family and cronies far beyone their current "millionaire" status...Filipinas will long regret putting this man in power though like Trump Republicans you are wasting your time trying to convince them othewise at this juncture ... and I hate it for the country though I understand how the average Filipina is willing to deal with the devil given their current dire personal economic situation... I have heard Duterte promise to rid the country of drugs and rid the country of illegal gambling to throw out the evil Americans but I have never once heard how he was going to put even one more peso in the pocket the average good-hearted hard-working Filipina who deserve a break



Fabian Sandvliet
imagine Israel doing this


Pete Guerrero
so you get all your military hardware from the US to do all your good work you say you are doing & that military training Americans have given your soldiers & now you turn your back on us for some questioning over your tactics? Good Luck with that......


Watch this space. Syria mark 2 on its way.


Wannabe Chinese trump again.


Pete Wagner
US needs a leader like this.


No we do not.  3rd-world cesspools might but the civilized world does not.


Apriljoy Valdeavilla
1st world my ass 


You might get one if you are not careful...



Bader Rammal
Switching the war games from the Western Illuminati to the Eastern Illuminati !!
The Ruling Families of Europe the owners of the US and Russia don't care if the Philippines and Egypt made ties with the US or made ties with Russia.
Egypt was a pro-Western Monarchy after the revolution of 1952 became pro-Eastern republic after peace with Israel in 1979 became pro-Western after Sissi coup became pro-Eastern...!!!
An indecisive country that doesn't know where to go is an unreliable untrusty country!


Dalvash Varietify
countries are not people so the criteria of trust shouldn't be used on them unless you are an imbecilic monkey. countries and governments specifically have interests. Egypt and Philipines are free to pursue theirs.



Bader Rammal
Before I answer your Urdu name Dalvash first: Do you have a toilet? Or do you just go outside in the streets and let go like your gods monkeys?


Bader Rammal
When a country switches loyalty 4 times in 60 years it's no longer a governmental issue toiletless monkey worshiper!!.....It becomes a nation issue.


If you think the USA has put one on you just wait till the Chinese and Russians r ape you.


Dalvash Varietify
so the choice is get raped by China/Russia or get raped by America?


DiDi Wu
So far the Americans have records of raping them not the Chinese or Russians.
