The Economist explains
Why do South African protests often turn violent?
TO PROTEST the redrawing of municipal boundaries earlier this year, residents in apoor part of Limpopo province set fire to their schools. More than three dozen schools were damaged; many were burned to the ground. “Service delivery” protests over the shoddy provision of electricity and basic sanitation regularly see major highways barricaded with burning tyres. Inprotests at universities, where students are seeking free tuition, libraries and lecture halls have been torched. Why do South African protests readilydescend into violence?
South Africans have plenty to feel angry about. Public services are patchy. Youth unemployment runs at around50%. The economy is both stagnant and lopsided. A majority of black SouthAfricans are still poor. Many feel frustrated with the lack of fundamentalchange in their lives, 22 years after the introduction of universal adultsuffrage. Researchers at the University of Johannesburg reckon there are onaverage 11 protests a day, many of them over labour issues. Other research hasfound an increasing number of “service delivery” protests in recent years. The vast majority of protestsare peaceful. Yet they are largely ignored by the government and media, and socitizens up the ante (“burn to beheard”, is one refrain). Moreover, some demonstrationsget co-opted by opportunistic looters, while others are fuelled by factionalpolitics. There is also a sense of impunity, caused by the rarity ofconvictions for burning buildings or stone-throwing.
The violence begets a vicious cycle.Thuggish protests draw heavy-handed responses by police. Tactical units, set upto deal with serious crimes such as car-jackings, have been dispatched touniversity campuses to quell student protests. Poorly trained private securityguards are often deployed as well. Students throw stones at security guards,who hurl them right back. Last week police shot one student leader 13 timeswith rubber bullets. A broader worry is that legitimate complaints are tarredas thuggish disorder. And arson and looting cause billions of rand in damage—something South Africa can ill afford.
Even by the standards of Africa’s blood-soaked colonial history, SouthAfrica has an especially brutal past. The apartheid regime metdissent with live fire. The African National Congress eventually resorted toviolent tactics in its struggle. In the early 1990s South Africa stood on theverge of civil war. Today the country is plagued by a high rate of violentcrime. Yet recent local elections saw South Africans express their anger at theballot box rather than on the streets; the opposition Democratic Alliancegained power in several major cities. Whether this leads to improved publicservices remains to be seen. But if South Africans feel they are being heardand that democratic institutions are working for them, perhaps the cycle ofviolence can at last come to an end.
CaptainZ Oct 28th, 08:10
Itis such a pity to watch a country with such potentials as South Africa slowlydescents toward the pit like many of its peers.
Violencein South Africa is not comprehensible to someone living in a first worldcountry. Way too often one hears murders committed for robbing a cellphone orby jilted lovers. And the brutal ways these murders are committed chill thespine. Violence is a simple fact of life in South Africa.
Thereare endless discussions about the cause of such menace, apologists often pointto the violent past of Apartheid without offering any solution. Overworked,underpaid and corruptible police force means there is no first line of defense.
ForSouth Africa to move forward, it must first sort out the institutions- foremostthe current government which is far more incompetent and corrupt than any ofits predecessors, apartheid era government included.
Recommend 23
guest-ajammnjs Oct 28th, 11:47
Maybethey are working on their protest and fighting skills they will need when theymigrate to Europe?
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cpxxpm5xaj in reply to guest-ajammnjsOct 28th, 14:18
really?south africans are migrating in large numbers to Europe?
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LukeC Oct 28th, 13:49
Protestsare not the answer, in a democratic society, voting is the answer. Stop playingidentity politics, vote out the ANC, vote out Zuma, or nothing will change.
Stopbeing children.
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R77wYfR8Qw Oct 28th, 16:39
1.Evenby the standards of Africa’s blood-soaked colonialhistory, South Africa has an especially brutal past. 2The apartheid regime metdissent with live fire.
Itis hard not to dispute the first sentence and forget how brutal the Boer Wars.After all concentration camp was invented during that war and some of the"refugees" interned in them look very much like they were from theNazi camps.
This brutal past did not make SA whites burn their schools and infrastructure.
Unfortunately TE descended to the Politically correct blaming all African illson colonial brutality.
Thesubtitle should be : Economist excuses not explains.
Recommend 20
ISEE Oct 28th, 18:29
Thedegree of violence/anger/hatred is depending on how much a person view othersresponsible for bad things in his/her life.
Forpeople who always look at themselves for any cause of failure,depression/suicide behavior is sadly common. But they turn their anger/violencetoward themselves instead of blaming others for failure in life. This kind ofpeople are always trying to find solution on themselves (education,entrepreneur, working harder ect). They truly believe nobody can save themexcept self. In a society, such people tend to become successful at end. Thecountries composed of such type people tend to become rich.
Thereis also type of people who never admit any mistake or fault in their life. Theybelieve any failure/poverty/mistake are somebody else fault. They never hatethemselves but others. They almost never suffer depression. They tend to havelower suicide rate since they never view themselves as cause of failure inlife. The genuinely believe others responsible for their misery. They arereally angry at others and think other people need to be punished for theirmisery. In a society, such kind of people tend to occupy at lower end of socialeconomical status. If a country is composed of mostly such characters, thiscountry tend to be poor.
Nowyou have ironic situation. Tough aggressive people form low class and poornations. Humble introverted people with higher suicide rate form upper socialclass and rich nations.
Well,it is called Dunning Kroger effect at international levels. You can not changesomeone's IQ since it is genetically determined.
Recommend 17
好吧,这个叫做邓宁-克鲁格效应。你没办法改变一个人的IQ,因为它天生就已经确定了。【译注:也称达克效应,是一种认知偏差,能力欠缺的人有一种虚幻的自我优越感,错误地认为自己比真实情况更加优秀。邓宁和克鲁格认为这种效应是由于能力欠缺者的内在错觉和能干者对外界的错误认知:无能者的错误标度源自于对自我的错误认知,而极有才能者的错误标度源自于对他人的错误认知。虽然达克效应早在1999年就被邓宁和克鲁格两人提出来了,但他们把孔子(知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也)、查尔斯·达尔文(“无知比知识更容易招致自信”)和伯特兰·罗素(“我们这个时代让人困扰的事之一是: 那些对事确信无疑的人其实很蠢,而那些富有想象力和理解力的人却总是怀疑和优柔寡断”)也列为发现这个现象的人。】
ISEEin reply to ISEE Oct 28th, 18:46
Dunning–Krugereffect is correct word.
"low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority". So theycan not be responsible for any thing goes wrong.
EntrepreneurJack Ma had all the odd against him in life. But he never blame others forfailure (even though other judge against him based on his odd physicalfeature). He believe to find solution on his own. When he hiring potentialemployees, he always reject the candidates who blame others for any mistake. Heonly hire the person who always try to find solution to any problem withoutbothering other people - basically introverted people.
Whenyou think others responsible for problem, you have excuse not to do anything tosolve the problem. When you view yourselves as responsible party for anythingin world, you always try to find solution on your own without need to changethe others or the world. Actually it is easier to change yourselves than changethe world. Let yourselves adapt to the world instead of letting world adapt toyou.
Recommend 7
ISEEin reply to ISEE Oct 28th, 19:03
Geographically,sun energy is high near equator and low in polar region. With low sun energy,there will be low density of plants and animals in polar region. Due to suchpoor nature condition, human density will be low also due to low supply foodper unit of land. Thus people in such region live in low density with vastdistance between neighbors. Basically you are on you own without any body elsehelp around. You have to solve all your problem on you own. With little chanceto talk to any one else, social skill is totally useless. If you can not solvethe problem, you die. So suicide rate tend to be high in this kind of placetoo. People in this region mostly become introverted in solitude. Finns areclassic example.
Yet,it is such character will help you success in today competitive society sinceyou always try to find solution on you own without blaming others.
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Jose Wales Oct 28th, 21:34
TheEconomist asks "Why do South African protests often turn violent?"This is a rhetorical question, isn't it? I think everyone knows the answer.
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mandinka1 Oct 28th, 23:15
OhhhhPlease just look at the protestors that answers the posed question
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Suchindranath Oct 29th, 05:35
SouthAfrica is India in fast forward. They have adopted India' grotesque policy ofdiscrimination, in law, by race and birth in employment, promotion andeducational opportunities.
Thosethe Republic of South Africa favoured by law, thanks to the African NationalCongress' prolonged boycott of education, lacked even the very bare educationand skills of India's so called "backwards". India's"backwards" ran British India after 1921 to destroy Brahmanism inorder to eradicate Hinduism. They formed part of the Cambridge, Columbia,Elphinstone, St Stephen’s, Madras Christian,and Presidency educated elite of India who, without any knowledge at all ofIndian History, tradition and culture, step fathered the Indian Republic with a"Constitution" plagiarized from the Government of India Act (1935) towhich they added juicy elements borrowed from George Orwell's "AnimalFarm". They were favoured by the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other(Alien) Religion-Communist (PANGOLIN*) Consensus after 1947 in line with the stronglyentrenched British mythology created to shatter India into a million pieces.
InSouth Africa, this "Social Engineering" disregard for competence andintegrity has resulted in institutions such as Courts, the Central Bank, thePolice and others that are corroding faster and are more incompetent andcorrupt than even India's.
Isaw this evolving with my own eyes during frequent visits to Johannesburg andPretoria from June 1995 to December 1999. Things were quite clean when I firstvisited. But I saw the pot holes and garbage appear on the N-1 and Jalopiesdriving in the wrong lane making the speeds at which I used to drive on the N-1(The autobahn betwixt Johannesburg and Pretoria) in 1995 impossible by 1997. Isaw young, smart, white officers saluting pot bellied, "heavily" overplaced blacks who either didn't know or couldn't be bothered to salute back.Simultaneously, violent crime began to sky rocket along with racial prejudicesbecoming accentuated by the unfairness of policy. Corruption became a sine quanon of public life. Something that was winked at as part of the great"equality" project. Forgiveness and Obamaesque, Nehruvian “tolerance”mandated by "political correctness". Just as in India.
Anotherof those Banana Republics thaumaturged with incessant regularly since 1947 tomake up the "British Commonwealth". But, South Africa was a latecomer, anxious and able, as I personally witnessed, to make up for India’sSeventy years of reservations (reverse discrimination), corruption (extortion)and misrule in just five.
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