Trump wins White House; Clinton concedes defeat
WASHINGTON —Donald Trump was elected America’s 45th president Tuesday, an astonishing victory for a celebrity businessman and political novice who capitalized on voters’ economic anxieties, took advantage of racial tensions and overcame a string of sexual assault allegations on his way to the White House.
nadakuNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:07PM JST
Not gonna lie, this is not only unexpected, but massively disappointing.
But no point in being bitter, congrats to the republicans. Hope he will make it a better country - though, after all this time, still unsure how.
filipoNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:10PM JST
Thanks America :(
谢谢你,美国 :(
PeaceWarriorNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:10PM JST
Allow me to congratulate the American people for their newest president. You get what you deserve. Enjoy! And please stop crashing the Canadian Immigration website, Thanks.
Derek GrebeNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:11PM JST
God help us all.
TatankaNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:11PM JST
No more currency manipulation Japan! 70yen to the dollar by March 1, 2017
papigiulioNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:12PM JST
Hey Elon Musk, what is the status of that space ship to mars
ThunderbirdNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:14PM JST
biggest MEDIA fail ever!!!!! from the beginning until the very last seconds, the media was nasty and nasty! "60% supporting Hillary" LOL This day surely teaches you a lesson.
SensatoNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:16PM JST
This does not bode well for Japan. Tragic. Terrifying.
Rana SodhiNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:18PM JST
I am in shock.
NorthernlifeNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:18PM JST
Congratulations to Trump and the Republician party.The people of America spoke, end of story.
ThunderbirdNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:19PM JST
Trump was already giving his victory speech while the almighty CNN <<< was still stuck with its "tight race" screen!! LOL even foreign media outlets were faster than CNN this time, you wonder why???? please...regardless of your candidate.... shame on these nasty brainwashing medias!!!!
some14someNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:21PM JST
biggest MEDIA fail ever!!!!! from the beginning until the very last seconds,
Exactly, Mainstream media suffers third major consecutive defeat (Iraq: WMD. UK: Brexit and USA : Madam. Hillary) Anyway, i congratulate myself for being the first and foremost to predict Trump's victory from day1 !
yakyakNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:22PM JST
Donald Trump has proven once again to believe in your dreams, think big and never give up. The Clintons are toast, the Bushes are toast, Obama's Legacy is in jeopardy. Most of all the liberal and biased media that has fed the world so many lies for far too long has been seriously damaged. Power to the people! TRUMP/PENCE 2016!
JimizoNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:28PM JST
There were people saying that Trump as president will behave differently to Trump the candidate.
I hope for everyone's sake they were right.
MsDeliciousNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:30PM JST
Now Hillary can turn herself into the FBI and admit all her wrongdoing.
hidingoutNOV. 09, 2016 - 05:33PM JST
How many boxes of tissue do you think Hillary has worked through so far?