China will defend trade rights in face of Trump tariff threats, official says
China will defend its rights under World Trade Organisation tariff rules if US president-elect Donald Trump moves toward executing his campaign threats to levy punitive duties on goods made in China, a senior trade official has said.
Zhang Xiangchen, China’s deputy international trade representative, also told a news conference in Washington on Wednesday that a broad consensus of academics, business people and government officials have concluded that Chinais not manipulating its yuan currency to gain an unfair trade advantage, as Trump has charged.
canbeanybody 48m ago
Freedom in trade is the best freedom human race ever devised and departure from free trade shall be short sighted.
Springmellon a 51m ago
Trump is quite right to challenge the current status quo with China.
The U.S. trade deficit with China was $365.7 billion in 2015 U.S. exports to China were only $116.2 billion while imports from China hit a new record of $481.9 billion.
Whilst the USA currently has an average import levy of only 3%, China imposes an average of 12.5%.
The unfairness of the disparity is self evident, and it's hard to understand why the USA didn't use the strength of it's bargaining position to remedy it long ago.
I suspect The 45% levy threat is just a high opening bid to negotiate China's tariffs down to at least parity with America's
zbrowne 54m ago
Politics should be driven by economics, not the other way around. American foreign policy drives economics. That is why the American economy is in shambles. US became economic powerhouse when we had high tariffs, then why is it declining with their removal. And if that is so, who needs all the trade deals? Obviously they are destroying American economic power. And I believe this is what Trump want to change.
ubuntu1 zbrowne 46m ago
Eeer no. The US is a part of the global economy. Full stop. The US was significantly responsible for the GFC.
Must you be responsible for an even bigger GFC.
zbrowne 1h ago
If China is able to manipulate its currency, why can't US? Why is the value of US $ so high? Who is benefiting from this? Every country in the world is trying to bring down the value of their currency. The US is the only country in the world that is doing the opposite. Why? This makes American products uncompetitive. Why is nothing being done to drive the value of the US $ down?
MarkNeddy zbrowne 19m ago
The $ is the worlds reserve currency meaning the US can print money, sell trillions in debt and generally burn through its budget like it's going out of fashion. As a result, to some extent, the normal S and D rules don't apply to the $. 'Murica keeps supplying the world with buckets of $'S and the world keeps soaking it up without pushing the $ down. Really great if you want to live beyond your means, not so good if you are trying to push your currency value down.
If any bond trader reads this - have I for this right?
alfredwong zbrowne 2m ago
By setting the Federal Funds Rate at near zero and implementing quantitative easing several times over the last few years, isn't the US also manipulating its currency? And according to the IMF, most governments try to influence their exchange rates, China is no exception.
http://theconversation.com/does- ... -trump-claims-60148
More than 60% of all foreign currency reserves in the world today are in US dollars. Withdraw the US dollar from the list of the world's reserve currencies and the US$ would come down immediately.
http://theconversation.com/does- ... -trump-claims-60148
Luschnig 1h ago
As the Brits and their American cousins sink into cowardly xenophobia rejecting globalised free trade, China (and co-incidentlly Russia) eagerly pursue free trade. The English speaking corner of the world is stuck in an inevitable decline, while other, braver peoples take advantage of the opportunities and wealth global trade offer.
JWallac Luschnig 1h ago
Well not the whole English speaking world. Australia and NZ are now openly looking for ways to more closely align with China, politically and economically.
Churchisnotill 1h ago
China is a crooked economy, Trump is correct when it comes to China. These bastards should be fought to make America great again.
JWallac Churchisnotill 1h ago
China is a command economy - which means they are in a much better position to weather the inevitable trade war and resultant global recession that a blanket 45% tariff on all Chinese imports would trigger. They have also become the inevitable economic leaders of the Asia-pacific trade bloc that the US just pulled out of.
CaptnGster 1h ago
This is the very definition of a lose lose scenario. The one ace China hold up their sleeve is they honestly don't give a fuck about the ramifications a trade war will have on their citizens while politicians in the US know by now how fickle the electorate is.