津巴布韦将活大象运往中国野生动物园 [英国媒体]


Zimbabwe ships live elephants to wildlifeparks in China


More than 30 wild elephants were beingreadied on Friday evening for an airlift from Zimbabwe tocaptivity in China, according to wildlife advocates.


The founder of Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force,Johnny Rodrigues, said on Friday that their plane was still at Victoria Fallsairport because officials could not find scales big enough to weigh the animals,which were confined inside heavy crates.


But once that was accomplished, he added,“they’re gone”. Some of the elephants are reportedly as young as three years ofage.


The live export of elephants iscontroversial, although legal. Wildlife advocatesargue that elephants are do not belong in captivity and the practice of wildcapture disrupts the social structure of their herds.


E111ePhant 3h ago
Outrageous but not at all surprising


Mates Braas 3h ago
Look on the bright side, these elephantsaren't being culled by environmentalist who tell us that current Africanelephant populations are a danger to the ecosystem. Much ado about nothingreally, and the real story being China and Zimbabwe, and not the elephants.


ehywhat Mates Braas 3h ago
If that's true, and they are cullingAfrican elephants in Africa, then good on these people for getting at leastsome of them out of there. I'm far, far more interested in these elephantsbeing looked after and allowed to live.


canbeanybody 3h ago
"Zimbabwe ships live elephants towildlife parks in China"
There are wildlife parks in the Americansphere and a few wildlife parks in China are normal.
Should busybody slackers find somethingelse for their mud sling?
Who are at the best position if those liveelephants are ready for transport and how to best look after those beauties?
Not those lofty busybodies, good fornothing.


ehywhat 3h ago
This is horrible, but as usual there is aconstant flip between 'conservation' and 'humane.'
If exporting these elephants is bad forconservation then by all means say so, but what happens to turkeys, cows, etcin the UK is much, much worse in terms of 'humane'.


Colonialconscience 3h ago
Thanks to a lack of currency, the Zimbabweanauthorities have no compunction about selling elephants illegally. The factthat they don't have correct crates and facilities for them, dooms them todeath. The Chinese are hardly known for their great treatment of wildlife. Thisis a despicable, wanton act of wildlife terror that needs to be stopped at allcost. The world needs to wake up to what the Chinese are doing in Africa.
Wildlife terrorists is what they are. TheNamibian Wildlife authorities have send an open letter to the Chinesauthorities to try and stop their nationals from despicable acts there. We allknow that it will fall on deaf ears. Meanwhile, giraffe, pangolin, elephant andrhino are becoming increasingly endangered.


AlanWeen 3h ago
Why is the West still berated for thingsthat occurred centuries ago, but Chinas present day empire building in Africagoes largely unreported?


alfredwong 4h ago
Never an issue when Dallas Zoo imported anumber of wild elephants from Swaziland recently. Becomes an issue when theChinese do the same thing. Weird, weird, weird.


wardpj alfredwong 3h ago
A few mouse clicks would have provedcyouwrong:


amerwaga 4h ago
The Chinese have no respect for animals,period. They are seen as a means to serve them either as food or medicine. I amnot a Trump supporter but his stance on China makes sense.


alfredwong amerwaga 4h ago
"The Chinese have no respect foranimals, period."
You have won a gold medal for stereotypingthe Chinese, period!


Gordomania 5h ago
It's ok, with any luck before too longChinese people will have killed them, taken their ivory, and then denied it andcalled you racist for pointing it out.


WillWhite 6h ago
Mugabe has no respect for human lives, sowhy would we expect his moral compass to be better tuned when it comes to theanimal kingdom?


RuudGM 6h ago
The West did terrible things where wildlifeis concerned. This doesn't mean that it's now China's turn to do the same. Arethey going to repeat our mistakes in the 21st century? Is China going to mimicthe US and commit the same atrocities over again? It looks like they are doingexactly that. I was going to say, Hey, they have no morals like us. Then Ithought again. Did we?
