Rex Tillerson got strangely carried away at his confirmation hearing. He’s on the verge of becoming the U.S. secretary of state but at one point he seemed to be channelling the bellicosity of his soon-to-be-boss president-elect Donald J. Trump.
The former CEO of Exxon Mobil was right to criticize the Chinese government for threatening the freedom of the seas and bulldozing its neighbours’ territorial claims by building artificial islands in disputed parts of the South China Sea.
But Mr. Tillerson didn’t just criticize Beijing. He went far beyond that. He said that the United States should respond by surrounding the artificial islands preventing the Chinese Navy and Air Force from being able to access military installations on land that China claims as part of its territory. As he put it China’s “access to those islands is not going to be allowed.” It would amount to a blockade – an act of war. That would literally start the Trump administration with a bang.
Ken Gai
7 hours ago
umm.. "China’s behaviour in the South China Sea is wrong but it’s a more complicated dispute over who owns what." Seriously... PCA in the Hague clearly ruled on this July 2016: International Law.. 200-Mile EEZ.. there is nothing 'complicated' about it.. they do not have legal standing on so-called 9-Dash line.. are facts optional?
9 hours ago
Tillerson's assertive stance is refreshing after 8 years of short-sighted idealism and "leading from behind". The world becomes more dangerous when US hegemony falters as it empowers China Russia Iran and North Korea. China did not respect Obama which was evident when they made him use the emergency exit of Air Force One at a recent summit. Ash Carter sent clear signals to China that the US does not recognize China's claims in the South China Sea but Obama dithered on the file throughout his presidency. The US Navy has no equal - the deterrent to China is more powerful than the actual use of force and it should be leveraged accordingly.
在8年目光短浅的理想主义和“垂帘听政”之后,提尔森坚定自信的言论让人耳目一新。而当中国、尔罗斯、伊朗和北朝鲜不断变强,美国霸权松动的时候,世界就会变得更加危险。中国对奥巴马的不尊重很明显,最近一次峰会中国让奥巴马使用空军一号的紧急出口。Ash Carter 给中国释放了明确信号,美国不认可中国在南海的主权主张,但奥巴马在他的任期内对此事都优柔寡断。美国海军无所匹敌,比实际武力使用更能威慑中国,应该采取相应的杠杆措施。
5 hours ago
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5 hours ago
'...if WW3 gets underway...' That's a big and unlikely 'if'. The Chinese do not wish to perish anymore than the Americans. The Chinese are testing American resolve to maintain freedom of passage in the South China Sea. If they are foolish enough to attack an American warship the Americans will respond by destroying one or more of the Chinese island bases. It is highly unlikely however they will opt for an all-out war against the militarily superior US.
“...如果第三次世界大战开始爆发...” 当然这是一个大写且不大可能实现的“如果”。中国人不会比美国人更想去死。中国人在测试美国维护南海自由的决心。如果他们愚蠢到袭击美国军舰,美国人会摧毁一个甚至多个中国岛屿基地来作为回击。此时中国人会选择和军事力量占上风的美国开展全面战争,尽管这是非常不可能发生的。
6 hours ago
And the USA will return Texas Arizona California and New Mexico back to Mexico!
6 hours ago
China and Russia have the right to protect themselves from US hostility. The lines between good and evil were blurred a long time ago.
4 hours ago
The US has the right to protect itself from Russian and Chinese hostility as well The lines between good and evil are quite clearly demarcated in a democracy - in a communist dictatorship not so much.
The Last Truthbender
8 hours ago
It appears Tex Tillerson is prepared to take us into global war
the most lethal and catastrophic wars come when a declining hegemon seeks to reclaim what it believes is its rightful status in the world through miscalculated and provocative strategic blunders-
the Dutch The Hapsburgs the Spaniards and the Brits all lost what they had because of such imperial overstretch
the Americans can no more budge China from the islands of the South China Sea than they can move Putin out of Sevastapol
Duke Charles Martel
7 hours ago
Hahahaha. The Chinese are worried that the EU will start putting the same trade restrictions on them that Trump will do in the US. If only everyone was like Canada - willing to sell themselves out to China.