日本梅毒病例快速增多 [日本媒体]



TOKYO —Japan has a rapidly increasingly number of syphilis patients including among young women prompting the health ministry to launch a special research team to find out ways to stop the spread of the sexually transmitted infection.


According to data based on reports filed by hospitals across Japan the number of syphilis patients totaled 4259 as of early December up 77% from 2412 in the corresponding period a year earlier and more than seven-fold from a decade ago.



The infection is believed to have spread mainly through heterosexual intercourse. But the number of mother-to-child transmissions which has been very rare in Japan is also on the rise.


The Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare has been urging people who feel they may have been infected to be tested immediately as the disease can be transmitted despite the absence of symptoms.


Infections are especially rife in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward where numerous entertainment and nightlife businesses operate with the number of syphilis patients reported by hospitals in the ward accounting for 40 percent of Tokyo’s total and 20 percent of cases across the whole of Japan.



sensei258JAN. 09 2017 - 06:59AM JST
ask patients if they had engaged in work at adult entertainment businesses and their nationality
Why so they can say it's a gaijin problem


MoonrakerJAN. 09 2017 - 07:03AM JST
The Ministry of Health gotta get Sailor Moon to fight syphilis-kun too then now.


YubaruJAN. 09 2017 - 07:10AM JST
as well as an increase in the number of tourists from countries with high infection rates of the disease are often cited as likely causes behind the spread


Right new the fact that Japanese men themselves could be the cause as well. Always someone else.
Quit pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame and get the problem fixed!



sensei258JAN. 09 2017 - 07:19AM JST
@Yubaru - Spot on! Gotta find a way to blame the foreigners

@Yubaru 没错!非得找个说法去责怪外国人

MikeHJAN. 09 2017 - 07:25AM JST
They are so quick to point to the increase in number of tourist as a factor! In fact it's the sexual lifestyle of Japanese which cause this such as unprotected sex. Most Japanese friends of mine laugh at the idea of using a condom! Office workers sleep with more than 10people in their own company without using protection... I was shell shocked at this! In addition when they visit counties like Thailand ( very common destination for Japanese salary men ) they bring STD's from there...simple as that!



some14someJAN. 09 2017 - 07:26AM JST
the number of syphilis patients totaled 4259 as of early December up 77% from 2412 in the corresponding period a year earlier and more than seven-fold from a decade ago.
...and what's market prediction by Tokyo Olympics 2020? may be 770%


kurisupisuJAN. 09 2017 - 07:27AM JST
How about the large numbers of Japanese men having unprotected sex abroad with prostitutes and then seeking the same in entertainment businesses on their return to Japan?


sensei258JAN. 09 2017 - 07:39AM JST
@ kurisupisu - You've got it all wrong. Japanese men are chaste faithful and responsible

@ kurisupisu - 你错了。日本人是忠诚和负责任的


sensei258JAN. 09 2017 - 07:50AM JST
The typical posters have already used this as a way to bash Japan like clockwork
But we wouldn't have to if they'd admit it was also a Japanese problem instead of trying so hard to blame it on gaijins


MariaJAN. 09 2017 - 07:55AM JST
to launch a special research team to find out ways to stop the spread of the sexually transmitted infection.
Condoms. There. Sorted.


RealityofFakeJAN. 09 2017 - 08:20AM JST
Better sex education. Promote condoms and regular testing.



triumphJAN. 09 2017 - 08:23AM JST
"Infections are especially rife in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward where numerous entertainment and nightlife businesses operate"
Unbelieavle people don't use condoms when engaging in this kind of activity.


commanteerJAN. 09 2017 - 08:24AM JST
if they'd admit it was also a Japanese problem instead of trying so hard to blame it on gaijins
Nothing in the article supports your statement. It's common medical practice to try to find the sources of contagious diseases.



SchopenhauerJAN. 09 2017 - 08:29AM JST
Why do not doctors eradicate secually transmitted diseases from the earth? Do they think it is necessary as punishment?


Yumster100JAN. 09 2017 - 08:32AM JST
But we wouldn't have to if they'd admit it was also a Japanese problem instead of trying so hard to blame it on gaijins


Perhaps you're trying too hard see something that isn't there. Reread the quotes I've posted so that it's easier for you to understand. They're dealing with a semi-epidemic syphlis problem and I'm sure the medical team needs to figure out where the source is originating. Once they root that out a team will then determine how to best prevent this from spreading or contain it. Only a simpleton would try to tackle this issue as a foreigner problem since that would make it predetermined already and they would have implemented antiforeigner policies before any research has been done. How hard is that to understand?



turbotsatJAN. 09 2017 - 08:33AM JST
Schopenhauer: Why do not doctors eradicate secually transmitted diseases from the earth? Do they think it is necessary as punishment?


It's not like they waved a magic wand and eradicated polio and smallpox and all they have to do is wave the same wand to eradicate STDs.


bonesJAN. 09 2017 - 08:35AM JST
I could be wrong but is it possible that it's also spread by Japanese men who go overseas on"BUSINESS TRIPS" or "COMPANY MEETINGS " to places like Taiwan or Thailand or the Philippines!?



jansob1JAN. 09 2017 - 08:36AM JST
My guess is that they're reclassifying "trafficked sex slaves" as "tourists". Typical.


StrangerlandJAN. 09 2017 - 08:40AM JST
So we have a bunch of people on here complaining about them blaming the problem on foreigners (which the article doesn't actually say) then go on to accuse it on married Japanese men sleeping with prostitutes.
I choke on the hypocrisy.


Haaa NemuiJAN. 09 2017 - 08:48AM JST
The same old people taking bits and pieces of sentences to put forward their own imagined agenda. The sentence in this case finishes with "to find out major infection routes." and the context (and answer to the question about it) is given.



StrangerlandJAN. 09 2017 - 08:54AM JST
Why do not doctors eradicate secually  transmitted diseases from the earth?


And why can't I magically fly with no wings? And why don't governments just make world peace and prosperity for all?


The answer to those answers your question.


Alistair CarnellJAN. 09 2017 - 08:57AM JST
So we have a bunch of people on here complaining about them blaming the problem on foreigners (which the article doesn't actually say)



as well as an increase in the number of tourists from countries with high infection rates of the disease


sensei258JAN. 09 2017 - 08:58AM JST
Whatever happened to sticking with one faithful partner? You can flit from flower to flower and not expect to get stung once in a while

