妻子被迫从事性工作的印度种姓 [卡塔尔媒体]


The Indian caste where wives are forced into sex work


New Delhi, India - When Sita* comes home in the morning, her husband is usually still asleep. She has worked through the night, selling sex on the highways tracing Delhi's periphery, but she will bathe, cook breakfast, and get the children ready for school before getting some rest herself.


Here, in a tumble-down corner of Najafgarh, a patch of urban villages stitched into the Indian capital's fraying hem, what Sita does for a living is no secret. Sita belongs to Perna caste, and among the women and girls of this acutely marginalised community, entering the sex trade is a usual next step after marriage and childbirth.


"My first child died shortly after being born. When [my second-born] daughter was around one year, that's when I started this work," she says. Married in her mid-teens to a Perna man she hadn't met before, she estimates that she was 17 when she became the sole earner in her young family.


Now in what she guesses to be her late 20s, Sita still leaves the Perna basti (settlement), each night with other women from the community to tout for customers in "random places": bus stops, lay-bys and parks far from their own neighbourhood and out of view of the police. They travel in a group, sharing the rickshaw fare and the risk of assault.


"We try to get it done quickly," Sita explains. They conduct encounters in cars or hidden outdoor nooks. While one woman is with a client, a friend will make sure to stay within shouting distance. Each client pays between 200 rupees and 300 rupees ($3-$4.50). In a night, the women can expect to make as much as 1,000 rupees ($14.60), or as little as nothing.



More than 20 separatist movements
Tamil Nadu
Indian women selling their bodies while their man raping for foreign tourists 
and they say India is progressing 
what a garbage place


Adrian Mack
nice to see that your math skills are as good as your english language skills. Even if we assume that the garbage you just posted is true, we have : Tamil Nadu + Kashmir + Khalistan + Assam + Manipur >= 20. 
Good  to know. Now you know why the world takes Pakistan so seriously. LOL

你的数学和你的英语水平一样烂。即使你说的都是真的,泰米尔纳德邦+克什米尔+卡利斯坦运动+阿萨姆+曼尼普尔>= 20。

and THEY says 
India Unlikely To Buy Additional Rafale Fighter Jets from France 
built Toilets oh India


Too bad. Clearly they need government guidance and support. Another thing is their own moral values and what is acceptable in their society. We can't just blame the circumstances, it is always how we deal with them. 


SAD, but it's a reality. As per the HINDU Scriptures, after husband dies, women have 3 options:
1- Marry younger brother of husband, OR
2- Commit SATTI (get burnt alive with deceased husband in his funeral), OR
3- Start living a life of SELF DENIAL(head shaved off, Not enough food, try to look ugly, no participation in marriages or occasions of happiness of even her own children, also go and beg and live in temple).


Horrible such options and rituals are still present in this modern and democratic society. Such options were in vogue in paganic society of Holy Land when Bani Israel came there from Egypt about 3000 years ago and stopped all such inhuman rituals recorded in Sacred Bible.


India is the oldest country in the world. Not surprising they have the oldest profession there.


It seems that Syrian and Yemeni women are following in these Indian women's footsteps (mattresses) and selling themselves to feed their children and husbands in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and anywhere else men will pay for their services.


Indians living in squalor and breeding like flies, don't they have any intelligence to stop this madness


TripleOG786 .
Just when you think it can't get any worse in india it actually gets worse. What a dump! Cow, rat, monkey and statue worshipping, mass r@pes and se xu al assaults, skin colour discrimination, caste discrimination, open def- e- cation, ugly practices and ugly people, and this country claims to be a rising superpower hahahahaha!! Looool! What a joke! 


Where would you defecate if you didn't have a toilet? Closed in your pants? Poverty brings a lot of problems including lack of education and keeping up harmful traditions, but it doesn't make people ugly. You are almost literate and that education has not given you manners nor understanding causal connections in the world. Traveling gives also understanding and can create empathy, which is a virtue. Bad things happen everywhere but superior attitude closes you out of lot of shades of the palette to understand the world.


@Jasnan Jack, First of First, think thousand time before writing any thing related to Prophet (peace be upon him).
Secondly, there are articles against Muslims but they don't directly go to your peoples prophecy. 
if you are that much concerned about the reality, why do not you take step to fix the problems. 

@Jasnan Jack,首先,在发表有关先知的言论时,请三思而后行。

Jasnan Jack
Your pedofile prophet should have thought before raphing child Aisha 9 yrs....... before raphing scx slaves 


Max Barry
Muslims are blind and deaf to problems in Muslim countries but are the first to rant at others.
No comments on the Malaysia story where Muslim women sell their babies.
Both of these actions are heinous but Muslims love to pick only actions of non Muslims.  

