朝鲜警告战争,美国称其为社会弃儿 [日本媒体]



GENEVA —North Korea said on Tuesday it would pursue its nuclear deterrent and weapons program as huge U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises it says model a “pre-emptive nuclear attack” against Pyongyang continued.


South Korea and the United States which led condemnation of North Korea’s latest missile tests at the Conference on Disarmament said their military drills were to test defensive readiness against possible aggression from the North.

在日内瓦裁军谈判会议译者注(Conference on Disarmament,又称“日内瓦裁军谈判会议”,是目前唯一的全球性多边裁军谈判机构)上,韩国和美国主导了对于朝鲜最新导弹测试的谴责,他们说美-韩军事演练是针对朝鲜可能的攻击而测试防御战备。

North Korean diplomat Ju Yong Choi told the United Nations-backed forum that the allies’ annual exercises were “a major cause of escalation of tension that might turn into actual war”



U.S. Disarmament Ambassador Robert Wood condemned the tests as North Korea’s latest violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. He described Pyongyang’s weapons program as a “clear threat to the national security of every country of the region”.

美国裁军谈判会议大使 Robert Wood 谴责朝鲜最新的导弹测试违背了联合国安理会决议。他将平壤的武器计划描述为一个“明显的对该区域所有国家安全”的威胁。

“It should be very clear to the DPRK that it is a pariah it is an outlier it is in violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions and that the countries represented in this room are not going to stand by and just let the DPRK violate international law” Wood added.



Dre HundMAR. 08 2017 - 07:45AM JST
High stakes game. How do you disarm North Korea? Turn off the power.


gogogoMAR. 08 2017 - 08:05AM JST
China needs to put a lid on NK


CrazyJoeMAR. 08 2017 - 08:18AM JST
China Put a dog leash on Kim or shut up. If you cannot control the little fat boy then don't complain about the USA protecting South Korea. In other news the Chinese present their land grab across the China Sea and the militarization of these outposts as their divine right.


smithinjapanMAR. 08 2017 - 08:31AM JST
And people were crying about Hillary's "No fly zone" proposal when you have Trump and Bannon the latter of whom at least WANTS war in Asia because he thinks he can reshape the world in his image after. They keep it up they'll have their war.



SabrageMAR. 08 2017 - 08:53AM JST
North Korea is dangerous because they have vey little to loose.


Droll QuarryMAR. 08 2017 - 09:05AM JST
The US and Japan can muster up all the sanctions in the world but until those countries that trade with NK anyway feel come blowback and cease nothing will change. The majority of countries that supply NK are far away from any danger from Li'l Dumplin and do not give a crock about the people who are as long as there is coin to be made.


Ron BarnesMAR. 08 2017 - 09:18AM JST
Its time for little fat boy to learn a lesion that he wont win its a shame for the population they are suffering under his rein



Charles NoguhiMAR. 08 2017 - 09:22AM JST
@Toshiko: You are joking correct? Are you suggesting that many or most Japanese would approve of using a nuclear weapon against an oppressed population?


harajuku_pressMAR. 08 2017 - 09:22AM JST
All that is unfolding is necessitated by China's failure to take responsibility for North Korea. China essentially fostered the creation of North Korea and has kept it alive to date. If China wanted a say in how the matter is resolved it had ample opportunity but instead chose to use North Korea as a destabilizing distraction. China inveterately bolstering and using North Korea for its own purposes no longer deserves to be in the loop.



JuliusCaesarMAR. 08 2017 - 09:44AM JST
U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises it says model a “pre-emptive nuclear attack”


They're inferring about the 'Virginias'. Stealthy subs and heavily armed. They'll be protected by 'Wolves' of course. They're ready. We wait for them to attack. That way we can say "They drew first blood not me."


itsonlyrocknrollMAR. 08 2017 - 09:53AM JST
For sanctions to have teeth the Government of China support must be unequivocal. Every sector communication energy agriculture mining cut the regime completely off every product processed or manufactured. Nothing in nothing out ruthlessly enforced. And be seen to prepare for war.



Tokyo-EngrMAR. 08 2017 - 10:10AM JST
@Sabrage - I agree with you. NK has little to lose and a sociopath at the controls. China will rattle sabers about the defense shield because they are being China. The latest statement by North Korea is provocative to the extreme and shows signs of how crazy Kim is.


@SmithinJapan - As much as I share the opinion Trump is not fit to be president I do not agree with your statement. There is plenty of ammunition to attack Trump and that type of statement is a bit extreme.


TriringMAR. 08 2017 - 10:22AM JST
Yesterday on the radio they were talking about NK source of income. It looks as if they export bronze statues for African dictators with an agent in Italy in which they cleverly conceal the origin as if it was produced in Italy.

