【独立报】脱欧:近60%的脱欧选民现在愿意付钱来保留欧盟公民身份 [英国媒体]


Exclusive: Findings shown to The Independent suggest many who opted for Brexit at last year’s referendum would pay more than £1,000 to keep benefits of EU rights


As many as 58 per cent of people who voted to leave the EU are now willing to pay to keep their European citizenship, a poll has found. The survey shows a total of 68 per cent of Britons would pay potentially large sums of money to retain the rights enjoyed by EU citizens in addition to their British citizenship.  Among those who said they would pay, 58 per cent of them voted Leave in last year’s EU referendum, The Independent has learned. Of those who voted Remain, almost four in five said they would pay to retain their rights. 


Michael Bruter, professor of political science and European politics at the London School of Economics, revealed the findings to The Independent. The full study has not yet been made public. The poll was carried out by professor Bruter and Sarah Harrison from the LSE’s research initiative for the study of electoral psychology, ECREP, in conjunction with polling firm Opinium. In some instances, people were ready to pay very large sums of money for the citizenship, and this includes people who voted to exit from the union. 

伦敦经济学院的政治学与欧洲政治教授迈克尔·布鲁特向独立报提供了这项调查报告。报告全文尚未公之于众。这个调查由Michael Bruter和Sarah Harrison共同进行。是伦敦经济学院与民调机构Opinium共同开展的一项选举心理学研究计划ECREP的一部分。

Of those who voted Leave in June last year but would now be willing to pay for EU citizenship, one in 10 said they would pay more than £1,000 a year to guarantee their rights. On average, respondents said they would expect to pay £405 per year, which included 32 per cent of people who would not be willing to pay anything. Among those who said they would be willing to pay, the average sum cited rocketed to £594.


Professor Bruter told The Independent that the issue of EU citizenship could crystallise the Brexit negotiations. “This is a real symbolic issue that is also linked to people’s emotions. We wanted to do this study to find out what people thought about the issue while the negotiations are ongoing. “It shows that young people are very attached to their European citizenship. These are people who were born in a world with 28 member states and more than 500 million people – suddenly, their world has got much smaller.“Previous research we carried out also showed that despite the UK having a very large number of people who did not feel European at all it also had the third biggest proportion of people who said feeling very European.” 


The LSE-Opinium survey also found that 73 per cent of respondents would increase EU citizens’ voting rights with 48 per cent saying they want to give EU citizens living in the UK the right to vote in general elections as well as local elections. Only 10 per cent supported the Government’s position of withdrawing the right of EU citizens to vote in local elections. Professor Bruter said he was surprised by these numbers and called the response “progressive”. A total of 2,004 people representative of the British population completed the survey online.  


In a separate question which did not mention payments, six out of 10 respondents said they want to keep their European citizenship. Among 18- to 24-year-olds, the poll found 85 per cent want to keep their EU citizenship when the UK officially withdraws from the bloc. There is no existing legislation or precedent over whether EU citizenship can be stripped from an individual whose nation is leaving the union. The findings come as Theresa May is under pressure to soften her plan for a hard Brexit following a disastrous result in the general election. 


The Prime Minister is reportedly preparing a dramatic walkout in September over Britain’s “divorce bill” to show she is willing to be tough with the EU. She previously came under fire over her offer on rights for EU citizens with many saying it provided more questions than answers. The plan would see anyone arriving after a cut-off date but before Brexit being given “a period of grace” of up to two years to regularise their positions and possibly manage to stay for five years and gain settled status – but with no guarantees. The settled status is expected to allow EU citizens to stay if they have lived in the UK for five years, securing rights on healthcare, education and benefits broadly similar to those enjoyed by EU citizens in the UK currently. 


Earlier this week, it emerged that tens of thousands of EU nationals who filled the complex 85-page form to secure UK residency after Brexit will have to apply again.


You didn't read the poll, did you?
44% still think Brexit was a good idea.  23% say it was a bad idea but the govt has a duty to implement it.  22% say it was a bad idea and the government has no duty to implement it.
It is beyond disingenuous to suggest you can count the 23% as supporting Brexit.  The real story here is that 8% fewer think Brexit is still a good idea one year on from the referendum and more people think it is a bad idea. 
Stop lying.

The LSE is the last place to go for an unbiased comment or report on anything.


One teeny tiny problem with all of this - there's no such thing as EU Citizenship.
Membership of the EU is at a state level, not an individual one.
So, just another pointless "Independent" anti-Brexit article.


Well, there is. It is defined in the Treaty of Lisbon. It is not recognised in the same way as national citizenship because it does not exist outside EU law, and I would bet almost no remain enthusiasts could actually list the rights it confers (free movement is not one of them - that is a separate and qualified treaty right).


Cool Head 123
Just back from the the Canaries. All English TV stations removed from my room TV menu. One restaurant which I used last year did not have an English menu readily available (They found one eventually). The EU is already getting over the UK. Brexodus (EU nationals leaving the UK, EU getting on without the UK) has started.


benny black
whats going on in britain ?


Rufus reloaded

Years of neoliberal economic decisions took their toll and fukced us all off. Some of us took the time to understand the problem and some us just blamed johnny foreigner. 


We've paid long enough, I'm one of the 20% with a degree who voted LEAVE, I've never been polled on my opinions as I don't live in London and I can assure you snowflakes the feelings about 'brexit' haven't altered one bit in Northern England, try polling leavers here and get your instructions to exit this extortionist EU handed to you remainiacs on a plate, just like in the referendum.


Jasper's Dad
Unfortunately a degree doesn't have equate intelligence. Economic downturn will cause bigger problems in the north than anywhere else. That's where the jobs will be lost, but never mind eh? You've got a degree eh. 


Fcuk the EU and the horse they rode in on,they have commited cultural suicide and we want no part of it.


Chris Clark
This is getting madder and madder.  
As a strong Remainer I am ashamed to be associated with the take-back-control-of -a-poorer-Britain that we are now seen as by other countries.


The Bangladesh of Europe that's how the Tory's want the UK to be. Austerity is just to condition people into accepting being poor with low standards of education and the privatisation of the NHS because it has "failed".

