变性官员因工作中的厕所使用问题寻求赔偿 [日本媒体]

东京—— 一位贸易部门的官员——生为男性,但是在后天生活中变成了一名女性——已经向国家提起了损害赔偿诉讼,原因是该部门限制其使用女厕所。日本网友:性别是单纯由生理机能决定的吗?有些人觉得这很简单:是的。但是对于其他人而言不是这样的,而我也觉得不是那么简单的。

Transgender official seeks damages over use of toilet at work


TOKYO — A trade ministry official, who was born male but hasled life as a female, has filed a damages suit against the state, overrestrictions on the use of women’s toilets at the ministry.

东京—— 一位贸易部门的官员——生为男性,但是在后天生活中变成了一名女性——已经向国家提起了损害赔偿诉讼,原因是该部门限制其使用女厕所。

The official in her 40s is seeking around 16million yen in compensation and improved treatment in the suit filed with theTokyo District Court on Friday.


It is the first case in Japan in whicha sexual minority is demanding improved treatment in a workplace, according tolawyers for the plaintiff.


The official has worked wearing women’s clothessince 2010 with the approval of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,and has been using the women’s locker room, according to the written complaint.


But the official has been requested to usetoilets for disabled people or for women two or more floors away from herdepartment, with the ministry explaining that some of her female colleagueshave expressed reluctance to use the same toilet.


In 2013, the official asked the National PersonnelAuthority, which protects the interests of government officials, to improve thesituation, but the request was rejected.


Limiting the use of toilets constitutes a“denial of identity and disregard of human rights,” the official said at apress conference after filing the lawsuit. “I want to be treated the same wayas other women.”


The ministry only said it has not yet receivedthe complaint.


nandakandaNOV. 15, 2015 - 06:48AM JST
I'm gonna seek damages against Japanese style toilets.


YubaruNOV. 15, 2015 - 06:52AM JST
Good for her! I hope she wins and wakes up the folks around her to reality!


keika1628NOV. 15, 2015 - 07:16AM JST
Not seen a quote for the job but the compensation would pay for it's sexual reassignment I guess.


sensei258NOV. 15, 2015 - 07:37AM JST
“I want to be treated the same way as other women.”But you're NOT a woman, you're an ojisan in a dress


MoonrakerNOV. 15, 2015 - 07:46AM JST
Is gender decided simply by physiology? Some feel it is simple: Yes. But for others it is not and some also argue not.


BertieWoosterNOV. 15, 2015 - 07:54AM JST
Maybe they should have three toilets, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Etc.


turbotsatNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:00AM JST
Will "Etc." have urinals or not?


paulinusaNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:10AM JST
Whatever happens with the lawsuit, she shaking up Japan's status quo, which is a good thing.


Miyagi KenNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:13AM JST
Japantoday, reading a few English language-Japanese newspapers over the years I came to the conclusion that this was my favorite.
However misusing male and female pronouns is a good way to lose credibility. Unless this man found some way to remove the Y chromosome from his DNA he is still a man. He may be a man that is confused, sick, or just has a different set of values but he is a man.


jonnydesuNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:29AM JST
What's the big deal, let him/her use the women's toilet. There are not urinals in the women's toilets, so he/she does their business behind a closed stall. No one sees anything. Are women getting naked in front of the mirrors and sinks? I don't hear anyone complaining about the old ladies that clean men's restrooms. They go in while men are standing there with there junk out taking a piss. Should men now file lawsuits? If he/she does anything inappropriate in the restroom, then he/she should be dealt with accordingly. Otherwise just do your business and move on.


PTownsendNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:39AM JST
Unless this man found some way to remove the Y chromosome from his DNA he is still a man. He may be a man that is confused, sick, or just has a different set of values but he is a man.
That's your perspective; his differs. It's a human rights issue for each culture to determine based on their respective interpretations of individual rights.


Dan LewisNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:55AM JST
Welcome to 2015 - where the supposed "rights" of one individual trump those of the masses!


GarthgoyleNOV. 15, 2015 - 09:23AM JST
Limiting the use of toilets constitutes a “denial of identity and disregard of human rights,” the official said at a press conference after filing the lawsuit. “I want to be treated the same way as other women.”
Save you're not a woman down there and the women are genuinely worried about that. There is nothing discriminatory about that.


[email protected]. 15, 2015 - 09:32AM JST
The Ministry approved she wear woman's clothing and she is allowed to use the woman's locker room but because other women feel uncomfortable they deny her use of their bathroom. It sounds reasonable to me.


Mary Hinge 69NOV. 15, 2015 - 09:35AM JST
So the ministry are saying they have nothing to go on?


DavnetcatNOV. 15, 2015 - 09:50AM JST


Ali KhanNOV. 15, 2015 - 10:05AM JST
he/she just wants to be in the news

