Seoulcourt orders Japanese firm to compensate forced laborers
SEOUL — A South Korean court has ordered Nippon Steel &Sumitomo Metal Corp to compensate seven South Koreans who were forced to workat one of its predecessor companies during wartime a total of 700 million won(about 74 million yen).
The SeoulCentral District Court ordered payment of 100 million won in damages to each ofthe plaintiffs, which is the same amount they sued the Japanese company for.
An eighth plaintiff who was part of the original lawsuit, filed in March 2013, is now suingthe company separately for procedural reasons.
The courtsaid the company is obliged to compensate the plaintiffs for the long-lastingphysical and mental pain inflicted on them after they were conscripted intoforced labor at factories of its predecessor, Nippon Steel Corp, includingfoundries in Kamaishi City of Iwate Prefecture and Kitakyushu City of FukuokaPrefecture, during World War II.
Inreaction, the company suggested the ruling was unjustified and indicated thatit will lodge an appeal. In July 2013, the Seoul High Court ruled against theJapanese firm in a similar case and ordered it to pay 100 million won each offour plaintiffs.
作为回应,该公司暗示说这项裁决是不公平的,并表示将提出申诉。2013年7月时, 在一个类似的情况下,首尔高等法院裁定一家日本公司,为四个原告中的每一位原告偿付1亿韩元。
Similarrulings have been made against other Japanese companies, including MitsubishiHeavy Industries Ltd and Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp, in the wake of the South KoreanSupreme Court’s 2012 ruling that a 1965 treaty withJapanthat settled postwar compensation claims cannot stop individuals from seekingcompensation fromJapan.
Japan’s Supreme Court in 2011 dismissed a lawsuit filed bySouth Koreans who were conscripted into forced labor on grounds thatindividuals lost the right to demand compensation under the 1965 treaty, underwhichJapanandSouth Koreanormalized their relations.
The SouthKorean rulings have been delivered amid strained relations betweenSouth KoreaandJapanover a territorial disputeand different interpretations of wartime history.
YubaruNOV. 15, 2015 - 06:56AM JST
Neither side will back down and like it or not, Japanese companies were to blame. A unwillingness to acknowledge the problem and negotiate a solution has brought this on themselves .
commanteerNOV. 15, 2015 - 07:31AM JST
The 1965 treaty must be respected. If these sorts of claims are allowed, it means post-war compensation will never end, which means the war never ends. That's essentially how World War 2 started with Germany. People must move on if they care about peace.
Wc626NOV. 15, 2015 - 07:32AM JST
South Koreans who were conscripted into forced laborThe men were forced laborers and the women were used in another form of slavery. The Japanese really screwed over the korean people.different interpretations of wartime historyDifferent interpretations? How about no interpretation at all. The japanese omit or deny all of their dirty wartime deeds.
commanteerNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:09AM JST
70,000 people protested yesterday in Seoul, partly about Park's tendency to whitewash her family's history in Korea. So there is some awareness at least.
Dan LewisNOV. 15, 2015 - 08:57AM JST
It's a difficult situation, but these stories always feel like some kind of Japanese ヒモ.
DieRealityCheckNOV. 15, 2015 - 01:25PM JST
What are really wrong with Korean judiciary authorities? out of minds? This is, in a sence, more ridiculously emotional revenge by Koreans after fully enjoying and utilizing Japan's supports. What are 65 treaty and $800mio package for then?
Alex80NOV. 15, 2015 - 05:36PM JST
SKorea continues to ask for money,money and more money while she is rewriting history worse than Japan. I just read an interesting article on The New York Times. What Park is doing is horrible and all the world is seeing it, so she is hurting her country reputation and also those that could be some legitimate claims.
toshikoNOV. 15, 2015 - 11:27PM JST
Mitsui Group owns Sumitomo Group now. It can afford such small amount.
tinawatanabeNOV. 16, 2015 - 12:05AM JST
This will only escalate into escape of Japanese companies
StrangerlandNOV. 16, 2015 - 12:14AM JST
Only the ones who kept Korean slaves in the war. And only if the fines they fear are more than the profits they make.
DieRealityCheckNOV. 16, 2015 - 04:23AM JST
no matter how much you hate Japan and post-war dictatorship, bilateral trety should be respected and not be flip around as emotionally as this
tinawatanabeNOV. 16, 2015 - 10:15AM JST
It will pay.
You don't understand. This isn't about money but justice and diplomatic relations. So they won't pay. If they did. South Korea would lose more. They're already losing a lot. You shouldn't make Japanese really really angry.
StrangerlandNOV. 16, 2015 - 10:34AM JST
This isn't about money but justice and diplomatic relations.
For a business, it's about money.
DieRealityCheckNOV. 16, 2015 - 10:50AM JST
It is called **sovereign risk **for Japanese enterprize. Do not make further mistakes like the ones made in China
Christopher GlenNOV. 16, 2015 - 04:31PM JST
A truly remorseful nation does not quibble about the amount. It shows sincerity. Japan has yet to do so