英国议员认为不应该向中国抱怨吃狗问题 [英国媒体]

一个保守派国会议员称,当我们在《我是名人,带我离开这儿》的节目中以吃火鸡睾丸为荣时,我们英国不应该就吃狗问题对中国说三道四。英国网友:只是动物蛋白而已。。。! 我吃肉而且我不在乎它从哪里来的。这太虚伪了。这只和人们以及人们的良心有关系而已。

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Britain should not lecture the Chinese about eating dogs when we glorify the eating of turkey testicles in shows such as I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, a Tory MP has said.


Matthew Offord, the MP for Hendon and a vegetarian of 30 years, made his intervention during a Commons’ debate on the dog meat trade.


MPs heard how 20 million dogs in China are eaten every year, many of them being boiled alive, bludgeoned or torn limb by limb because of the belief that an animal with lots of adrenaline produces more tender meat.


But Mr Offord warned against taking an ‘ideological, imperialistic approach’ about telling others what they should or should not eat.



He said: ‘I think the Chinese authorities could turn around and say to us why do we glorify programmes such as I'm A Celebrity where people eat things like turkey testicles, fish eyes, live witchetty grubs, kangaroo and ostrich, parts of their anatomy which I am not even going to mention on the floor of the House.

 他说:“我认为中国当局可以转来问我们,为什么我们会去赞扬《I'm A Celebrity》(某美国大尺度节目,播过男女裸浴的那个真人秀)那种节目演员在里面吃火鸡睾丸,鱼眼,活的蛾子幼虫,以及我都不想在这栋楼里提及的袋鼠跟鸵鸟的的某些生理部位的节目。

‘To me that is also repugnant as well.’


Simon Hoare, Conservative MP for North Dorset, also warned of a ‘fierce backlash’ if Britain went down the ‘cultural imperialist route’.


He said it would be better to promote the anti-dog meat campaign by highlighting the dangers to human health and animal welfare.

他说,通过强调(不安全来源狗肉)对人类健康的危害以及动物的福利(指杀狗的过程不够人道 ),来促进反狗肉运动会更好。



Beth007, Bristol, United Kingdom, moments ago
It's not the same!!! Most of the dogs being eaten are skinned and cooked ALIVE in hot vats that they scramble desperately and unsuccessfully to get out of, as it's horrifically believed it makes the meat taste better!!! Fact!!!

Lamberton, Lichfield, 24 minutes ago
Animal protein is animal protein - end of....! I eat (some) meat and I DO NOT differentiate between the sources it comes from. To do so would be hypocritical. It`s all to do with people and their conscience.

只是动物蛋白而已。。。! 我吃肉而且我不在乎它从哪里来的。这太虚伪了。这只和人们以及人们的良心有关系而已。

Potato land, summerwhere, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
As a matter of fact, dogs in general only become pets very recently when people get rich in China, South Korean, Vietnam and some nearby countries. The habit is changing. very keep blaming them to death as if nothing has changed.


johndrake, dublin, Ireland, 1 hour ago
hes a fool they skin them alive and use a blowtorch on them to inflict further pain thinking it improves the taste .,


Rich, Swansea, 1 hour ago
What a ridiculous comparison. Who eats turkey testicles in the UK?



mindwatcher, manchester, 1 hour ago
It isn't the fact that they eat dogs it's the detestable cruelty they inflict on them.

Beat Girl, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, 27 minutes ago
he also supports and voted for the vile killing of our badgers


harstoft, Worksop, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
Who cares if they eat dogs. It's an animal like a cow. I object to the horrible conditions the dogs are kept in as I would any animal 

DavidValter , London, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
turkeys have no testicles

Potato land, summerwhere, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
because he went to the extreme food to please the viewer. Ordinary Chinese do not eat those food at all.

