西班牙法院监禁8名前加泰罗尼亚领导人并且不得保释 [比利时媒体]


Spanish court jails 8 former Catalanleaders without bail


Prosecutor asks for arrest warrant against ex-president Puigdemont.


Joaquim Forn, Dolors Bassa, Raül Romeva,Carles Mundó, Jordi Turull, Josep Rull and Meritxel Borràs (left to right)arrive at Spain's National High Court in Madrid | Pablo BlazquezDominguez/Getty Images

Joaquim Forn, Dolors Bassa, Raül Romeva,Carles Mundó, Jordi Turull, Josep Rull 和 Meritxel Borràs (从左至右)抵达马德里的西班牙国家高等法院。|摄影师巴勃罗•B•多明戈斯/盖蒂图片社

Spain’s High Court on Thursday granted a request by prosecutors to jail eightformer members of the Catalan government without bail pending trial.


The eight, including Catalan ex-Vice President Oriol Junqueras, face charges ofrebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds for a secessionist campaign thatculminated in a disputed referendum on October 1 and a declaration ofindependence by the regional parliament last week.

上述8人,包括前加泰罗尼亚自治区政府副主席Oriol Junqueras,面临叛乱、煽动民众和滥用公共资金以支持分裂活动的指控,这场分裂活动以10月1日举行的一场有争议的独立公投以及上周加泰地区议会发表独立宣言而达到高潮。

Insisting he remained the “legitimate” leader of Catalonia, the region’s oustedPresident Carles Puigdemont called for the politicians to be released.

他坚称自己是加泰罗尼亚的“合法”领导人,该地区被推翻的自治区主席Carles Puigdemont呼吁释放有关政治人物。

“As the legitimate president of Catalonia, I demand the liberation of all theministers and of the vice president … I demand an end to the politicalrepression,” Puigdemont said in a video statement recorded in Belgium.


Prosecutors also asked the court to issue an international warrant for thearrest of Puigdemont and four other former members of his government who fledto Belgium, Spanish media reported.


Another former Catalan leader, Santi Vila, who stepped down as businessminister before the Catalan parliament voted to declare independence on October27, was given the option to post bail of EUR50,000, according to El Pais.

据El Pais称,另一位前加泰罗尼亚领导人Santi Vila在10月27日加泰罗尼亚议会投票宣布独立之前辞去了商务部长的职务,他可以选择交纳5万欧元保释金获得保释。

The Spanish government imposed direct rule on Catalonia and dismissedPuigdemont and his regional government after the independence declaration lastweek.


Puigdemont arrived in Brussels Monday and gave a press conference Tuesdayduring which he said he would not return to Spain unless he received guaranteesof fair treatment from Madrid. He opted to remain in Belgium despite a courtsummons to testify in Spain this week.


Members of the dissolved Catalan parliament, including its speaker CarmeForcadell, are set to appear before the Supreme Court next week, and the courtordered them to be placed under police surveillance.

包括发言人Carme Forcadell在内的被解散的加泰罗尼亚议会成员将于下周在最高法院前露面,法院命令他们在此期间接受警方监控。

Make no mistake, Spain is not a democracy.
Beatnig down your own citizens with policeforces and jailing anyone holding a vote is no different from what Erdogan doesin Turkey.


An De Vergondé
If Britain can leave EU without emprisoningtheir leaders, why can’t Catalonia leave Spain in the same friendly manner?


sounds like the definition of politicalprisoners


Eight political prisoners! They did nottake up arms against the Spanish State…they did not advocate violant overthrowof the government. The simply advocated for freedom of choice. Spain, and mostof Europe, fails at democracy and freedom of speech.


@jodocus5 Are you nuts? “If, say, amunicipality unanimously voted to become an independent state, you wouldn’teven stop to talk: you’d be fully entitled to sling the ringleaders in jail,send in the police, and ignore the rest”
Send in the police? Arrest people whofreely VOTED ? Trample freedom of speech? Do you live in Russia?

However, if an independence movement succeeds (no matter how) it is usuallyregarded as legitimate and correct in the history books.
If the Catalonian leaders play was illegal and they should all be locked up injail for their nonviolent actions — then shouldn’t we question the veryexistence of countries born of other breakaway movements like Ireland, Norway,Finland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Slovakia,Lithuania ……?
Personally I think the Catalan independencemovement is misguided because it lacks overwhelming Catalonian support (itshould require at least a 2/3 majority in favour) and democratic Spain ishardly an oppressor (or at least it wasn’t prior to the heavy-handed politicalarrests).


@eden. Spain ranks very low on separationof powers. It ranks at the level of Botswana and lower than Kenya, Azerbaijanand China. So, no ,I don’t place any trust in the Spanish justice system. Thefact that politicians and grassroots organizers (Jordis) who are pacifists arein jail while Rajoy and his minions are camping freely is disturbing. And, yes,it is sort of a case of “us” versus “them” when there were very few voicesraised in Spain opposing the violence of October 1st. I don’t think Catalans arelikely to forget the what happened to grandmothers, women and men, and the lackof an outcry coming out from other regions of Spain.
