红黄蓝教育幼儿园正在接受虐童调查 [联合国媒体]


RYB Education kindergarten under investigation over childabuse claims


Some teachers suspended from duty over allegations pupilswere molested, found with needle marks on their bodies and given white pills,Xinhua reports. Beijing authorities are investigating multiple allegations of child abuse at a kindergarten run by a US-listed Chinese education group, according to local media reports.


Xinhua reported late on Thursday that some teachers at theRYB Education New World kindergarten had been suspended from duty as policebegan an investigation into claims preschool pupils had been molested, foundwith needle marks on their bodies and given unidentified pills. Beijing police said they had carried out forensic testing and obtained surveillance camera footage for the investigation.


Parents told news outlet Caixin that at least eight childrenin two classes had been given white pills and a brown syrup and been “made tostand naked” and “locked in a dark room”. The Chaoyang District education commission said it had received complaints from parents and sent a task force to the kindergarten to investigate the allegations, news website Thepaper.cn reported.


A spokesperson for RYB Education told state-run People’sDaily that no evidence had been found to support the parents’ claims and thepolice had yet to finish their investigation. Repeated calls by the South China Morning Post to the RYB head office in Beijing went unanswered. A group of parents gathered outside the kindergarten in eastern Beijing on Thursday morning seeking information about the investigation. One man who said he had a child at the kindergarten told Beijing Youth Daily that at least three pupils in that class had been stripped naked as punishment.

红黄蓝教育幼儿园发言人告诉一家国营报社--人民日报,没有证据支持父母的说法,警方尚未完成调查。南华早报多次致电北京总行,却没有得到答复。周四上午,一群家长聚集在位于北京东部的幼儿园外探寻调查进展。 一个孩子的父亲告诉“北京青年报”,那个班里至少有三名学生被剥光衣服作为惩罚。

“Different parents have asked their kids if it happened –all of them said yes,” the father of a three-year-old, who did not want to givehis name, said in the video interview. “When we asked which three children, allof our kids gave the same three names.” There were still six police vehicles parked outside the kindergarten on Thursday evening. A police officer said the school would open as usual on Friday, but declined to give any further information. A mother whose daughter attends the kindergarten told the Post she was not sure if she would send her daughter to school tomorrow.

“不同的父母已经问过他们的孩子是否真的发生过 - 所有的孩子都说是的,”一个不愿透露姓名的三岁的孩子的父亲说: “当我们问是哪三个孩子的时候,我们所有的孩子都给出了三个同样的名字。”周四晚上,还有六辆警车停在幼儿园外面。一名警官说,学校星期五照常上课,但拒绝透露更多信息。一个该幼儿园孩子的母亲告诉南华早报她不确定是否会让孩子明天上学。

“Of course I’m very worried, but I haven’t decided what todo,” she said. In another video posted by news outlet Sohu, a child describes being fed a sweet-tasting white pill while at the kindergarten. Parents told the news outlet they had found needle marks on their children’s thighs, hips and armpits. The alleged abuse reports came from two preschool classes with children aged four and under. Tuition fees for those classes are 3,600 yuan (US$540) and 5,000 yuan (US$750) a month – about half of the average monthly salary in the city.

“我当然非常担心,但我还没决定该怎么办。”她说。在另外一个由搜狐新闻网站发布的视频中,一名孩子描述了在幼儿园被喂食一种甜美的白色药丸。 父母告诉新闻媒体,他们在孩子的大腿,臀部和腋下发现了针痕。涉嫌的虐待报告来自两个四岁及以下儿童的学前班。 这些班的学费是每月3600元(540美元)和5000元(750美元),大约是城市月平均工资的一半。

In September, RYB Education made its debut on the New YorkStock Exchange, becoming the first Chinese early childhood education providerto list in the United States. It runs a network of more than 1,800 kindergartenand day care centres in around 300 Chinese cities. The allegations come after a scandal at an unrelated Shanghai kindergarten earlier this month, where children are seen in leaked videos being beaten up and pushed by teachers and fed mustard. Two teachers and a cleaner at the kindergarten were arrested and are under investigation. A People’s Daily commentary published late on Thursday called for surveillance in kindergartens to be stepped up and regulations strengthened to protect children.

9月,红黄蓝教育在纽约证券交易所首次亮相,成为首家在美国上市的中国幼儿教育机构。 它在中国300多个城市建立了1800多个幼儿园和日托中心。上个月早些时候,上海一所不相干的幼儿园发生了一起丑闻,在泄露的视频中,老师殴打孩子并给孩子喂食芥末。 幼儿园的两名教师和一名清洁工被逮捕并正在接受调查。周四晚些时候出版的人民日报社评要求加强对幼儿园的监督,加强对幼儿的保护。

lim hui
53 min 14 sec ago
All Chinese teachers should be made to have a criminalrecord clearance from the police (or related overseas police for expatriates)and working with children check. Predators in disguise as teachers are the mostdangerous creatures!


25 min 51 sec ago
who's saying that they're local teachers, they're mostlikely English teachers from either Britain or Australia.


1 hour 47 min ago
For the China bashers, please do not that the authoritiesare taking action. They have had some teachers suspended and are investigating.


3 hours 30 min ago
All I want to say is: it is horrible! What a country it is?How can any citizen expect a bright future of it?


4 hours 23 min ago
If SCMP wants to let the global know what’s really happeningin China, this news should be put to the headline, do you know how many guys inChina are talking about it in the Weibo, WeChat? If you go to check the topicsearch and talk ranking in the Weibo, you will find there are more than onehundred million people talking and watching at this news. I guess this kind ofthings can really reflect some truths in China. And it should catch moreattentions in the other countries. Come on, the guys in other countries willnot care about what happens with Cathay.....


5 hours 48 min ago
This is what happens when you have poor government controlof "teachers" and their qualifications.
There should be an international register, yep sure it'sgoing to be "expensive", but what is more shocking,
Stupid parents giving their children to complete strangersfor 11 years ?
you should be very afraid of any adult who says they"enjoy" being with children, we all know how annoying children are(ifwe were honest)
you only had to stand near some of these HK kindergartenteachers and listen to what they say to get worried...., they seem to thinkthey are on some sort of mission from god to brainwash children into their wayof thinking.


6 hours 7 min ago
Must be English teachers.


6 hours 58 min ago
I want to know what kind of teachers, like"western" teachers?


12 hours 33 min ago
How can this happen ? Death penalty please !
