荒谬过境!“非法入境者”大象被拍到鬼鬼祟祟越过中挝边界去找早餐....但两个小时后便自个儿回来了 [英国媒体]



lthough elephants are massive in size they can be sneaky at times.


One cheeky wild elephant has been caught carefully crossing the border between China and Laos - not once but twice - in the wee hours on Saturday.


The jumbo animal was thought to be looking for food in Laos after passing the Chinese border watched by two guards. It returned to China about two hours later. 


The wild Asian elephant stepped over the barrier at the China-Laos border near Chahe River China's Yunnan Province at around 4:30am according to a CCTV video released by China Central Television Station. 


Two Chinese border guards saw the huge animal at the checkpoint but failed to stop it. After it entered Laos the guards carried on observing the animal to ensure it doesn't harm any passersby according to Xinhua.


A wild Asian elephant is spotted on camera  crossing the China-Laos border on Saturday

Zhou Xiaofei a soldier working at the Chinese border office told the Xinhua reporter it was the first time he and his colleagues had seen an elephant cross the border.


'We were afraid the elephant would pose danger to nearby residents so we send our workers to follow the elephants in the dark' Mr Zhou said. 



One worker said the wild elephant could be searching for food in nearby villages. He said: 'The food in the forest during winter could be scarce.' 


The wild animal is searching for food in the city as food in forests are scarce in winter

The elephant returns to China after a two-hour trip in Laos to look for its breakfast

Another security camera video shows the elephant returning to the Chinese border at around 6am.


Th Asian elephant did not step over the barrier this time but walk around the gate it had used before.


It's believed that the elephant has returned to the forest without any harm.


Chinese officer Zhou Xiaofei said the elephant had caused no damage or injuries in the nearby villages. 


Asian elephants are considered as protected species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) as well as Grade I National Key Protected Species in China.


Xinhua stated that there are about 300 Asian Elephants living in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture Pu'er and Ling Cang in south-west China.



Sa45xd Somewhere United States 19 hours ago
It's funny DM will call the elephant an illegal immigrant but an actual illegal immigrant they call an undocumented worker. Makes sense.


LunniClingus Lesster United Kingdom 20 hours ago
Wonder if he packed his trunk before his international excursion?


Song Shensong Washington DC Luxembourg 3 hours ago
Everyone loves Chinese food this elephant just wanted a change of pace.


cturk3 BAKERSFIELD United States 18 hours ago
Unlike the illegal aliens in the United States this one goes back home!


Randy Brown Milwaukee United States 19 hours ago
Time to build a wall and let the elephants pay for it.


Angry of Gosforth Sheik Djibouti 18 hours ago
Wow! And he steps carefully over the barrier.


DessertFoxx Sheffield United Kingdom 17 hours ago
Chinese food again! Let¿s eat Laotian tonight. I know a great place!



JenB7 does it matter United States 18 hours ago
I guess the elephant isn't illegal considering the elephant actually went back.


Scunnered1974 London United Kingdom 18 hours ago
Too cute!


James San Diego United States 18 hours ago
The wall just got ten feet higher.


IrulanCorrino29 AmateriaEdanna United States 17 hours ago
Aww... cute ! ___ I'd be tempted to put out fresh romaine lettuce or other greens for it !! :)

啊呜…太可爱了!我会很想拿新鲜的长叶莴苣或者别的什么绿色植物出来给它吃!! :)

Loveitall Everywhere United Kingdom 19 hours ago
Just goes to show that borders are artificial manmade constructs that nobody really cares about.


Eat and sleep Ny United States 10 hours ago
At least the elephant went back home


Ann Northeast United States 15 hours ago
Cute video but DM you need new writers. "Ridiculous" and "hilarious" are used ad nauseam in story headlines.


ImeanwhatIsay Shangri-la United States 15 hours ago
Reminds me of the WALL we are planning to build
