Egypt interested in buying JF-17 Thunder, saysambassador
RAWALPINDI: Egypt is interested in purchase ofJF-17 Thunder aircraft, Egyptian Ambassador to Pakistan Sherif Shaheen toldFederal Minister for Defence Production Rana Tanveer Hussain during a meetinghere on Friday.
The minister informed the ambassador that Pakistanwas at present selling its traditional weapons to US, UK, Germany and some FarEastern countries.
ZAKDec 05, 2015 07:18am
Pakistan will be the leading defense supplier inthe world and thus enhancing its global power and prestige.
INQELAB ZINDABADDec 05, 2015 07:27am
@Zak Good luck
SHAZADDec 05, 2015 07:30am
JF-17 is better option for Egypt and most Muslimcountries, than F16 or any other aircrafts however good they maybe. Reason isthat, at time of need (even war), these countries may even get well trained,willing and reliable fighter pilots as mercenaries or whatever from Pakistan,something they may not be able to get with purchase of other aircrafts.
MR M. TARIQ Dec 05, 2015 07:43am
Good and well done Egypt JF 17 thunder is second tonone and you should be very proud it is a Muslim made fighter plane.5 stars
DISPARATEDec 05, 2015 07:49am
@Zak Take it easy there is no need to be overexcited. Hope it happens sooner than later but for now Pakistan needs to keeplow profile and work hard.
JAMSHEDDec 05, 2015 07:50am
@Zak Aerospace work specially designing building,manufacturing jet fighters and aerospace systems and parts is not like buildingbycicle or even cars. We have very long way to go and it is just the beginning,a very humble one but fot your own education p[lease look at other nations whoare trying to get their foothold in aerospace market and you will know howtechnically challenging this job is.But yes we are showing our presence morethan ever and to continue on this path we will be needing heavy infusion ofmoney and planning to go to next level.
SATTDec 05, 2015 07:52am
How much the Egyptians paid for their interest?
MIKE,LONDONDec 05, 2015 07:52am
What kind of weapons it sells to US and UK, someone please explain.
HAROON Dec 05, 2015 08:01am
Pakistan should start the fifth generation fighteraircraft project right now. They should invite middle eastern countries toinvest and collaborate in such project. Also PAF should invest some money onthe Research and Development on Aircraft design, radars, jet-engines andavionics locally. JF-17 is equipped with Russian Engine and European Avionics.This should change in the future. Indigenous development is very very importantfor the progress.
AHMED USADec 05, 2015 08:06am
Defence collaboration between Pakistan, Turkey andEgypt means creation of invincible Ground, Air and Sea power... Combined theyhave more than 600 F16s in addition to formidable Ground and Sea basedassets... Acquisition of state of the art Jf17s will certainly ensure lastingpeace especially in South Asian Ocean...
MILLATDec 05, 2015 08:39am
@Zak Yes we have technology, talent and topscientists in the world. Pakistan technology is world renowned. Even US hasshowed interest in Pakistani goods.
PERVEZDec 05, 2015 08:44am
@anil sahu where is your LCA. We have activesquadrons flying combat mission and sales achieved abroad. How many years hasthe LCA been on the drawing board and even your airforce doesn't want it. I betyou won't answer.
S. A. M.Dec 05, 2015 08:53am
I find it very strange. we have established sellerslike USA Russia etc and amongst all these jets being bought from Pakistan.Turkey on the one hand has f16s and on the other buying made in Pakistan jets.I'm no defence expert and thus as a layman find it strange for above reasons.it would have been better if the news had drew a comparison between the wellknown aircrafts and those built by Pakistan. could it be they aren't expensive.
RATTANDec 05, 2015 08:53am
@Millat can you please tell what technology fromPakistan has raised interest in USA
RATHOREWDec 05, 2015 08:54am
@Zak Dream on, you really are very funny. Why doyou not want Pakistan to become a force in intellectual matters and a worldleader for peace and tolerance?