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After enjoying rapid development for nearly 40 years, China is at a turning point in terms of both economic growth and social development. In this series, Dr. Xue Li examines the five most critical challenges and potential pitfalls China faces today.
Environmental pollution is the great challenge that China must face during its next stage of development. Everyone has gradually come to realize this, though some local governments persist in taking the view that development must have top priority. Other localities however, are already willing to sacrifice some economic development for the sake of the environment. Even some of China’s less-developed regions are consciously choosing low-pollution means of economic development.
From the experience of developed countries, we know that remediating pollution problems and restoring the environment is possible but expensive. That means China’s environmental problems, to an extent, can only be solved by further economic development.
Although China’s economy has seen a long-term period of rapid growth, the process of industrialization is still incomplete, while urbanization has even further to go. Thus China’s overall energy consumption as well as its per capita energy use are both rising. Yet China has already pledged that its carbon dioxide emissions will peak by 2030, with a concerted effort toward reaching peak emissions even sooner. Also by 2030, China plans to have non-fossil fuels account for 20 percent of its total energy use (in 2013, non-fossil fuels made up 9.6 percent of China’s energy use).
This makes it clear that the Chinese government has already realized that, although adjusting the makeup of its energy consumption is difficult, it must be done. But because there still isn’t enough recognition of the problem – and because of entangled bureaucratic interests – China still must take further steps to strengthen the implementation of these changes to its energy matrix.
MMCRailgun • 13 days ago
Interesting to have an article that actually mentions concrete solutions alongside the problems.
Ming Shi • 13 days ago
"This makes it clear that the Chinese government has already realized..." sounds so ironically: Has the same leadership not realized the problem already in 2007 when CCP leadership for the first time formulated "ecological civilisation" as one of their key programs for decades to come? Besides: One of the governments whom almost the entire western world admires for high effectiveness in governing anything lacks capability to cope with a problem they much earlier have already realized? Talking about money to be needed: Compared with 2007 China posses so much currency reserve double the size of 2007. Still, we read and hear the same repeated argument "restoring envirement is costly thus we need development". Nothing new either.
Peaking 2030, maybe earlier, sounds as excuse so: Sorry, I first have to smash more treasure for feeling better than I will try my best to restore it. Please give me some applause! Haven't you idiot seen that I have already realized it? To cite only one example: more than 90% of all additives for food industry are being produced in China. They constitute a severe danger for the health of millions of Chinese. At latest in 2008 as the scandal about chemically adulterate milk powder blew up Beijing has "already" realized the menace to be overcome. What has happened until now? Nothing.
life form Ming Shi • 13 days ago
You tell 'em Ming Shi! I think many people would be lulled by these soft, reasonable sounding words. But I think Ming Shi's post is much closer to a truth.
The Chinese people will have to somehow put a lot of pressure on industrialists and government regulators to get any kind of environmental regulation enforced. I wish them the best of luck, I hope they can manage it, but wonder if the Chinese people have the tools to leverage this kind of of change.
楼上的明史,你去和他们说! 我认为很多人都会被这些听似有道理的温言软语所欺骗。但是我认为明史的内容更接近事实。中国人将不得不给企业家和政府监管部门实际压力,使得环保法规得以执行。我祝福他们,希望他们能帮这个忙,但也想知道中国人是否有改善环境的方法。
Alexandre Abranovich • 13 days ago
May as well kiss that economic growth and saved up cash goodbye. As the West have learned decades ago, cleaning up the environment is not only going against business interests but also very expensive.
Susumu_Araki • 13 days ago
Eminent Indian scholar Amartya Sen said that the best way to prevent famine was democracy.
Transition to democracy is the best way for the solution of pollution problem in mainland China.
杰出的印度学者Amartya Sen(阿玛蒂亚·森)曾说过防止饥荒的最佳方法是民主。过渡到民主社会是中国大陆解决污染问题的最佳方式。
Chris Susumu_Araki • 11 days ago
India has poverty far worse than China has...
South China Sea • 13 days ago
PRC has a new meaning, it stands for Polluted Republic of China.
They export them all over too. If you can't contain them, move them somewhere else.
hansolo_2012 South China Sea • 13 days ago
Does it mean the removal of the "PRC" is out of the question ???
这是不是意味着 “受污染的中国”的消除是不可能的呢?
South China Sea hansolo_2012 • 12 days ago
What did you mean hansolo? I was referring to its illegal and environmentally detrimental practices in the SCS.
hansolo_2012 South China Sea • 12 days ago
Sorry SCS, you are not going to believe that I have no idea what and why did I say previously.
I think my "PRC" is the actual People Republic of China. And since your "PRC" Polluted Republic of China" is not possible to be restored (or to be removed) by some view (the damages is so severe especially on human health)... Oh well, my apology anyway for not making sense on my post.
很抱歉(楼上) ,你一定不相信我自己都不知道自己先前说了什么、为什么要这么说。
Vevoli • 13 days ago
China's coal-fired power plants reduce its life expectancy. Its citizens are exposed to pollutants, much like chain smokers. China is a developing country that still depends on cheap coal, but surprisingly Japan has become the biggest stealth polluter by shifting from nuclear power to cheap coal since Fukushima, to become the third biggest coal consumer, closely trailing the US. Japan is also the leading proliferater of coal burning power plants around the world.
nyúl béla • 13 days ago
Stating that: " Other localities .. are .. willing to sacrifice some economic development for the sake of the environment" is nonsense.
Development: In Europe, people know that not only GDP/per capital belongs to the develepment level of a society, but education level, life expectancy and a llivable environment also.
China seems to care less about the two latest factor.