专家称中国可能建立一个军种以控制近地轨道 [英国媒体]


Is China preparing fora SPACE war? Nation may be creating a military unit to?'achieve control of lowEarth orbit', claim experts


China's military isset to create a new 'Space Force' to strengthen its presence in low-Earthorbit.


While there has beenno official announcement, Washington Times sources claim the Space Force willbe created within the People's Liberation Army.


It will includenuclear missiles, electronic data forces, cyber threat units and signals intelligence.


According to anin-depth report by the?Washington Times, the move signals an increasingreadiness by China for space warfare.


Chinese news outletBowen Press said earlier this month that the Space Support Forces will includethree branches - strategic missiles, electronic warfare and space forces.


vinze88, NY, UnitedStates, 2 days ago
Made in China


Caniteaseya Pineal,The Salted one, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
My solar panels areworking fine ;-)

我的太阳能电池板运作正常  :)

MatthewOC, London, 8hours ago
Chinese engines aren'tbrilliant especially in their new planes so this probably will have the same issues.


GB grafter, London,United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Sooner or laterAmerica will have to accept that the hegemony it has had over the world for thelast 100 years will come to an end now that the new kid on the block (China) isstarting to flex it's muscle.


Keln, Columbus, UnitedStates, 1 day ago
China's economy isbeholden to American consumers. They can flex their muscles and rattle theirsabers, but in the end, they can't afford conflict with the US any more thanthe US can with them. China will never have the same level of influence amongwestern nations as the US does, and western culture is the dominant cultureglobally. At most, China may share that status with the US, but they will notreplace them. It would take a major war or unprecedented natural disaster tomake the US fall from its current prominence on the world stage.


MatthewOC, London, 8hours ago
Better ship in theopium before its too late.


H J, Las Vegas, UnitedStates, 2 days ago
the red chinese are onthe march and they are clearly working on weaponizing space based platforms.not good for mankind.


Keln, Columbus, UnitedStates, 1 day ago
nvk, you should readup on relations between China and their neighbors. If you think the US arebullies, you've not seen anything yet.


gazza66, hastings, 1day ago
This is the countrythat will soon will be taking owernship of nuclear power stations in theUK.Shame on you Cameron .


naturalist, perth,Australia, 1 day ago
calm down everyone.anyone who has lived for seventy years or more knows that one day world warthree will begin. man cannot live in peace forever.they have their toys...andone day they will use them.it is only human.


Siaukia, Nirvana,United States, 1 day ago
Its expected sinceInternational Space Station under US control does not allow China'sparticipation.Every country except China is allowed.


mindwatcher,manchester, 1 day ago
C'mon folks it's beenknown for years that the States already has a Space fleet operating for years.


Crake, Bedford, UnitedKingdom, 1 day ago


Sportspundito, Derby,United Kingdom, 1 day ago
That fleet was onStargate Atlantis!!


no one, somewhereknowwhere, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
The US has beenweaponizing space for decades just as they have been weaponizing planet earththey really do think this planet is theirs to do as they please, Then whensomeone else decideds enough is enough they are called aggessors, hipocriticalred necks.


Morgan Daniels , NewYork, United States, 2 days ago
The United States isparanoid


lakotahope,Richmond-Virginia USA, United States, 2 days ago
Everytime we have amilitary draw down and reduction in forces, we end up getting pulled back intoa War some other nation started.....WW1 & WW2 are fine examples of the USAtrying to stay out of other countries wars


Gary, Middlewich, 1day ago
You really need toresearch history lakotahope. Have a look at why Japan felt the need to launchagainst Pearl Harbour as your first task.


Chadley_chad,Nottingham, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
I'm sure the people ofthe world are quite able to get along with each other; it's just a shame ourdemented leaders seem intent on killing us all!


lean6rtj2, OklahomaCity, United States, 1 day ago
Chadley, the people ofthe world can't even watch a soccer game together without bloodshed.


Gator, Florida, UnitedStates, 1 day ago
Of course China ispreparing for a war in space. It would be irresponsible for them not to.President Reagan predicted the next great war will be fought in space firstbefore it moves to earth. -- Can you imagine how lost we would be without ourcell phones? -- Most young people don't even know how to read a paper map.


Jono2012, Southport,United Kingdom, 1 day ago
The world should worktogether on space program for better of Mankind rather than starting a New ColdWar front


xuezhuyingji,Pyongyang, North Korea, 1 day ago
So NASA wants morefunding...

