hina is now facing rich country problems on a poor country budget.
China's new year headlines are all about the economy. Official plans call for slower growth in 2016 and beyond, with the 7.5 percent growth target reduced to 6.5 percent. A run of poor results in the manufacturing sector calls even that more modest target into question.
China's ultimate slowdown, once barely visible over the horizon, has now arrived. The era of easy growth based on China's reintegration into the global economy is now over.
Comparisons with Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea are inevitable. As these countries caught up with Western Europe and North America, their growth slowed, too. And just like these rich Asian democracies, China now has a declining birth rate and a rapidly aging population. The big worry in the big four countries of northeast Asia is no longer overpopulation: It's how to pay for eldercare.
The difference between China and the other countries of northeast Asia is that China is still relatively poor. China still lags well behind Mexico in gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, according to IMF estimates for 2015.
China's GDP per capita of $8,280 is roughly one-third of South Korea's and one-quarter of Japan's. Adjusting for China's low cost of living doesn't change the overall picture.
Tony Wu
Western nations are already developed. China is not. 6.5% growth is as questionable as their underwater "spacewalk" passed off as a real spacewalk.
Lectori Salutem
no western nation manipulates its currency either
Mike Lin
Again?? LoL. How many times does China has to collapse to meet the predictions of all these "experts"?
Tuan Nguyen
china is a dead meat
Tough times ahead for China., but China will still be in much better condition than than Russia.
Russia's economy is near collapse because the ruling midget was too foolish to build a functioning, diversified economy in his 15 years in power. Let's hope that things don't get so bad that Russians will have to resort to cannibalism, as they did in the 1930s!
Well this means i have less than three quarters of the next financial year to use my lab .
Wayne Koppa
$8,280 can probably buy a $50,000 Chinese lifestyle in China. Inflated costs of living usually results in more poverty.
Maybe in the interior. In the coasts the cost is even higher than in the west
Not true. China has changed dramatically in last few years. From personal experience and estimation, 30,000 usd in Beijing in 2009 is similar to 80,000 in LA in 2015.
Tony Wu
Sorry. But less than $10,000 annual income in China isn't going to get anyone living on the pacific coast with a family house in the suburbs of Shanghai, wife, kids in tow, and a car in the driveway.
Jose Flores
One of the problems with China′s economics it′s the lack of credible data. The Chinese regime insists on a GDP growth of 7% or so, but many economists are not believing that, some say real GDP growth must be around 3%, some even put it in the negative. And this slow GDP growth has come only after massive debt and injection of capital, resulting in overcapacity and other inefficiencies in the Chinese economy. Their stock market crashes, because investors smell the big rat.
William Murray
Not really a problem for them because they know the real numbers. How would it benefit them to tell anyone?
Because lack of transparency, and lack of credibility in the numbers, results in undermining a country's credit standing, its currency and it scares of foreign investors.
Max Barry
You must not have any knowledge of economics. Investors in China and China's corporation stock without real numbers will hold back from investing.
Part of the lies are the cause of China's stock market's crash.
The government dictates economy in a communist-run country so it will always play it safe which means manipulated growth or a fake economy would be another way to say it. What investor is going to invest in a country that doesn't divulge it's real numbers? China only hurts China. After all, you don't see people risking life and limb to climb over the Great Wall, do you?
Rre Eer
I think the truth is they don't know the real numbers. There are millions of small businesses personal businesses operating out of their garages as a store front and dealing exclusively in cash. Most of them are exempt from taxing. others are taxed at a flat percentage vs. sales (as opposed to profit). Simply because the state don't have the time/resources to sort out exactly who's doing what, much less how much GDP they are contributing.
Kenneth Chung
A lot of motherhood statements without much figures and percentages to explain what it means. For example a rapidly Aging population with less workers supporting more elderly. So what percentage is considered critical? Also, I do not agree that the country is middle income. The coastal cities are as rich as Singapore. It is only the western and south western part of China which is poor.
The population of China is 1.3 billion. The economy can easily become twice of the US if not three times the size. It would indeed be a huge driver of the global economy.
William Murray
It's the average, the amount of Lamborghinis in Beijing is pretty crazy. And you're right, it's the coastal manufacturing, but spend some time in the west and it's night and day. I recommend the train if you ever visit, it's world class and you can see the real countryside.
Max Barry
Kenneth. The population of China is five times that of the US. Becoming twice the size still means per capita income is very low.
And it doesn't have the chance to be.
Tador Efann
When an economy that can still grow at 6.5% is considered in crisis, what do you call the other economy that can grow at only 1-3%. This is what is considered a distorted reporting when Al Jazeera is infested with biased Western journalist .
The first thing you need to realize is that China's GDP number has been publicly acknowledged as dishonest by authorities. This is why the Premier Keqiang Li promoted his own index.
Tony Wu
You know 6.5% is fake, right?
China will pull through. They are very sensible people.
This is the effect of being Greedy.
i don't know if mexico is richer than brazil (article says that) let alone by a lot.
actually maybe china is smart to create a deficit, as they can no longer be plucked by being forced to buy other people's debts,
also i don't know if it worls ;like that for china. the corruption overhead in china is only a fraction of what it is in the west for example.
some 3-4% growth leads to a way more positive picture than in the crapitalist states.
William Murray
ROTFL, corruption overhead lower, lol
Max Barry
You got to be kidding. Have you ever done business in China or tries to business in China. Without corruption it will never happen. That is a way of life in China. Nothing like the West.
As to economics you are a dunce. China buys US bonds because they are a good stable investment. No one forces them or the hundreds of other countries that purchase US to buy those.
Are you jealous because you live in a country that no one wants to buy its bonds.
Cory Gudwin
"the corruption overhead in china is only a fraction of what it is in the west for example"
you clearly know zero about life in China
Stock brokers are saying the big world crash will be with in the next 3 years countries it will hit the hardest will be china and all those that depend on it like Australia,Canada,new Zealand ect who ride on china's back and 3rd world countries who china have been investing in big time.
And Yes the brokers will play a big part.
Cory Gudwin
you perpetual doom-and-gloom guys deserve to be poor and miserable
another China collapse preacher. earning his dinner by by writing aritcles that appeals to the China bashing demographics LOL
William Murray
It's saying that it could go either way depending on their leaders choices, but the slowdown part was a common consensus. Then again that's what you're trying to deflect from, but it's not us it's your fellow weibo users that you need to convince. I do have in interest in China staying economically strong but my interests don't mean anything.
Max Barry
So you are Chinese?
Mike Lin
I am - you got a problem?
Chinese are so well trained watch dogs... Barking and biting everywhere... until their masters cook them :`(
中国人真是被驯得很好的看门狗。。。到处乱吠。。。直到他们的主人拿他们下锅 :(
Cory Gudwin
you perpetual doom-and-gloom guys deserve to be poor and miserable
another China collapse preacher. earning his dinner by by writing aritcles that appeals to the China bashing demographics LOL
William Murray
It's saying that it could go either way depending on their leaders choices, but the slowdown part was a common consensus. Then again that's what you're trying to deflect from, but it's not us it's your fellow weibo users that you need to convince. I do have in interest in China staying economically strong but my interests don't mean anything.
Max Barry
So you are Chinese?
Mike Lin
I am - you got a problem?
Chinese are so well trained watch dogs... Barking and biting everywhere... until their masters cook them :`(
中国人真是被驯得很好的看门狗。。。到处乱吠。。。直到他们的主人拿他们下锅 :(