印度的数字革命正越发升温,然而至少有一类人却被有意隔绝在了这场革命之外;在印度的许多村庄里,女孩和年轻妇女是不允许使用手机的。班加罗尔:驻班加罗尔的日本领事Jyunichi Kawaue表示,出于对安全问题的忧虑,日本学生往往不会优先选择去印度留学,而是会去美国和澳大利亚接受英语课程。
Villages in India ban mobile phones for girls and youngwomen
There is at least one group deliberately being excluded fromIndia's growing digital revolution: girls and young women, who are banned fromusing mobile phones in a number of villages.
Several village councils or panchayats have banned the useof the phones by girls because male elders who rule the communities say theyare not good for females.
"Girls get spoiled and get involved in relationshipswith boys at a young age because they use phones," said a member of acouncil in a village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. "Thisfurther leads to crime against them. In our times, there were no such problems,but this technology has spoiled them and we needed to curb it."
The council has banned all mobile phone use by girls underthe age of 18. Their parents face fines for infractions cost or the girls haveto sweep the village roads.
The village of Suraj in Gujarat hasalso banned the use of mobiles phones by girls and single young women — unlessthey use their parents' phone to accept calls from relatives, reports theIndependent.
The village council declared technology a"nuisance," apparently particularly for females.
The council compared the use of mobile phones to drinkingalcohol, saying that the phones distracted girls from studies and housework.
"Alcohol consumption by men and cell phone use by womencreates a lot of disturbance in society," said Raikarnji Thakor, acommunity leader from north Gujarat.
“男人饮酒便和女人使用手机一样,会给社会带来骚乱。”来自北古吉拉特邦的村长拉卡吉·托卡尔(Raikarnji Thakor)说道。
Violators face fines of the equivalent of $30 (£21), andinformers get awards of $3 (£2).
Some villages have long banned mobile phone use by allwomen.
"Mobile phones are the cause of all evils in oursociety, including increasing love affairs and the incidents ofelopement," claimed the head of the council in the village of Bihar whenit passed such a ban in 2012.
India is notable for its generally high use of technologythat's largely confined to males. The massive nation has a billion phonesubscribers. But nearly 88% of rural internet users are male, while only 12%are female.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has beencampaigning for its Digital India initiative to connect more Indians who don'thave access to the Internet.
Many Japanese students scared tostudy in India: Consul
Bengaluru: Japanese students don't prefer pursuing educationin India due to security concerns; most opt for English courses in the US andAustralia, said Jyunichi Kawaue, consul and head of the consulate of Japan,Bengaluru.
班加罗尔:驻班加罗尔的日本领事Jyunichi Kawaue表示,出于对安全问题的忧虑,日本学生往往不会优先选择去印度留学,而是会去美国和澳大利亚接受英语课程。
Jyunichi was talking to reporters on Sunday afterinaugurating Japan Habba 2016, a cultural-exchange programme organized jointlyby the consulate of Japan and Bangalore University.
周日,在为日本领事馆和班加罗尔大学组织的Japan Habba 2016日印文化交流项目举行开幕典礼后,Jyunichi领事对记者说道。
He said after the rape incidents in India and attack onforeign students in Bengaluru, parents of Japanese students are scared to sendtheir children to India. Jyunichi said the recent incident of a leopardstraying into a school campus has also scared many. Only a small number ofJapanese students are studying in India. At the same time, "I know Indiais a safe country", he added.
KN Ninge Gowda, registrar (uation), BU, said it isimportant for foreign students to understand local culture. The university willsoon issue a circular to affiliated colleges to conduct a programme on Indianculture for foreign students at the beginning of every academic year. Theuniversity opened an international cell three months ago to deal with problemsfaced by foreign students.
班加罗尔大学的注册主管KN Ninge Gowda表示,对于外国学生来说很重要的一点就是理解当地文化。大学很快就会在每个学期伊始向各学院的外国学生发传单,介绍印度文化。大学也已在三个月前专门开辟了针对国际生的工作室,以解决外国学生所遇到的麻烦。
Karnataka has the highest number of foreign students in thecountry but many colleges are not maintaining details. There are around 14,000foreign students in the state, Gowda said.
Saranathan Lakshminarasimhan
NDA govt should learn from this
Security of foreign national students should be on toppriority of the state.
In Haryana, woman raped in ICU after delivering a baby
In a shocking incident a policeman's wife was allegedlyraped by an unidentified person, at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a privatehospital here on Saturday night.
The victim had delivered a baby and had been admitted in theICU when the alleged incident took place.
The CCTV footage shows a man getting down from a Verna caroutside the hospital, at around 3.30 am, and going straight to the ICU. He isalso seen leaving the hospital.
The accused was caught on CCTV cameras installed at thehospital but managed to escape after he realised the presence of the cameras.Police are conducting raids in Bahadurgarh and the neighbouring areas to nabhim.
Following the victim?s statement the police have registereda case under section 376 of IPC.
根据受害者的陈述,警方已经将此案登记在了IPC的Section 376。
The relatives of the victims have accused the negligence ofthe hospital authority, since no hospital staff was present in ICU when thisincident took place.